Re: [外電] Knicks’ New Commitment Under Woodson

看板Knicks作者時間12年前 (2012/03/19 21:44), 編輯推噓15(1505)
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※ 引述《lb00202549 ()》之銘言: : Knicks’ New Commitment Under Woodson Merely Temporary : By Steve Silverman, Yahoo! Contributor Network10 hours, 33 minutes ago : Here's what you have to realize if you are a New York Knicks fan. Your team : plays hard only when it wants to - and not on a game-in, game-out basis. : That should offend all Knicks fans. Whether Mike D'Antoni was a great coach : or a poor one, the Knicks owed it to themselves and the paying customers to : play with effort every night. 尼克球迷應該要瞭解到一點,這支球隊只有在心情好的時候才會努力打球, 這對尼克球迷來說,真的是非常沒禮貌,無論Mike D’Antoni是不是個好教練, 尼克球員前陣子的表現不僅對不起他們自己,更對不起那些每場比賽付錢來看他們 打好球的顧客們。 : It's easy to see that they were not giving it their all under D'Antoni : because of how well they have played under interim coach Mike Woodson. They : have won their first three games under Woodson and the difference seems to be : that all players are now committed defensively to the gameplan. Defense is : about effort and it was missing in the last month under D'Antoni. : D'Antoni may not have used the same kind of direct language that Woodson has : used, but he told them the same thing. The Knicks players just didn't like : his tone or attitude. 要看出尼克球員在D’Antoni體系下根本沒有拼盡全力,其實一點也不難, 看看他們現在在代理教練Woodson執教下打得有多好就知道了。 他們已經連續贏了3場比賽,和以往的最大不同之處, 就在於所有球員在防守端都能依據作戰計劃做好自己本份, 這是上個月在D’Antoni執教時看不到的。 林書豪,這個在二月份率領全隊場場都能拼戰到最後一刻,並掀起一陣林來瘋的英雄, 對於球隊在Woodson執教後的改變,如此表示道: 「在進攻端,我們比以往多了一些低位單打,但不是非常多。防守也沒什麼改變, 只是現在我們15個球員都願意全心投入,這是最大不同的地方。」 全心投入是沒錯,但問題是能持續多久。他們現在願意, 但在Mike D’Antoni執教下卻不願意;他們在林來瘋時期願意, 但在那之前也是愛做不做。 Woodson現在之所以受到球員愛戴,在於他很明確地指示球員們該做些什麼, 首要任務就是全力拼搶籃板球,尤其是保護防守籃板, 其次就是對持球者進行更多壓迫,以及嚴加看管對方的擋拆配合。 D’Antoni或許沒有像Woodson講得這麼明確,但肯定也說過類似的話, 但尼克球員就是無法接受他的口氣或態度 : So how long does it last during the Woodson regime? Another week? Ten days? : It will end sooner or later because this team has its own agenda. And the : Knicks defensive "commitment" does not have the feel of permanence. : Of course, the Knicks players have all heard the rumors. That next year, a : big name could be coming out of retirement to coach them. A big name who once : wore Knicks uniform and coach Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe : Bryant. Phil Jackson may want to end his coaching career on the Knicks : sidelines. It's just a rumor at this time. But if Jackson came to the Knicks, : he would understand how to get his message across to his players. : Reference: : New York Daily News - NY Knicks putting out effort under interim coach Mike : Woodson that was missing under former coach Mike D'Antoni : 所以我們不禁要問,尼克隊現在的表現能持續多久?再一個禮拜?再10天? 我相信尼克遲早會被打回原形,因為這支球隊的自主意識相當強, 他們在防守端很難持續保持這樣的投入程度。 當然,尼克球員也都聽到那些謠傳了, 明年球季可能會有個大人物重新出山擔任他們的總教練,那個人曾經效力於尼克, 並帶領過Michael Jordan、Shaquille O’Neal及Kobe Bryant, 雖然現在還僅止於謠言階段,Phil Jackson似乎有意願在尼克結束他的執教生涯, 假使他真的來到這裡,他絕對知道怎麼樣才讓球員們服服貼貼。 --------- Yahoo有這篇的譯文報導 標題 : 尼克只是曇花一現罷了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/19 21:46, , 1F
XDXD 心情好的時候才會打球
03/19 21:46, 1F

03/19 21:47, , 2F
03/19 21:47, 2F

03/19 21:47, , 3F
03/19 21:47, 3F

03/19 21:48, , 4F
03/19 21:48, 4F

03/19 21:50, , 5F
03/19 21:50, 5F

03/19 21:50, , 6F
03/19 21:50, 6F

03/19 21:50, , 7F
03/19 21:50, 7F

03/19 21:54, , 8F
03/19 21:54, 8F

03/19 21:54, , 9F
03/19 21:54, 9F

03/19 21:55, , 10F
03/19 21:55, 10F

03/19 21:59, , 11F
尼克會是個誘因 看禪師還有沒有熱忱吧 都11冠了...
03/19 21:59, 11F

03/19 22:01, , 12F
哀也沒錯 同意這篇
03/19 22:01, 12F

03/19 22:04, , 13F
其實不是很擔心 拳王跟JJ在場上的防守感染力很強
03/19 22:04, 13F

03/19 22:19, , 14F
03/19 22:19, 14F

03/19 22:27, , 15F
Melo: 沒問題啊啊啊啊啊
03/19 22:27, 15F

03/19 22:28, , 16F
那張圖還真的 XDDD
03/19 22:28, 16F

03/19 22:32, , 17F
I totally agree!!!不能看心情打球啊 一點職業道德都沒有
03/19 22:32, 17F

03/19 22:41, , 18F
謝謝翻譯 希望現在的尼克可以保持啊
03/19 22:41, 18F

03/19 23:35, , 19F
03/19 23:35, 19F

03/19 23:36, , 20F
03/19 23:36, 20F
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