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看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (赤いの靈)時間11年前 (2013/10/31 15:11), 編輯推噓25(26120)
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Houston Rockets: Jeremy Lin’s Benching Makes Team Better, and Gives Him a Chance at the Sixth Man of the Year Award 讓林從板凳出發會讓火箭變得更好 也讓他有機會拿到最佳第六人 Link: http://0rz.tw/hm8a2 In a not-so-shocking revelation, it turns out that Jeremy Lin will be coming off the bench in the Houston Rockets' first regular-season game, according to CSNHouston.com. 在不意外的狀況下, 小林變板凳了 Kevin McHale has elected to go with Patrick Beverley at point guard October 30 against the Charlotte Bobcats, which immediately makes Lin a candidate for the Sixth Man of the Year Award. 冰箱決定讓PB當先發, 也就是說林直接成為最佳第六人的候選人 Throughout the summer and fall, I was steadfast in my belief that the Rockets would be better off bringing Lin, a defensive liability who had trouble meshing with Rockets star James Harden last season, off the bench. Now, Lin coming off the bench is not just a guess, projection, or wishful thinking -- it's a reality. 從夏天開始, 我就認為林, 防守上的負擔並且在上季無法跟鬍子融合, 最適合 從板凳出發. 現在, 板凳已經不適猜測, 預估, 幻想, 而是真實 Did Kevin McHale make the right move? Of course he did. With Beverley starting, the Rockets' starting lineup will be significantly better defensively, and pretty much the same offensively. Beverley isn't an offensive powerhouse by any means, but he is better in catch-and-shoot situations than Lin, which is something that's increasingly important for the new-look Rockets, who will need ample space for their newest superstar, Dwight Howard, to operate in the post. 冰箱做得決定正確嗎? 當然. PB先發可以讓先發組在保持現有火力下得到防守升級 PB完全不是進攻的兵工廠, 但是他C&S比林好. 這在新火箭體制下是越來越重要的技能 因為當DH在藍下時, 需要廣大的空間. The two most important things to remember about Lin's benching is that it will have a positive impact on Houston, and that it doesn't mean that Patrick Beverley is "better" than Lin. With Lin leading the second unit, the Rockets will boast one of the most offensively dynamic benches in the NBA. Lin will thrive in his new role as sixth man, and there's no doubt in my mind that he'll be a candidate for Sixth Man of the Year. 在林板凳這事情上有兩件事要記住. 1. 對火箭有正面的衝擊 2. 這不是說PB比林好, 完全不是. 而是當林帶領第二組時, 火箭將會有 NBA中火力最強大的第二軍 林會在第六人上發光發熱, 而且在我心中完全沒有疑問林將會是 最佳第六人的候選人 In the 2011-12 season, Harden won the Sixth Man of the Year Award while playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder. Despite being the third overall pick by Oklahoma City in 2009, Harden started just seven games in three years for the Thunder, who chose to start a defensive-minded wing in Thabo Sefolosha at the 2. Was Sefolosha a "better" player than Harden? Of course not. Harden's role as the leader of the second unit was instrumental in helping the Thunder make it to the NBA Finals in 2012, which justified Scott Brooks' decision. 在11~12球季, 鬍子拿下最佳第六人 儘管他是雷霆隊的選秀第三順位. Brooks 教練還是讓防守組沙發當先發 沙發比鬍子好嗎? 當然不是. 但是鬍子當第六人帶領第二組其結果是雷霆打進冠軍賽 這也是說Brooks 教練做了正確決定 Obviously, Lin is nowhere near as talented of a player as Harden (despite what some misguided individuals may have convinced themselves), but he definitely can make a run for Sixth Man of the Year. Six of the last seven players who have won the Sixth Man of the Year Award were guards, which bodes well for Lin. I project that Lin will still get heavy minutes, and although it might be hard for him to match the 32.1 minutes per game he averaged last season, 28 minutes a night still sounds within the realm of possibility. 當然啦, 林不像鬍子這麼有天分 (儘管有些被誤導的人這麼相信著) 但林絕對可以競爭今年的最佳第六人 這幾年來, 七個當選人中有六個是後衛 也就是說林是相當有機會的 我預測林還是會有很多上場時間, 雖然可能無法達到 32.1 mpg 但很有機會達到 28 mpg In sports, we have a lot of close-minded thinking. We label things "good" or "bad" and we believe wholeheartedly that we're correct. While Lin's benching will certainly drive some Lin enthusiasts crazy, the truth is that the move was a no-brainer. 在運動上, 我們思想是很封閉的, 我們標上 good, bad 標籤 然後我們認為我們標的是絕對的 讓林從板凳出發會讓很多Lin enthusiasts (請恕我不願意直翻這個) 發瘋 但事實上這個決定是 no-brainer (連想都不用去想) Who would you rather have running a loaded second unit: a defense-first floor general like Patrick Beverley or a dynamic offensive force like Lin, who blends the skill set of a 1 and a 2 (just like Jason Terry and Jamal Crawford, who both have Sixth Man of the Year Awards in their trophy cases)? I'll take Lin, and apparently, so will Kevin McHale. 你要讓誰帶領火力強大的第二組? PB - 一個防守至上的將軍 還是 Lin - 擁有1號,2號的身手 (像Jason Terry, Jamal Crawford, 兩個都拿到最佳第六人) 我選擇林, 顯然冰箱也是這麼選擇 The bottom line is that Lin will have a fantastic season as the Rockets' sixth man, and that he'll offensive prowess will be magnified against opposing second units. Expect Lin to look fantastic as the first guy off the Rockets bench, and also expect him to still get some late-game minutes alongside Harden, especially when he has the hot hand. 結論就是, 林將會在第六人上有一個非常棒的球技 而且他的攻擊能力會在第二組中解放 把林當作板凳的第一把交椅吧 而且林絕對會在第四節關鍵時刻跟鬍子一起上場 尤其他手感火燙的時候 這兩篇就是純粹翻譯, 不放感想了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/31 15:16, , 1F
10/31 15:16, 1F

10/31 15:18, , 2F
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10/31 15:19, , 5F
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10/31 15:19, , 6F
如果沒有那麼多上場時間 那麼多球權 那就kerkerekr了
10/31 15:19, 6F

10/31 15:19, , 7F
let's wait and see
10/31 15:19, 7F

10/31 15:19, , 8F
毆毆等手感不佳又打不到28分 就不會這樣說囉
10/31 15:19, 8F

10/31 15:19, , 9F
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10/31 15:22, , 11F
10/31 15:22, 11F

10/31 15:22, , 12F
麥教練: 你們第六人是在喊燒什麼啦 XDDDD
10/31 15:22, 12F

10/31 15:23, , 13F
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10/31 15:31, , 18F
第6人本來就搶分居多助攻隨緣 別再想用先發的打法了
10/31 15:31, 18F

10/31 15:53, , 19F
為什麼,要一直講第六人啊? 專門折返跑的第六人?
10/31 15:53, 19F

10/31 15:58, , 20F
10/31 15:58, 20F

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10/31 16:27, , 26F
今天是特別狀況 因為小貝受傷...還得繼續觀察
10/31 16:27, 26F

10/31 16:32, , 27F
10/31 16:32, 27F

10/31 16:57, , 28F
雖然老賈狀態很好 不過打30分鐘應該算超時工作了XD
10/31 16:57, 28F

10/31 16:58, , 29F
10/31 16:58, 29F

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10/31 18:28, , 40F
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10/31 19:17, , 41F
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10/31 20:44, , 42F
塗黑或是用日曬機曬黑 就會變成先發了
10/31 20:44, 42F

10/31 20:46, , 43F
10/31 20:46, 43F

10/31 22:43, , 44F
廢文,JH是多有天份? 體能球=天份?
10/31 22:43, 44F

10/31 23:53, , 45F
幫原PO推回來 樓上息怒 雖然我看到這兩篇也是想口丕
10/31 23:53, 45F

11/01 05:00, , 46F
11/01 05:00, 46F

11/01 14:48, , 47F
11/01 14:48, 47F
文章代碼(AID): #1ISWAVTZ (Jeremy_Lin)