
看板KingofPop作者 (KIKI)時間15年前 (2009/07/08 21:57), 編輯推噓24(2408)
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一邊翻一邊淚... (昨天用聽的沒聽太仔細..今天用心看..真是夠傷心的) TAT..心臟很痛 -------------- 翻譯如有錯誤的地方請指正~~ By Kiki --------------- I hurt. I stand; I stand here trying to find words of comfort and solace, trying to understand why the Lord has taken our brother to return home from such a short visit here on Earth. 我傷得很重。但,我站了起來。 我站在這裡,試圖找出一些能安慰人的話語。 並試著理解,為何上帝,要這麼快就將我們才短暫造訪地球的兄弟帶回家。 Michael, when you left us, a part of me went with you. And a part of you will live forever within me, but also a part of you will live forever within all of us. 麥可, 當你離開我們時,你同時也帶走了一部分的我。 然而,一部分的你,會永遠活在我的心中; 另外一部分的你,也會永遠存在每個人的心中。 Michael, I will treasure the good times, the fun we had, singing, dancing, laughing. I can remember when we used to come home from school and we would grab a quick bite to eat and we tried to watch the "Three Stooges" as much of it as possible before mother would come in and say, it's time to go to the recording studio. 麥可, 我會珍惜那些美好的時光的──那些我們一起有過的趣事, 唱歌、跳舞,以及開懷的大笑。 我還記得,我們是如何在從學校回來的途中,狼吞虎嚥地吃零食。 還有在媽媽走進房間說"該去錄音室了"之前,努力地抓緊時間看"活寶三人組"的喜劇。 I also, Michael, remember a time when I went into the record store and there was this man purchasing a lot of C.D.s. And he would go and grab another batch of C.D.s. He was an older gentleman. He had short afro, but crooked teeth, and his clothes were rumpled. I walked up behind him and said, "Michael, what are you doing in this store?" 麥可,我也記得, 曾經有一次,我走進一家唱片店,發現那裡有個男人買了一堆的CD,甚至還打算再去拿另外一大疊的CD。 那個男人是個老紳士。他頂著黑人爆炸式的短髮,但牙齒彎曲,且衣服皺巴巴。 我走到他的後方,說:"麥可,你在這家店裡做什麼?" He turned to me and said, "Marlon, how did you know it was me?" I told him, "You're my brother. I can spot you anywhere, regardless of your makeup. I know your walk. I know your body language. And those shoes did not help." 他轉過身說,"馬龍!你怎麼知道是我?" 我告訴他,"你是我的兄弟。我在任何地方都認得出你,就算你做了化妝也一樣。 我知道你走路的方式。我認得你的肢體語言。而且,你的鞋子出賣了你。" Michael wore the same shoes wherever we went. 麥可不管到哪都穿著同樣一雙鞋。 But I guess that was his way of trying to experience what we take for granted. We would never, never understand what he endured, not being able to walk across the street without a crowd gathering around him. Being judged, ridiculed, how much pain can one take. 我猜,這是他在試圖去體驗那些,我們所視為"理所當然的事物"的一種方式。 我們永遠都不可能了解,他所承受的一切── 他甚至無法安然走過一條街,因為人群總是會圍到他身邊。 被評論,被嘲笑……一個人能承載多少痛苦? Maybe now, Michael, they will leave you alone. 麥可,也許現在,他們再也無法傷害你了。 Michael, Michael was the voice of our angelic trumpets, and he will continue to be the voice, that angelic voice in heaven, nearest to our Creator and waiting on us when our day comes to pass. Michael, I love you. I will miss when we said our goodbyes. I will hug you and I say I love you. And your response was, "I love you more." 麥可, 麥可是天使般的小號所吹奏出的天籟,他永遠都會是那天使般的聲音。 在最接近造物主的天堂裡,他會等待著我們,直到我們最終離世的哪一刻。 麥可,我愛你。 我想念我們互道"再見", 然後我能夠抱住你,告訴你"我愛你",並聽見你回答"我更愛你"的日子。 You know, the Lord has a purpose for everything. And sometimes we just can't see it or understand it but it will be made clear to us when we reach that ultimate, ultimate reward of being in his presence. And, Michael, you are there. You are right there. You have finished your work here on earth. And the Lord has called for you to come home with him. 你們知道,上帝做的每件事,都是有目的的。 只是有些時候,我們無法看清它的意義。 但最終,當我們終於來到祂面前時,一切都將會明瞭的。 而麥可,那時,你就會在那裡。 你會在那兒陪伴我們。 你已經完成了你在地球的工作。 所以上帝把你召喚回家去陪伴祂了。 So I thank you, Michael. I thank you for all the smiles that you've placed in many people's hearts and I thank you for everything that you've done for others across this globe in the Lord's name. And I have one request, Michael -- one request. I would like for you to give our brother, my twin brother, Brandon, a hug for me. I love you, Michael. I'll miss you. 所以,謝謝你,麥可。 謝謝你在許多人心中種下的笑容。 謝謝你用上帝的名義,為這個星球所做的一切。 麥可,我只有一個請求──就這麼一個。 請你替我,給我們的兄弟──我的雙胞胎弟弟布蘭登,一個大大的擁抱。 麥可,我想念你。 ---------------- 最後提到的布蘭登.是JACKSON家族中一出生就上天堂的小嬰兒....QAQ... 我是翻譯時..去wiki查才知道有這個孩子的 ---------------- 對了~請問一下~誰可以分享給我Brooke Shields的英文講稿呢??~感謝>A< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/08 22:00, , 1F
07/08 22:00, 1F

07/08 22:02, , 2F
推~~ 泣泣泣
07/08 22:02, 2F

07/08 22:04, , 3F
07/08 22:04, 3F

07/08 22:04, , 4F
我昨天聽也覺得Marlon講得很感人 尤其是他說麥可喬裝被
07/08 22:04, 4F

07/08 22:06, , 5F
他一眼識破 還有最後要麥可給他的twin bro一個擁抱
07/08 22:06, 5F

07/08 22:07, , 6F
07/08 22:07, 6F

07/08 22:09, , 7F
07/08 22:09, 7F

07/08 22:10, , 8F
Brooke Shields的翻譯在4114
07/08 22:10, 8F

07/08 22:11, , 9F
07/08 22:11, 9F

07/08 22:12, , 10F
so touching...i just can't help crying
07/08 22:12, 10F

07/08 22:18, , 11F
07/08 22:18, 11F

07/08 22:20, , 12F
07/08 22:20, 12F

07/08 22:22, , 13F
07/08 22:22, 13F

07/08 22:22, , 14F
太感動了 又有淚水湧上
07/08 22:22, 14F

07/08 22:23, , 15F
07/08 22:23, 15F

07/08 22:32, , 16F
07/08 22:32, 16F

07/08 22:32, , 17F
07/08 22:32, 17F

07/08 22:35, , 18F
07/08 22:35, 18F

07/08 22:45, , 19F
好棒~想哭 MIKE解脫了
07/08 22:45, 19F

07/08 23:18, , 20F
07/08 23:18, 20F

07/08 23:29, , 21F
我看到這段也超感動的 果然還是家人講的話最打動人心
07/08 23:29, 21F

07/08 23:29, , 22F
小Paris所講的話 真是令人不捨...
07/08 23:29, 22F

07/08 23:35, , 23F
07/08 23:35, 23F

07/09 00:04, , 24F
好感動也好難過也不懂上帝的安排... 謝謝翻譯
07/09 00:04, 24F

07/09 01:59, , 25F
07/09 01:59, 25F

07/09 02:00, , 26F
好感動 感謝你 I LOVE YOU
07/09 02:00, 26F

07/09 09:09, , 27F
T_T 謝謝你
07/09 09:09, 27F

07/09 09:49, , 28F
07/09 09:49, 28F

07/09 09:54, , 29F
07/09 09:54, 29F

07/09 19:27, , 30F
07/09 19:27, 30F

07/10 17:43, , 31F
07/10 17:43, 31F

03/02 02:52, , 32F
03/02 02:52, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1ALAM_2D (KingofPop)
文章代碼(AID): #1ALAM_2D (KingofPop)