[外絮] 火箭VS金塊 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/04/07 22:20), 編輯推噓61(61038)
留言99則, 47人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/rocky-mountain-low 心得: P版主都丟球了 我還能不趕快接嗎 XDDD QUOTES 我有話要說 KEVIN MCHALE 冰箱 Us throwing the ball to them was probably a bigger focal point. They had 32 points off our turnovers and 18 points off offensive boards. There’s no defense for throwing them the ball for layups – that’s very hard to overcome. 我們把球權就這樣雙手奉上,這就是今晚的致命傷 他們因為我們的失誤得到了32分,然後靠著進攻籃板搶下了18分 把球直接送到對方手裡後,我們完全無法擋下他們的上籃 這就是今晚一直沒有克服的點 We played very well (in the first quarter). Then Fournier and Brewer came in and just changed the whole dynamic. They started scrapping and double-teaming in the backcourt. We couldn’t push it and couldn’t move it and then it just snowballed. They’ve beaten us the same way every time. We throw them the ball quite a bit and they score. 我們打的不錯,不過就只有第一節,然後Fournier和Brewer跳出來改變了比賽 他們對我們的雙衛進行包夾,我們無法推進、無法流轉,頹勢便一發不可收拾 每次對上他們,我們都是同一種方式輸球,把球送到對方手上,看著他們得分 (那最好乖乖待在第七名,並祈禱雷霆跟馬刺守住前兩名 = =) JEREMY LIN 揪咪林 (know you want to push the pace every night, but would it perhaps behoove you to slow things down a bit against the Nuggets?) I think when you play a team like Denver who runs like we run, it has to be more wise. We definitely want to push the pace but I think there’s a way to push the pace conservatively so we don’t give them 20-to-50 points in transition. That’s what it seems like we’ ve been doing is giving them a lot of points in transition off of our turnovers. I think we can push the pace without being so loose with the ball. (我們知道你們每晚都試著把速度催到最大,但對上金塊的時候, 你認為是不是或許有必要把速度放慢一點?) 記者大哉問!!!(但怎麼不是問教練?XD) 我想,當你對上跟我們一樣喜歡打快速球風的球隊,像是金塊,你最好要打的聰明一些。 我們當然想繼續推快速度,但我們應該更謹慎一些,才不會給他們打出20~50分轉換快攻 我們因為失誤送給他們太多的分數,我想推進速度不是不行,但處理球千萬不能大意 (what’s the key to striking that balance?) I would just say making good plays. We’re not going to ever play a perfect game – that’s not what we expect – but to be able to push the ball up the floor and then get to our spots and play without throwing crazy passes or cross-court passes, or just things that we know they have length and a lot of taller wings. Just for us to be smarter with how we push it. Maybe less up-court passes and more pushing it with the point guard bringing the ball up the floor. (如何在打出快速球風與謹慎處理球之間取得平衡?) 我會說,就是把每個PLAY打好。我們沒有要打出一場完美的比賽,這不是我們期待的 但我們還是可以打出速度,找到我們的進攻點 然後不要做出太瘋狂的傳球或四分衛式的長傳前場 因為我們明明就知道對方有身高優勢,有一堆高個子的鋒線擋在那 所以當我們推進時,應該要更聰明一些, 或許減少一點直接把球送往前場的傳球,多由控球後衛把球帶過去,也是一種方式 (what happened in the second quarter?) They scored 38 and 39 points in the second quarter and we really just couldn’t get stops. We couldn’t get rebounds, they were hitting their threes, they pretty much broke it open in the second and third quarter and challenged us to play that pace for 48 minutes which we weren’t able to withstand. (第二節發生了什麼事?) 他們在第二節、第三節分別得了38、39分,而我們完全束手無策 我們搶不到籃板球,然後他們下起了三分雨 那兩節他們不斷強勢攻擊,然後整場比賽都讓我們在這種無力還擊的節奏下作戰 (any thoughts that this might be the team you’re facing in the postseason?) I think we’re confident and it doesn’t matter who we play. I think we’ve shown to ourselves that we can beat anybody in this league. That’s in no way a guarantee of anything but I’m just saying going in, whoever we face, we feel we ’ll be just fine with what we have in this locker room. (這支球隊有可能是你們季後賽會遇到的對手,有何想法?) 我想,不管面對的對手將會是誰,我們都有信心 畢竟我們已經對自己展現過,在這個聯盟,沒有我們不能打敗的對手 這不是在擔保些什麼,而是不管對上誰,都應該有這樣的決心全力以赴 雖然今天在丹佛慘敗,但我們會沒事的 JAMES HARDEN 鬍子 (if you face Denver in the playoffs, is there value in having gone through this?) Definitely. They move the ball very well, they do a good job of getting a lot of paint points and using that to their advantage and that’s how they get open threes. We lost to them four times but each time we learned something from them. (如果你們在季後賽遭遇丹佛,這場比賽應該有所幫助吧?) 當然,他們傳導球的本事非常好、在禁區掌握了優勢,所以打開了三分線的空檔 我們本季輸給他們四次,但每次我們都有學到一些東西 (know you want to push the pace every night, but would it perhaps behoove you to slow things down a bit against the Nuggets?) No. That’s our pace, we just got tired. We ran out of gas and you could see it little bit. But that’s how we like to play. That’s what’s gotten us to this point. We just didn’t make shots, we were sluggish a little bit. The first quarter we came out with a lot of energy and the second quarter was kind of just the total opposite and that’ s what got them going and their crowd into it; they started making shots and getting dunks and things like that. (我們知道你們每晚都試著把速度催到最大,但對上金塊的時候, 你認為是不是或許有必要把速度放慢一點?) 問一樣的問題,有意思 XD 不,那就是我們的節奏,我們只是有點累了,我想你可以看的出來 但這是我們喜歡的打法,這種打法帶我們一路打到今天這個地步 我們只是一下投不進球,打的有點懶散, 第一節我們打的還不錯,活力十足,只是第二節一下子風雲變色, 被他們還有滿場興奮的丹佛球迷接管了戰局 (feeling okay?) Oh yeah, I’m good. It was just one of those nights. (還OK嗎?) 當然,我很好,這只不過是一場比賽 (這問法是跟鬍子很熟喔 XDDDD) (on breaking Moses Malone’s free throw record for most made in a season) It’s a good individual accomplishment. I’ll probably think about it toward the end of my career, but as of now I’m just trying to go out there and compete and try to do whatever it takes to help my teammates. I didn’t know. (打破了由摩西斯.馬龍創下單季投中最多罰球的紀錄) 這是不錯的個人成就,我球員生涯結束時一定會想起這件事 但現在,我只專注在如何打好每一場球,並且盡一切力量幫助我的隊友 JAMES ANDERSON 安德森 On the second quarter: “We let the momentum change from our end to theirs [Nuggets] and we let the crowd get into it, and that really affected the game a lot. It was totally the opposite, what we were doing they started doing. We kind of let it get out of hand.” (對於第二節比賽) 我們讓氣勢轉換到了對手那一邊,然後被滿場的觀眾影響了 這跟第一節完全是風雲變色,他們做到了一切我們才剛做完的事 On possibly facing Denver in the first round of the playoffs: “We definitely have to go back and look at the film and see what we are messing up on. Turnovers are a big key for us. Playing for us, I think we are averaging 20 something turnovers a game and they [Nuggets] turn it into points. If it happens to be [the Nuggets] in the first round we will definitely go back and learn from this game, and the past three.” (第一輪有可能遇到丹佛) 我們一定會回去好好看看今晚的錄影帶,看看我們是從哪裡開始搞砸的 失誤絕對是關鍵,我想我們大約有20次失誤,然後他們趁這個機會得分 如果第一輪真的對上他們,那今晚的比賽我們的確必須從中學到教訓 On transition defense: “I am definitely disappointed in that because we work on it every day. We know our principles, and we didn’t stick to it tonight.” (對於攻防轉換的防守) 我的確非常失望,因為我們每天都在努力這件事 我們知道該奉行的原則是什麼,只是今晚沒有做到 Denver Nuggets Head Coach George Karl 同場加映: 卡爾教頭 On scoring 132 points in tonight’s game: “I think we wore them out a little bit. They surprised us early with the three-ball and the free throw line got out of control early in the game. I thought they surprised us with how fast they played; I didn’t think our transition defense was very first-class early in the game. As the game wore on, we seemed to get control of the running. We were the running team. We created some turnovers with our active hands. 32 points is, I think, the season-high for points off of turnovers. I think they hit the wall. They hit the wall mid-third quarter. You have to give [Andre Iguodala] some credit. If we don’t foul [James] Harden, we have an incredible defensive game against him. In the second half, I thought we did a better job on [Jeremy] Lin and controlled him. I really think our defense has to stay more engaged and more consistent. In the beginning of the fourth quarter, the ball movement was spectacular and we made the three-ball. We played really good at both ends of the court.” (對於今晚得了132分) 今晚我們讓他們疲於奔命,比賽一開始,他們的三分雨和要犯規的能力 讓我們嚇出一身冷汗,他們的快速球風,也的確嚇了我們一跳 一開賽,我們對於攻防轉換的防守並沒有做到一等一 但隨著比賽的進行,我們逐漸接管了比賽,我們可是打快攻的高手 我們積極的防守製造他們不少失誤,靠著對手失誤得到32分,應該是我們本季新高 我想他們在第三節中段的撞牆期,有一部分必須歸功於小AI 如果我們不靠犯規就能擋下鬍子,那表示我們的防守非常成功 下半場開始,我們也針對揪咪林加強防守,試著控制住他 (後面誇獎自己球隊恕刪 XD) On team’s that try to play fast against the Nuggets: “Houston is the only team in the league that has a better pace than we have but again, I think we create more defensive offense. Early in the game, they were packed in pretty tight. Our offense was okay but it wasn’t very good and the defense wasn’t going to slow down. I think they have had a good year playing a lot like we play and I think a lot of reason as to why they’ve have a good year, is because [James] Harden is a hell of a good player. They play faster than most teams; their outlets are really quick. They inbound the ball really well.” (對於火箭想靠著快攻對付你們) 休士頓是NBA唯一一支速度比我們快的球隊 但我們經由防守製造了更多攻擊的機會 比賽一開賽,他們的確很有威脅性,我們的攻擊OK但不是很理想,防守也沒有絆住他們 我想今年他們相當成功,球風也跟我們很相似 我想,有很多理由可以說明他們何以打出成功的球季,像是: 有著鬍子這個鬼神般的球員、他們比NBA任何一支球隊都快、他們長傳前場非常快速 甚至他們的邊線球也發的不錯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/07 22:22, , 1F
應該要頒獎優質翻譯機的 (無誤)
04/07 22:22, 1F

04/07 22:22, , 2F
04/07 22:22, 2F

04/07 22:25, , 3F
04/07 22:25, 3F

04/07 22:26, , 4F
04/07 22:26, 4F

04/07 22:26, , 5F
04/07 22:26, 5F

04/07 22:28, , 6F
本來只是翻興趣的 結果沒想到一翻成主顧(?)
04/07 22:28, 6F

04/07 22:28, , 7F
有時候因為時間關係 可能無法翻譯或是要晚點翻 請大家包涵
04/07 22:28, 7F

04/07 22:29, , 8F
04/07 22:29, 8F

04/07 22:29, , 9F
04/07 22:29, 9F

04/07 22:29, , 10F
04/07 22:29, 10F

04/07 22:30, , 11F
04/07 22:30, 11F

04/07 22:31, , 12F
感謝翻譯! Lin第2題的回答 好像是冰箱會說的XDDDD 但 我挺
04/07 22:31, 12F

04/07 22:31, , 13F
04/07 22:31, 13F

04/07 22:31, , 14F
04/07 22:31, 14F

04/07 22:33, , 15F
04/07 22:33, 15F

04/07 22:33, , 16F
04/07 22:33, 16F

04/07 22:35, , 17F
N大 我覺得LIN是說就對金塊而言啦 畢竟對手人高手長...
04/07 22:35, 17F

04/07 22:35, , 18F
長傳不易達陣... XD
04/07 22:35, 18F

04/07 22:37, , 19F
得證→ 推 bluesunflowe:翻譯太長的不是彼得大會翻嗎??XD
04/07 22:37, 19F

04/07 22:37, , 20F
04/07 22:37, 20F

04/07 22:37, , 21F
04/07 22:37, 21F

04/07 22:39, , 22F
接的好 感謝翻譯姬
04/07 22:39, 22F

04/07 22:39, , 23F
04/07 22:39, 23F

04/07 22:40, , 24F
Thanks a lot
04/07 22:40, 24F

04/07 22:46, , 25F
推優質翻譯機 感謝都來不及了~
04/07 22:46, 25F

04/07 22:47, , 26F
04/07 22:47, 26F

04/07 22:51, , 27F
阿~~~~~~~~~我被爆料惹........( ̄□ ̄|||)a
04/07 22:51, 27F

04/07 22:52, , 28F
B大那是在說啥啊 XDDDDD
04/07 22:52, 28F

04/07 22:53, , 29F
04/07 22:53, 29F

04/07 22:53, , 30F
04/07 22:53, 30F

04/07 22:54, , 31F
翻譯是辛苦活~感謝都來不及了怎麼會嫌慢 peter大辛苦惹!
04/07 22:54, 31F

04/07 22:55, , 32F
04/07 22:55, 32F

04/07 22:55, , 33F
04/07 22:55, 33F

04/07 22:57, , 34F
P大+1 長傳要看對手..金塊退防超快又人高手長...
04/07 22:57, 34F

04/07 23:00, , 35F
誰敢嫌慢的????踹共!!!!!!!!!!! (降我白了嗎??
04/07 23:00, 35F

04/07 23:02, , 36F
04/07 23:02, 36F

04/07 23:06, , 37F
你是指快攻得分嗎? 火箭是第二名 而第一名就是 金塊
04/07 23:06, 37F

04/07 23:07, , 38F
然後人家防守也贏火箭一大截 QQ
04/07 23:07, 38F

04/07 23:15, , 39F
04/07 23:15, 39F
還有 21 則推文
04/07 23:35, , 61F
其實還有內線的差距 半獸人跟麥基加幾隻高塔 有點猛
04/07 23:35, 61F

04/07 23:37, , 62F
我們家的小孩都是溫馴的乖寶寶 ( ′-`)y-~
04/07 23:37, 62F

04/07 23:38, , 63F
04/07 23:38, 63F

04/07 23:39, , 64F
http://goo.gl/I6Heg pace計算方法是48分鐘平均球權
04/07 23:39, 64F

04/07 23:41, , 65F
這份資料火箭每場98.8次最多 金塊第二是97.3次
04/07 23:41, 65F

04/07 23:48, , 66F
內線短期補起來最快就是有經驗PF買進一兩位 不然有的練
04/07 23:48, 66F

04/08 00:06, , 67F
04/08 00:06, 67F

04/08 00:07, , 68F
微薄紅包 謝謝您長期翻譯!
04/08 00:07, 68F

04/08 00:08, , 69F
4p大我收到了 謝謝你耶 你客氣了<(_ _)>
04/08 00:08, 69F

04/08 00:26, , 70F
04/08 00:26, 70F

04/08 00:28, , 71F
謝謝派翠克大的紅包 大家人真好 P幣留著幫季後賽集氣
04/08 00:28, 71F

04/08 00:29, , 72F
要是有人要開集氣文 我可以贊助 :) 雖然錢少少 哈哈
04/08 00:29, 72F

04/08 00:29, , 73F
反正用在板上賭盤也是給人 倒不如來獎勵優文作者XD
04/08 00:29, 73F

04/08 00:34, , 74F
推彼得大翻譯~~!! 季後賽也一起拜託了!XD
04/08 00:34, 74F

04/08 00:39, , 75F
OK啦 反正我每次也只翻林跟其他人 冰箱都是用貼的(咦?)
04/08 00:39, 75F

04/08 00:40, , 76F
04/08 00:40, 76F

04/08 00:42, , 77F
04/08 00:42, 77F

04/08 00:42, , 78F
其實季後賽就放輕鬆看了 假使能順利進的話
04/08 00:42, 78F

04/08 00:43, , 79F
04/08 00:43, 79F
※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (04/08 00:43)

04/08 00:44, , 80F
現在這個態勢掉出季後賽之外 應該會嚇掉我半條老命
04/08 00:44, 80F

04/08 00:44, , 81F
不過能多看幾場火箭 我會很開心的
04/08 00:44, 81F

04/08 00:44, , 82F
我也很怕會砸鍋 不過好在主場還有三場 安心了一點
04/08 00:44, 82F

04/08 01:08, , 83F
季後賽還是別遇到金塊吧 這隊形真的被剋死
04/08 01:08, 83F

04/08 01:09, , 84F
04/08 01:09, 84F

04/08 01:09, , 85F
短期內要打贏金塊 除非球隊狀況調的非常好 重點是要回HOU
04/08 01:09, 85F

04/08 01:11, , 86F
04/08 01:11, 86F

04/08 04:06, , 87F
04/08 04:06, 87F

04/08 04:06, , 88F
04/08 04:06, 88F

04/08 07:30, , 89F
Karl真會說話 好人
04/08 07:30, 89F

04/08 07:59, , 90F
04/08 07:59, 90F

04/08 08:34, , 91F
冰箱這次講的沒什麼問題啊= =
04/08 08:34, 91F

04/08 08:36, , 92F
04/08 08:36, 92F

04/08 09:36, , 93F
推 謝謝peter!
04/08 09:36, 93F

04/08 12:58, , 94F
04/08 12:58, 94F

04/08 13:42, , 95F
04/08 13:42, 95F

04/08 23:16, , 96F
04/08 23:16, 96F

04/09 17:47, , 97F
04/09 17:47, 97F

04/09 17:47, , 98F
04/09 17:47, 98F

04/09 17:48, , 99F
04/09 17:48, 99F
文章代碼(AID): #1HOO36xr (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1HOO36xr (Jeremy_Lin)