Re: [情報] Murray初步聽證會進度

看板KingofPop作者 (很難想)時間13年前 (2011/01/05 14:42), 編輯推噓2(201)
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這篇是有整理過比較完整的新聞稿 (4-1-2011) Kenny Ortega, tour director for Michael Jackson, told a judge Tuesday that he clashed with Jackson's doctor and others over the superstar's health just six days before he died. MJ的TII巡演導演Kenny Ortega在週二的聽證會告訴法官 他在MJ死前六天和MJ的醫生和 其他人員討論過MJ的健康問題 Ortega, who was the last person to work with Jackson, testified that he was summoned to Jackson's home a day after letting the entertainer skip rehearsal because he was sick. KO的證詞表示 他在讓MJ因病回家休息之後的隔天被叫到MJ的家裡 Dr. Conrad Murray suggested Jackson should not have been sent home because he was physically and emotionally fine, Ortega testified, adding he was told by Murray not to try to be Jackson's doctor or psychiatrist. Murray當時表示MJ不該被送回家 因為MJ的身體和心裡都很好 KO表示Murray告訴他 他不該自認為是MJ的醫生或心理醫師 The testimony came during the preliminary hearing to determine if Murray, the singer's personal physician, will be tried on a charge of involuntary manslaughter. 這個聽證會事關於Murray是否會被指控過失殺人 Authorities contend Murray gave Jackson a lethal dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol and other sedatives in the bedroom of his rented mansion before he died on June 25, 2009. 控方表示在MJ的家中 於MJ死前 Murray給了MJ致死劑量的Propofol還有其他麻醉藥劑 In his opening statement, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said that Jackson was already dead when Murray summoned help and tried to conceal his administering of propofol to the pop star, ordering a bodyguard to collect items into a bag before paramedics were called. 在聲明中 檢察官表示 MJ在Murray請求幫忙前就已經死了 並且他嘗試掩蓋使用Propofol 的證據 他要求保鏢在救護人員到來前 蒐集相關證物放入一個袋子中 Ortega, who testified that Jackson had gone home early from rehearsals on June 19th, said of the incident, "He didn't look well at all. Michael was chilled and soft-spoken. He wasn't in the kind of condition to be at rehearsal." KO作證表示 6/19號MJ在彩排中提早回家 他說MJ看起來一點都不好 MJ發冷和講話微弱 完全不是彩排時該有的狀態 He went on to describe Jackson as appearing lost. "It was scary. I couldn't put my finger on it," Ortega said. "I said, 'Michael, is this the best place for you to be or do you want to go home and be with your family?' He said, 'Would you be OK with that?' I said, 'OK,' and he left." KO並且描述MJ似乎迷失了 他說這很嚇人 KO說 麥可這是你該待的地方嗎? 還是你想要回家 跟你的家人在一起 MJ問他:這樣你沒關係嗎? KO說我說可以 然後MJ就離開了 The next morning, Ortega said, he was summoned to Jackson's home for a meeting where he was confronted by Murray, Jackson, the star's manager Frank DiLeo, and Randy Phillips, head of AEG, the company producing Jackson's "This is It" tour. 第二天早上 KO說他被叫到MJ的家裡開會 被Murray, Frank DiLeo和Randy Phillips質問 "It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me," Ortega said. "Dr. Murray was upset that I had sent Michael home the night before and didn't allow him to rehearse." KO表示 很快的他就了解這個會議是為了他招開的 他說Murray對於他不讓MJ彩排而把MJ送 回家感到很生氣 When asked by the prosecutor what his reaction was, Ortega said he replied that, "In my opinion, Michael was not healthy enough to be on stage, and it could endanger him. I said it was Michael's choice to go home." 檢方問到他的反應是什麼? KO說 在我的看法 MJ不夠健康到上台 這會危害到他 KO說 他表示是MJ選擇要回家的 Ortega went on to say that there were no further problems after that, calling rehersals on both June 23rd and 24th "fabulous" with Jackson wowing his back-up dancers with his moves. KO說在那之後就沒碰過什麼問題 並且表示23 24號的彩排棒極了 讓MJ所有的伴舞都震驚 於MJ的舞蹈動作 "It was like the Michael we all knew. He was in a delightful mood and we had a great day." KO說 那就像是我們以前認識的麥可 他心情很開心 我們有一個很棒的一天 (怎麼有種迴光返照的感覺 Q Q) During cross-examination, defense attorney Ed Chernoff asked Ortega if he had ever seen anyone having withdrawals from drugs, and the witness said he had not. Chernoff did not elaborate. 在交叉詢問中 辯方律師問KO是否有看過有人在戒除藥癮的情形 KO表示沒有 Another witness, Jackson's personal assistant Michael Amir Williams, described Murray calling him on the day Jackson died and frantically asking him to get help from bodyguards for Jackson, who was in the bedroom. 另一個證人是MJ的私人助理 他表示Murray在MJ死亡那天叫他去找保鑣幫忙 Murray told him the singer had a "bad reaction" and that immediate help was needed, but didn't ask him to call 911, Williams said. Murray說MJ有不好的反應 需要即刻的幫助 但並沒有要求他打911 Williams went on to describe the chaotic scene at the mansion and hospital and recalled the heartbreaking moment when DiLeo told Jackson's children their father was dead. Williams said he and Murray and everyone else were crying. 他描述了再MJ家中混亂的一天 和醫院的情景 並且回憶當DiLeo告訴MJ的孩子他們父親 已經去世的心碎時刻 他說每個人包括Murray都在哭 Faheem Muhammad, one of Jackson's bodyguards, testified that two of Jackson's children, Prince, then 12, and Paris, who was 11, watched as Murray frantically tried to revive him. MJ的一個保鑣作證 MJ的兩個孩子 當時12歲的Prince和11歲的Paris看著Murray瘋狂的 試圖救MJ (oh no~~ 小孩真可憐) "I realized we needed to get them out of the situation," he said, stating that he eventually escorted the children out of the room. 他說 我後來明白我們必須把他們帶出那個地方 他說他後來護衛兩個小孩離開房間 Murray had been giving Jackson propofol six nights a week for roughly two months before his death, the prosecutor said in his opening statement. 檢方在聽證會開頭的聲明表示 Murray每個禮拜有六個晚上為MJ注射Propofol 大概在MJ 去世前有兩個月之久 Walgren said he will rely on Murray's statements to police, as well as text messages, phone records and expert testimony to show the doctor should stand trial. 檢方表示他會憑藉著Murray對警方的證詞 還有簡訊 電話紀錄 以及專家的證詞 證明 這個醫生需要經過審判 He said evidence will show Murray waited at least 21 minutes before calling 911 and ordered a bodyguard to help him clean up evidence before summoning help. In the most favorable scenario, Walgren said, Murray waited at least nine minutes before calling paramedics. 檢方說 證據會顯示Murray至少等了21分鐘才打911 並且在他要求幫忙之前 先叫保鑣來幫他清理證據 最起碼的是Murray等了至少9分鐘才打給急救人員 Walgren also plans to call several experts whom he said would testify, "there are a number of actions displayed by Dr. Murray that show an extreme deviation from the standard of care." 檢方並且打算傳喚數個願意做證的專家證明Murray對於標準的照顧措施有了極大的偏差 Source: MJFC / AP -- In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. ~~~~By Michael Jackson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/05 16:39, , 1F
謝謝C大。最後一段有筆誤喔~ 是願意做證的"專家":P
01/05 16:39, 1F
※ 編輯: ChesterB 來自: (01/05 17:02)

01/05 23:34, , 2F
馬的 我真的越看越生氣 2個小孩子真的很可憐
01/05 23:34, 2F

01/06 00:57, , 3F
01/06 00:57, 3F
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