[外絮] Houston Rockets Are the Sleeper Team o

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (淡定~ 穩中求勝)時間11年前 (2013/03/18 16:09), 編輯推噓32(32026)
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Houston Rockets Are the Sleeper Team of the West and Will Shock Many http://tinyurl.com/ce985up from Bleacher Report, BY CHRIS FAIG 休士頓火箭是西區沉睡中的獅子, 他們將會大大的震驚許多人 The Houston Rockets have continued to be a competitive team in the Western Conference, year in and year out. However, they have only escaped the first round of the playoffs once in the last fifteen years. 許多年來火箭都在西區保有不錯的競爭力, 然而, 近15年來卻僅有一次晉級季後賽次輪 With the additions of Jeremy Lin and James Harden, the Rockets are now seen as a serious contender and a force to be reckoned with. The organization has proven that they will not slow down, with their activity at the trade deadline, making moves to clear up salary space and adding a promising young stud in power forward Thomas Robinson. 招募到哈林雙槍後, 現在的火箭看來好像有點能爭搶冠軍的實力了, 火箭的制服組們也 會繼續用交易來讓球隊更好 If you take a deep look at this roster, and consider how good Houston is when everything is rolling on all cylinders, the Rockets are a very dangerous threat in the West when it comes to playoff time. Sure they still haven't managed to earn an extensive winning streak, but, have maintained a meritorious record at home. So far, Houston has won 22 of 31 games played at the Toyota Center which will be extremely valuable in the postseason. 如果你有好好看火箭陣容的話, 你將會發現當這把火箭左輪手槍每個槍膛都轉的順時, 他們會是西區季後賽時相當危險的威脅. 當然啦, 火箭現在還沒能成熟到去贏波夠 長的連勝, 但也有著相當值得稱頌的主場成績, 截至昨天來看, 火箭本季已經在主場贏 得了31場中的22場了, 這數據對於季後賽來說格外重要 The Rockets have a few important advantages in its favor when it comes to effectiveness in the playoffs. Not only are they the highest scoring team in the NBA, averaging 106.9 PPG, Houston also averages the fifth most assists per game with 23.5. This is very beneficial because the Rockets have proven to be consistently capable of spacing the floor and playing team basketball. Also, the high intensity and fast pace play in which the entire Houston team exudes on a daily basis gives opponents nightmares. 如果打進季後賽, 那火箭有一些到時會很有用的特性: 1. 全聯盟最強火力! 場均106.9分~ 2. 全聯盟場均助攻第五高! 23.5次~ 另外, 火箭高強度 & 暴風似的打法, 也會是對手們的惡夢 Although the Rockets have a very complete and quite deep roster, the team has mainly been based around Jeremy Lin, Omer Asik and James Harden. Three players who were not a part of the team last season. Lin, Asik and Harden compliment each other so well and give Houston the ability to run such a speedy offense. This is a new Houston team that will be dominant in the Western Conference for years to come. However, do not count them out this season with the leadership that has been displayed by Harden and Lin. 雖然火箭的陣容很完整也有深度, 但這球隊主要還是以林書豪 & 阿喜 & 鬍子為主, 他 們三個上一季還不是同一隊的, 但現在卻能互相配合, 這三人組合給了火箭打暴風戰法 的動力. 這是全新的火箭, 他們將會在未來幾年內對整個西區造成極大的困擾, 然而 , 也別把這季以哈林連線為主的攻勢忘掉喔~ As impressive as they have been this season, Houston still has some big competition standing in its way. The Los Angeles Clippers, Oklahoma City Thunder and San Antonio Spurs are undoubtedly favorites in the West to reach the NBA Finals, but all the Rockets have to do is steal a game on the road. If this happens early in a series, you can bet your bottom dollar Houston could win against any of these teams because of its nearly flawless play at home. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done with a current record of 14-21 on the road. But, the Rockets have six more away games to attempt to gain momentum heading into the postseason. 縱使本季的火箭令人驚艷, 可是在前頭還是擋著快艇 & 雷霆 & 馬刺三頭攔路虎, 火箭 要做的就是季後賽時必得在客場偷到一場勝利才行, 如果到時真的前兩戰火箭就贏了一 場客場勝利, 嘿嘿~ 那就去賭火箭會贏這場系列賽吧! 無論到時候的對手是誰 ^^ 因為 火箭在主場的表現實在太出色了, 但知易行難, 火箭還是先好好打進季後賽在來說吧! The most important goal for Houston should be to earn and lock up the sixth spot in the Western Conference and hope for the Memphis Grizzlies in the first round. The Grizzlies are a very favorable matchup for the Rockets and would be a much easier victory than the other two teams Houston can potentially face: The Thunder and the Clippers. 火箭現在最重要的目標呢, 就是好好的把西區老六的位置搶到手, 好在首輪能對上比較 有把握的熊熊, 不然如果首輪就對上雷霆 or 快艇....想到就怕啊 >"< 昨天的文章.... 但為何近來主場打得這樣鳥 >"< 大家都見過火箭這把手槍轉的順時有多威猛, 連雷霆都能打比分幹掉 但就偏偏有時候, 六個槍膛中, 有一個卡彈.....就是卡到冰箱 >"< -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/18 16:18, , 1F
感謝翻譯! 這篇好樂觀喔...
03/18 16:18, 1F

03/18 16:21, , 2F
03/18 16:21, 2F

03/18 16:25, , 3F
03/18 16:25, 3F

03/18 16:28, , 4F
03/18 16:28, 4F

03/18 16:31, , 5F
03/18 16:31, 5F

03/18 16:31, , 6F
03/18 16:31, 6F

03/18 17:03, , 7F
03/18 17:03, 7F

03/18 17:05, , 8F
03/18 17:05, 8F

03/18 17:05, , 9F
03/18 17:05, 9F

03/18 17:06, , 10F
進季後賽先吧,進去就95分,2 win 100分,晉級1萬分
03/18 17:06, 10F

03/18 17:07, , 11F
03/18 17:07, 11F

03/18 17:08, , 12F
03/18 17:08, 12F

03/18 17:27, , 13F
今天其實該給lin 更多的開火權的...
03/18 17:27, 13F

03/18 17:28, , 14F
今天就該走hero ball...harden主導...lin出手的...
03/18 17:28, 14F

03/18 17:29, , 15F
03/18 17:29, 15F

03/18 17:32, , 16F
03/18 17:32, 16F

03/18 17:39, , 17F
03/18 17:39, 17F

03/18 17:50, , 18F
應該是d-mo吧 先發以後越打越差了
03/18 17:50, 18F

03/18 17:56, , 19F
03/18 17:56, 19F

03/18 18:09, , 20F
後來都給哈控 我幾乎想認為有人不想贏 真想被超車嗎
03/18 18:09, 20F

03/18 18:24, , 21F
03/18 18:24, 21F

03/18 18:26, , 22F
03/18 18:26, 22F

03/18 18:48, , 23F
03/18 18:48, 23F

03/18 19:00, , 24F
03/18 19:00, 24F

03/18 19:13, , 25F
推~謝謝翻譯 希望給lin控 哈哈負責得分比較好
03/18 19:13, 25F

03/18 19:21, , 26F
03/18 19:21, 26F

03/18 19:24, , 27F
03/18 19:24, 27F

03/18 20:17, , 28F
03/18 20:17, 28F

03/18 20:25, , 29F
謝謝翻譯 DJ大好久不見啦~
03/18 20:25, 29F

03/18 20:40, , 30F
今天Lin已經夠多開火權啦 重點是其他人沒命中率
03/18 20:40, 30F

03/18 20:40, , 31F
這樣敵隊就只需要守好哈林兩個人 太輕鬆
03/18 20:40, 31F

03/18 21:31, , 32F
哈林還是交互控球 不然遇到熱火怎麼辦
03/18 21:31, 32F

03/18 21:38, , 33F
一年才碰個幾次 還好啦 先站穩西區吧
03/18 21:38, 33F

03/19 00:00, , 34F
這篇也太樂觀 有進就謝天謝地惹 >"<
03/19 00:00, 34F

03/19 00:04, , 35F
03/19 00:04, 35F

03/19 00:13, , 36F
03/19 00:13, 36F

03/19 00:13, , 37F
03/19 00:13, 37F

03/19 00:34, , 38F
有興趣!!!但看不懂@@ 一堆可怕的英文....
03/19 00:34, 38F

03/19 00:44, , 39F
03/19 00:44, 39F

03/19 00:44, , 40F

03/19 09:28, , 41F
i大 是這篇 http://ppt.cc/~3r8
03/19 09:28, 41F

03/19 09:29, , 42F
奇怪 印象中LIN traveling造成的TO好像沒這麼多?
03/19 09:29, 42F

03/19 09:32, , 43F
數據看來bad pass佔TO的大部分 <--阿西踹共 XXD
03/19 09:32, 43F

03/19 09:36, , 44F
數據也顯示LIN第四節的TO比其他節少 <--因為常被冰嗎 XD
03/19 09:36, 44F

03/19 09:43, , 45F
03/19 09:43, 45F

03/19 09:44, , 46F
lost ball這方面進步很多
03/19 09:44, 46F

03/19 10:21, , 47F
03/19 10:21, 47F

03/19 10:22, , 48F
03/19 10:22, 48F

03/19 10:28, , 49F
03/19 10:28, 49F

03/19 10:29, , 50F
內助攻比例比較高 喜歡看他和大個子的配合 和D-MO配合
03/19 10:29, 50F

03/19 10:29, , 51F
也有來電XD D-MO加油呀~以後靠你多刷點助攻數lol
03/19 10:29, 51F

03/19 10:47, , 52F
03/19 10:47, 52F

03/19 11:25, , 53F
everything is rolling on all cylinders 是指馬力全開
03/19 11:25, 53F

03/19 11:25, , 54F
cylinder只的是汽缸 不是轉輪手槍的彈膛
03/19 11:25, 54F

03/19 12:53, , 55F
to樓上...我是英文不好啦 >"< 但我是比較想用手槍的梗
03/19 12:53, 55F

03/19 14:13, , 56F
03/19 14:13, 56F

03/19 14:14, , 57F
03/19 14:14, 57F

03/19 17:23, , 58F
很期待LIN能把DMO和Smith養起來, PPT啊~已經回不去了 唉
03/19 17:23, 58F
文章代碼(AID): #1HHikV2G (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1HHikV2G (Jeremy_Lin)