[外絮] 火箭VS灰狼 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/01/20 14:22), 編輯推噓33(34126)
留言61則, 34人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/rockets-hit-rock-bottom-minnesota QUOTES 我有話要說 KEVIN MCHALE 麥帥 Right now we’re not playing well – that’s the bottom line. We’re really in a funk and we’re going to have to work our way out of it – that’s all there is to it. We’re not getting any easy baskets anymore. We were leading the league in scoring and now we’re not running hard. We’re just so out of character right now. Then we have turnovers, and when guys are open we’re not hitting them and we take the extra dribble. We’re just really in a funk right now. We’ve got to get ourselves out of it and that’s the bottom line. And we will. This is where we’re at. We can’t worry about how we got here. We’ve just got to get out of here. 我們就是打不好,就是這樣,我們打得綁手綁腳 我們曾經是聯盟最會得分的球隊,但是我們現在連跑都跑不起來 我們整個大走樣,失誤、找不到有空擋的人、多餘的運球 至少,我們該想辦法脫離這個情況 我們已經陷入麻煩了,沒時間思考這是怎麼發生的 而是想辦法趕快脫離泥沼 (what went into the lineup change at the start of the third quarter?) I just wanted to try to get a spark just by trying something different. Right now we’re not firing on all cylinders at all and we’re just struggling. We’ve got to work our way through it. It’s not going to get better by itself, we’ve just got to push through it. We haven’t had much practice time together and right now we’re not playing with any kind of confidence. We’re not attacking and when we are attacking we’re not making the right plays. (關於第三節開始大幅度調整陣容) 我只是想試試看透過這樣的改變會不會有什麼火花 我們現在攻擊運作的很不正常,打得非常掙扎 我們沒有太多的時間一起練習,而且打得沒有信心 當攻擊時,我們沒有辦法做出正確的PLAY (happy with the shots they were taking?) If we get the ball going from side to side, or we get 3s on the break where they ’re wide open – we take those. What I don’t want is when the ball is sitting on the strong side and then we take a 3 – those are the ones that kill you. (你對球員的投籃選擇滿意嗎?) 如果能透過不斷輪轉,找到空檔出手,這才是我們該做的 我不想看到球員明明對到了防守強邊,還是硬要砍三分,那簡直要了我們的命 謝謝Gigi大指正 :) (surprised at where they got their offense from in the fourth quarter?) Well Gelebale and Johnson just were active, they rolled hard and we didn’t do anything to stop anything. (對於灰狼第四節的攻勢?) 對方兩名球員才剛剛登錄,卻打得活力十足 我們拿他們一點辦法都沒有 CHANDLER PARSONS 高富帥 "Every time you lose it should hurt. I can't speak for everybody but losing is the worst. There is nothing worse than that. You've got to hate losing more than you love winning and I just don't feel that around here right now." 輸球是最討厭的事,你必須痛很輸球比你喜歡贏球還要多,你才有可能止敗 但現在我們感覺不到這樣的心情 Were you surprised by the Wolves offense in 4th? "Yeah, they made plays, all those guys. They made plays." (你有被第四節灰狼的攻擊嚇到嗎?) 當然,他們就是能得分,不管那一個人 Did the missed shots on offense translate to the defensive end? "It shouldn't. In the beginning of the season our defense was our best offense and when we got stops we were able to get out in transition and move the ball and play unselfish and cut, we're not getting stops right now so we can't do what we do best." (攻擊無力也是影響你們防守端失利的原因嗎?) 不,開季的時候,防守就是我們最好的攻擊,我們阻止對手並且快攻反擊 攻擊的時候很無私,而且會找機會切入 我們現在守不住對手,所以沒有辦法做到最好 JEREMY LIN 揪咪林 Is losing streak impacting things "I think everyone is trying to do the right thing but I just think right now, we're just definitely trying to do the right thing but it's not working for us right now. Defenses are reading our stuff and we're not getting the stops and rebounds we need to get. Everyone played really hard, everybody who stepped on the floor tonight played really hard." (球隊的連敗對你們的影響是?) 全隊的人都想把事情做好,我們的確是很努力的想把事情做好 但這樣想對我們沒有太大的用處 防守是我們的根本,但我們無法阻止對手也無法搶到籃板 大家都很努力了,每一個站上球場的人真的都很努力了 What is the feeling of the shots within offense? (對於進攻時的出手選擇?) "I'm happy with most of them. What team has not taken a bad shot? I think those shots are great shots, they just didn't fall." 我很滿意大多數的出手選擇,哪支球隊沒打過鐵? 我覺得那些出手是好的,只不過沒進罷了 JAMES HARDEN 鬍子 Where has it gone so wrong? "It’s a variety of things. I'm not playing to the best of my ability. I'm not making shots, not making plays and I think we're just kind of in a fog right now and we've got to find some way to get out of this fog. We've been on the road a lot this month so that's probably one of the reasons but we've got to figure out a way to get out of this fog." (到底哪裡出了問題?) 很多地方都有問題,我沒有表現出我最好的一面 我投不進球、完成不了攻擊 球隊陷入了迷惘,我們必須趕快想辦法逃出來 "Has the team lost faith?" "I don't think we've lost faith; I think we're just kind of in a fog, in a no man's land. We're not making plays, not making shots. We're not making shots and that's affecting us on the defensive end as well." (球隊已經失去信心了嗎?) 我不覺得啦,但因為我們投不進球,多少了影響到防守端的表現 Are guys hanging heads? "A little bit, a little bit of that. Like I said, it comes to the not making shots and defensively we're not there as well. It's a combination of those things." (大家是否覺得(七連敗)有點面子掛不住?) 多少會吧,就像我說的,球投不進,防守也沒做好 How does the team turn it around? "Just stick with it, the guys have just got to keep coming to the gym and have confidence in their shots when you get the opportunity and defensively we've just got to lock in." (球隊要如何改變現況?) 堅持到底,我們要繼續多練習,然後對投籃更有信心,然後做好防守 How much of the offense falls on you? "A lot of it falls on me; I've got to do a better job of making shots and making plays. It's as simple as that." (有多少進攻端的責任落在你身上?) 大部分都交給我處理,但我沒有把它做好,就是那麼簡單 心得: 教練快點想辦法吧.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (01/20 14:24) ※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (01/20 14:24)

01/20 14:28, , 1F
一如往常 總教練的話可以跳過
01/20 14:28, 1F

01/20 14:29, , 2F
01/20 14:29, 2F

01/20 14:30, , 3F
01/20 14:30, 3F

01/20 14:30, , 4F
01/20 14:30, 4F

01/20 14:31, , 5F
01/20 14:31, 5F

01/20 14:31, , 6F
01/20 14:31, 6F

01/20 14:33, , 7F
01/20 14:33, 7F

01/20 14:33, , 8F
01/20 14:33, 8F

01/20 14:33, , 9F
01/20 14:33, 9F

01/20 14:34, , 10F
01/20 14:34, 10F

01/20 14:34, , 11F
01/20 14:34, 11F

01/20 14:36, , 12F
教練的訪問超爛 有人叫你重複一次比賽的情形嗎 沒重點...
01/20 14:36, 12F

01/20 14:38, , 13F
01/20 14:38, 13F

01/20 14:39, , 14F
為什麼Lin比較練還像教練= =
01/20 14:39, 14F

01/20 14:40, , 15F
01/20 14:40, 15F

01/20 14:40, , 16F
推翻譯!林還是強調防守和籃板 哈登感覺也蠻自責的
01/20 14:40, 16F

01/20 14:42, , 17F
01/20 14:42, 17F

01/20 14:46, , 18F
鬍子這幾場狀況真的不好 冰箱下一場還是要賭他嗎?
01/20 14:46, 18F

01/20 14:47, , 19F
對老麥已經無話可說了=口= 這場鬍子扛起責任了LOL
01/20 14:47, 19F

01/20 14:48, , 20F
鬍子不扛不行啊 連續幾場落賽了
01/20 14:48, 20F

01/20 14:50, , 21F
搞不清問題點 發言模糊 狀況外 哀.......
01/20 14:50, 21F

01/20 14:53, , 22F
01/20 14:53, 22F

01/20 14:54, , 23F
一如以往 Lin的說話像總教練 教練不斷重複同樣的話
01/20 14:54, 23F

01/20 14:59, , 24F
01/20 14:59, 24F

01/20 15:02, , 25F
01/20 15:02, 25F

01/20 15:03, , 26F
01/20 15:03, 26F

01/20 15:03, , 27F
一開始看教練部分 我還以為我看到上一場的賽後訪問
01/20 15:03, 27F

01/20 15:13, , 28F
教練那邊翻錯了吧? 應該是指他不希望火箭球員在防守
01/20 15:13, 28F

01/20 15:13, , 29F
強邊硬噴三分球 而是希望他們通過球的轉移找到空檔?
01/20 15:13, 29F

01/20 15:48, , 30F
LIN的訪問~~~~~ good
01/20 15:48, 30F

01/20 15:59, , 31F
01/20 15:59, 31F

01/20 16:19, , 32F
Lin跟哈登都會自我檢討 只有冰箱= =
01/20 16:19, 32F

01/20 16:20, , 33F
TDG對教練也有意見了XD (在總板)
01/20 16:20, 33F

01/20 16:35, , 34F
01/20 16:35, 34F

01/20 16:42, , 35F
TDG有點可憐 教練有新人馬上冰真的很傷球員自尊
01/20 16:42, 35F

01/20 16:43, , 36F
跟LIN可以好好聊一下 被亂冰的感受
01/20 16:43, 36F

01/20 16:47, , 37F
01/20 16:47, 37F

01/20 16:48, , 38F
爛~~~~~斃~~了~~~~~~~ 不然以後又連勝就沒機會了o_o
01/20 16:48, 38F

01/20 16:57, , 39F
冰箱說話從來沒重點 看球員發言比較實際
01/20 16:57, 39F

01/20 17:15, , 40F
01/20 17:15, 40F

01/20 17:15, , 41F
一個以進攻為主要武器的球隊 當進攻失靈 真的會連防守都
01/20 17:15, 41F

01/20 17:15, , 42F
01/20 17:15, 42F

01/20 17:49, , 43F
一個教練只期待火花 沒有戰術 會連敗也很正常
01/20 17:49, 43F

01/20 19:21, , 44F
Lin以後老了可以來當教練 說不定很適合哩
01/20 19:21, 44F

01/20 19:53, , 45F
01/20 19:53, 45F

01/20 20:02, , 46F
01/20 20:02, 46F

01/20 20:03, , 47F
教練以前籃球很強所以他都認為隊員太爛才輸球 最好他能上去打
01/20 20:03, 47F

01/20 20:04, , 48F
套句老話: 都是THEY的錯
01/20 20:04, 48F

01/20 20:20, , 49F
01/20 20:20, 49F

01/20 20:47, , 50F
01/20 20:47, 50F

01/20 20:49, , 51F
01/20 20:49, 51F

01/20 20:52, , 52F
01/20 20:52, 52F

01/20 21:11, , 53F
01/20 21:11, 53F

01/20 21:12, , 54F
01/20 21:12, 54F

01/20 21:43, , 55F
不過我一直以為是教練授意三分戰術耶 難道誤解了嗎??
01/20 21:43, 55F

01/20 21:46, , 56F
01/20 21:46, 56F

01/20 22:13, , 57F
每一個站上球場的人真的都很努力了 (就是場下那人不爭氣)
01/20 22:13, 57F
※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (01/20 22:37)

01/21 10:16, , 58F
01/21 10:16, 58F

01/21 16:48, , 59F
樓上說中了XD 教練跟Lin的說法有衝突 可以看看這篇解析
01/21 16:48, 59F

01/21 16:48, , 60F
01/21 16:48, 60F

01/22 00:01, , 61F
01/22 00:01, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #1G-uqm8J (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1G-uqm8J (Jeremy_Lin)