[外絮] 紐約打球大不易,林書豪該走還是留?

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (silviasun)時間12年前 (2012/05/19 21:35), 編輯推噓80(80085)
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這篇不是美媒新聞,而是版友PTT0000在RealGM尼克隊版中一篇「如果林書豪離開尼克, 你會繼續支持尼克隊嗎?」的討論中發現的網友回文,原文請見http://ppt.cc/q@wE 這位GeetinitDone網友針對Kane2021落落長的發言有所回應,在Kane2021的留言裡, 他覺得Lin將無法負荷紐約媒體和球迷所強加的高度期望,加上球團所著眼的不是他 的球技而是場外的商業利益,更會加速Lin的崩壞,因此沒必要花中產把一位原本就 要被揮棄的球員簽下……etc.。(有興趣的版友可以去看原文,非常的長 = =) 而GeetinitDone網友以數據說話加上他對Lin的人格分析,雖然是一家之言, 但也許可以給大家更多思考的角度,還有他描寫的紐約球迷生態,也有一針見血 的快感與趣味。 文中不免會提到別的球員,大家就放輕鬆別在意太多啦~同樣的,翻譯如有任何錯誤 請不吝指正 以下開始正文 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- By GettinitDone I agree to your post if Lin was just like most players who crumble under pressure. There are only a few players who rise to the occasion consistently. Not even LeBron James, 3 time MVP, can ignore pressure, he chose the easiest route in Miami rather than stay in Cleveland or go to New York. He avoids pressure of winning championship by himself. However Lin is not just like most players if you consider: 我同意你的觀點,但前題是Lin真如你留言中提到那些不堪壓力而崩潰的球員一樣。 少有球員能夠面對突發狀況處變不驚,就算是3屆MVP得主的LBJ也不可能無視壓力……。 然而以下幾點可以說明Lin和你提到的那些球員不一樣: 1.) He's essentially a rookie this season, having never played significant minutes in Golden State. How do teams normally treat their talented/ prized rookies? In Cleveland, folks there tell their rookie PG: "you can take it easy Kyrie, we are not expected to win, take it easy, game by game, we want you to grow into superstar eventually, but we would understand and tolerate growing pains." To Irving's credit, he blossomed into a star quickly, but that was in a setting with little to no pressure with green lights to play through bad games. 1. 從在金州勇士隊那少之又少的上場時間來看,本季其實可以算做是他的菜鳥年。 一般球隊是如何對待那些有天賦/或獎項加身的菜鳥們呢?在克里夫蘭騎士隊,人們會 跟他們的菜鳥控衛Kyrie Irving說:「Kyrie放輕鬆,我們不會要求你每場都拿下勝利, 你只要一場一場好好打,在你最終成為超級明星球員之前,我們可理解並忍耐那些成長 過程中所必須付出的代價。」Irving也不負眾望,迅速地成為耀眼的新星,但他在場上表 現不佳時,也不會有過多苛責。 In New York? "Jeremy, Toney can't play PG, Baron won't play for another month, cmon let's go, let's go, this is your ONLY ONE shot, show us what you got." Scored 25 pts against Nets. "Scored 25pts? Good, good, you're named starter next game vs. Jazz. We don't have Amare. Melo needs someone to give him the ball. We're gonna give you the ball a lot." Responded with 28 pts & 8 assists vs Jazz. And then went on the road to dominate Wall & Wizards with 23 pts & 10 assists. Returning home to face the Lakers game in a highly-anticipated, front-page NY Daily News, nationally-televised game 38 pts and 7 assists, and then Raptors with 27pts & 11 assists. And we know the rest. 那麼紐約的情況又是如何呢?「Jeremy,Toney打不了控衛,Baron要繼續休養到下個月, 你現在就給我上場,這是你『唯一的』機會,讓我們看看你的本事吧!」然後籃網那場 他拿了25分。「25分?唉呦,不錯喔!下一場對爵士你是先發,阿罵不會上場,然後 需要有人給瓜瓜餵球,這一場我們會把很多球丟給你。」然後是28分8助攻。接下來客場 戰巫師,擊敗John Wall拿下23分10助攻。第4場對湖人的比賽,在NY Daily News頭版 報導、全國轉播的推波助瀾下,未開打就成為熱門話題,而Lin狂砍38分7助攻; 對上暴龍繼續拿下27分11助攻,而接下來的故事大家都知道了。 In small-market teams, he would have been their God, loved and protected. In NY, however God you are, it seems like the Knicks fanbase is still eager to dissect God with knives any chance it got. "Oh Jeremy was another player who was almost cut and desperate to prove he belonged in the L. He HAD to have those games to prove he belongs. He plays in desperation, he's nothing special. Anyone in his situation would have done the same." 如果這事發生在小市場的球隊裡,Lin一定會被當成神在拜,受到所有人的保護和熱愛。 然而在紐約,就算你是神,在尼克的球迷群體裡,只要一有機會他們無不爭先恐後地拿 刀將你解剖得體無完膚。「Jeremy只是又一個工作不保、拼死要證明他有辦法打NBA的 球員;他「必須」贏得那些比賽證明自己的能力。他一點都不特別,他只是豁出去打球 罷了,任何一位跟他面臨同樣狀況的球員也會打出相同的成績。」 But lost in the shuffle was they're forgetting the fact that Lin was essentially a ROOKIE thrown straight into FIRE, playing 40 MINUTES, playing BRUTAL lock-out SCHEDULE, playing for a coach who has lost his players, a coach who practically begged him to take the team, and he somehow did, rallying the team to 7 straight wins and playing with one of the most fun/ best camaraderie a team had this season, opposing PGs/ teams increasingly TARGETING and PHYSICALLY ABUSING him, playing in BIGGEST MARKET/ most HUNGRY/ IMPATIENT-PSYCHO-ANGRY/ WIN-HUNGRIEST FANBASE on earth with BILLIONS OF FANS WORLDWIDE (most being asians) expecting and hoping he would play well. No tolerance, no taking it easy, no growing pains like Cleveland nurtures Kyrie or even LeBron back in 2003. Just straight HELL FIRE. So, you're a rookie? So, we're New Yorkers, we DON'T CARE you're a rookie. You're a PG, you're young, so (we ASSUME) you CAN penetrate, pass, shoot, and do EVERYTHING for our team, we want to WIN NOW, we EXPECT NO LESS. New York acknowledges no rookies, New York only acknowledges players: g ood and bad. There's no excuse for "bad". Bad game against Heat, what bad player! Rookie? They don't even know the word. Play through mistakes?? No such thing. You're either Ewing or Curry... Frazier or Toney. 但被忽略掉的事實是,Lin這個可以算做是菜鳥球員的人是被硬生生的推上火線, 在封館結束後的殘酷賽程中,每場打40分鐘,為一個兵源不足、幾乎是求他帶領球隊 的教練打球,然而他不知怎麼的也做到了,重整了球隊拿下7連勝,打出了也許是本季 最有趣也最有團隊精神的比賽;對抗其他PG們/球隊越來越明顯的針對性打法與暴虐的 肢體壓迫;他不但要面對全美最大的市場和地球上最沒有耐心、瘋狂又憤怒、對勝利 如此饑渴的球迷,還有數以億計、對他寄與厚望的全世界粉絲(大部分是亞洲人)。 零容忍、也沒有什麼「放輕鬆」,不會像騎士養Kyrie或2003年LBJ剛進聯盟時一樣接受 成長的代價,我們只是直接將Lin推入地獄之火。所以菜鳥又怎樣?我們是「紐約客」 耶,我們哪管你是菜鳥還是老鳥啊!你是控衛,而且年輕,因此(我們想當然爾) 你「會」切入、傳球、投射,為我們的球隊付出一切,我們現在就要贏球,沒有第二種 選項!紐約沒在管菜鳥不菜鳥的,你只要上了場你就是球員--只有好或壞之差。 對於「壞」這個字沒有任何藉口,對熱火一戰打不好,喔~這球員真爛! 菜鳥?我想他們根本不認識這個字。在錯誤中學習?沒這回事。 Despite all typical New York PRESSURE/ ABUSE, he quietly had the most points (136) and assists (44) in any player's first 5 starts. More than Isaiah, Oscar, Magic or Stockton. And fanbase still wants 39 year old former (yeah that was 7 years ago) MVP Nash over him. 即便在所有典型的紐約式壓力/摧殘之下,他平靜地在生涯5場先發中拿下136分 和44次助攻,比許多老前輩們的生涯首5場先發數字還要好,然而球迷們還是希望 39歲、7年前拿下MVP的飄髮哥來取代他。 2.) He plays better when it matters most. It all went back to his first breakout game, and the "hidden" pressure that he faced without fanbase realizing the gravity of pressure that Lin had to face every game. 2.壓力越大他的表現越好 讓我們重回他爆發的第一場,讓我們看看那些他曾面臨的「隱性」壓力。 - Against Nets: 25 pts & 7 assists while being fully aware that if he didn't produce he'd likely be cut on the same day. 2/5籃網:在徹底覺悟如果無法對球隊做出有效貢獻就會被裁掉的當天, 他拿下25分7助攻 - Against Jazz: 28 pts & 8 assists fully aware that he was named starter for the first time (pressure to perform), and FO still skeptical about Nets "fluke" game and still strongly considering cutting him. 2/6爵士:生涯首場先發(可想而知有表現的壓力),高層仍懷疑他對籃網一役的爆發 只是僥倖,裁掉他的可能性還是很高,他拿下28分8助攻。 - Against Wizards: 23 pts & 10 assists, fully aware the Knicks went to him on every play with Melo/ Amare out. 2/8巫師:在沒有瓜瓜和阿罵的情況下帶領球隊。拿下23分10助攻 - Against Lakers: 38 pts & 7 assists in his toughest test, front-page-news pre-game off the roof anticipation/ expectation wise and performance wise, fully aware that if he didn't play well he'd be labeled as any other player who has 3 breakout games and fades when it matters most. He didn't. 2/10湖人:到那個時候為止最艱難的一役,報紙頭條、賽前對他超高的預測和期待, 他知道一旦打不好他就會被歸類成那些只爆發3場然後像流星一樣迅速消失的球員。 但是他挺了過來,拿下38分7助攻 - Then, in another nationally-televised Mavs game: 28pts & 14 assists with Marion, who had shut down Rubio and other opposing PGs for the 7-straight-winning Mavs on him all game. 然後是再一次的全美電視轉播,2/20小牛:在全場緊迫盯人之下,拿下28分14助攻 - Against Bucks: 20 pts & 13 assists, and barked at Amare for not boxing out Ilyasova, who put in game-sealing tip in. The courage of a rookie to yell at a maximum-salary All Star veteran for failing to do little things that win games. 3/10公鹿:20分13助攻。為了阿罵沒有防守住Ilyasova一個關鍵進球而咆哮出聲。 一個菜鳥擁有對領聯盟頂薪的全明星球員吼叫的勇氣,這份勇氣將能幫他贏得比賽。 - Against Pacers on the road: clutch free throws in 4th to seal win. 3/18溜馬:抓住第4節的罰球機會帶領球隊贏球 - Against 76ers: 1-10 entering 4th quarter and straight ballin in 4th to win game. And it went on and on... 3/22 費城76人:前3節投10中1,第4節靠罰球奠定勝基。此外能說的還有許多許多…… Here's the thing, instead of feeling sorry for himself "I'm just a rookie, I'm not supposed to play at this level yet, they'd understand", he says "this is the level of play New York wants me to play, so that's the level I'm going to play." 比起為自己開脫說出:「我只是菜鳥,人們可以理解我的表現不如預期」這類發言, Lin說的則是「紐約期待我打出這樣的水準,而我也同樣如此要求自己。」 As they all say, if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. He made it as a rookie. 人們都說如果你能在紐約成功,在其他地方也同樣行。他以菜鳥的身分做到了。 3.) He has mad work ethic. He's too busy working out to notice pressure. 2:14 - "My biggest fear is coming back being as good, that's my biggest fear, I need to be a lot better, and make sure I am a lot better and a lot healthier, and that's my focus for the off-season." 3.他擁有卓越的職業道德。他會忙於訓練而無視壓力存在。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BAHTdxBzEGg
在以上這段訪問中的2分14秒處他提到:「我最大的恐懼是我下一季的表現跟這 一季一樣,我必須提昇球技讓自己成為更好的球員,也必須讓自己更健康,這是我在 休賽期間的重點功課。」 A lot of players would have said, "I had a pretty good year (14 points, 6 assists per game). My focus is just to get healthy now". Lin actually fears going into next season not improved. Few players have concerns if they do not improve in the off-season, let alone "fear". He pretty much makes improvement his priority. 很多球員會在季後訪問時說:「我這一年打得不錯(每場平均14分6助攻),現在的重點 是恢復健康。」Lin真的「害怕」下一季的表現沒有進步,少數球員會擔心休賽季中沒有 進步,但還不至於到「恐懼」的地步。由此可見,他的確是把加強球技做為第一優先。 2:35 - Reporter: "what do you need to do to take that next step?" Lin: "A lot, a little bit of everything, I don't think I've mastered anything, first and foremost is my health, getting everything right, getting balanced in my body, getting everything healthy, becoming explosive, and then from there catch-and-shoots, passing, limiting my turnovers, reading the game, imagining the flow of the game, getting stronger, defense. I have had some highs, and I have also had my struggles that remind me how much further I have to go." 2分35秒記者問到:「你的下一個計劃是?」Lin說:「很多,每個部份都要加強, 我不認為我現在有精通哪一個部分。首先、也是最重要的就是我的健康, 恢復正常狀態,增加我的平衡感、變得更有爆發力,然後加強接到球就射的能力、 傳球、降低失誤、增加閱讀比賽的能力、變得更強、當然還有防守的部分。本季我有 一些不錯的表現,但同時那些掙扎與低潮讓我知道我還有很大的進步空間。」 If you look at his response, I like that: 1.) It's a straight answer. That he already KNOWS the answer to that question. A lot of players would think the question in their head and come with answer a few seconds later. The reason why Lin already KNOWS the answer? He ALREADY planned what he needs to do to take that next step. 2.) I like that he went into details on the "plan", because a real plan is a summary of elaborate strategies. It just means Lin ALREADY has a real plan to take that next step. 關於他的發言,我喜歡以下幾個部分 1.這是直覺性的回答,意思就是他已經知道問題的答案。很多球員會花上幾秒的時間來 回答這個問題,Lin會答得這麼快就表示他已經計畫好下一步了。 2.我喜歡他把他的計畫說得如此詳細,這表示他已經開始規畫細節,只等待付諸行動了 Based on that, I know Lin is not only a hard worker, he's a smart worker. He has a vision of where he wants to be and how he needs to get there. You combined both into a genius, Kobe-like tireless gym rat. Like Arne Duncan, the guy who did Lin's 100 most influential Time entry said, "Contrary to what you might read, Jeremy, 23, is no overnight sensation. In fact, he achieved success the old-fashioned way: he earned it." He earned it on gym, and if he has game plan what to improve, he will surely become a better player. 有鑑於以上這些,我相信Lin是個勤奮而且聰明的努力家,他知道自己要到達什麼樣的 程度,並且懂得如何提升自己。試著想像一個充滿天份然後像Kobe一樣都不會累 的健身狂吧。 如同Arne Duncan在Time百大推薦文中寫到:「跟你之前所讀到可能不一樣, 林書豪(23)並非一蹴可幾。事實上,他和所有的成功例子一樣,他實至名歸。」 (這部分節錄自etintin版友的翻譯,感謝) 他的一切成就來自健身房裡的揮汗鍛練,如果現在他有了明確的強化計畫,他肯定會成為 一個更好的球員。 Have faith, kane, for if there was one guy who can stand up to New York pressure, based on 3 points I made above, I would have to say it's Lin. He has responded well to hype and pressure so far as a ROOKIE. And if there was one player who would not be driven mad to New York fans' unforgiving, absolutely conditional-love opinions, it would be Lin, for he cares not about people's opinions but his God's (this is coming from non Christian). 根據我以上提出的三個論點,擁有信仰和紀律,可以承受紐約式壓力的男子,我想 就只有Lin。做為一個「菜鳥」,他已經證明在高度壓力下仍能表現良好。如果要找 一個球員不會被紐約球迷那無情的、或是出自有條件的愛之下的批評而逼瘋,那也 將是Lin,因為除了上帝他不會在意人們的意見(我可不是基督徒喔)。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 21:38, , 1F
05/19 21:38, 1F

05/19 21:40, , 2F
05/19 21:40, 2F

05/19 21:40, , 3F
05/19 21:40, 3F

05/19 21:41, , 4F
05/19 21:41, 4F

05/19 21:42, , 5F
05/19 21:42, 5F

05/19 21:42, , 6F
推 好文章&好翻譯
05/19 21:42, 6F

05/19 21:43, , 7F
這篇只能大推 覺得好感動Q.Q
05/19 21:43, 7F

05/19 21:44, , 8F
謝謝翻譯 :)
05/19 21:44, 8F

05/19 21:44, , 9F
謝謝翻譯 很棒
05/19 21:44, 9F

05/19 21:44, , 10F
謝謝翻譯 這篇真的很棒:)
05/19 21:44, 10F

05/19 21:46, , 11F
推 感謝翻譯 好有愛的文章喔
05/19 21:46, 11F

05/19 21:46, , 12F
05/19 21:46, 12F

05/19 21:47, , 13F
感謝翻譯~~這篇很棒!!! :)
05/19 21:47, 13F

05/19 21:47, , 14F
05/19 21:47, 14F

05/19 21:51, , 15F
05/19 21:51, 15F

05/19 22:01, , 16F
05/19 22:01, 16F

05/19 22:01, , 17F
寫得真好...QQ 感謝翻譯!
05/19 22:01, 17F

05/19 22:02, , 18F
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05/19 22:02, , 19F
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05/19 22:06, , 27F
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05/19 22:06, , 28F
推翻譯 我相信Lin經得起考驗 他的努力和抗壓性超乎常人
05/19 22:06, 28F

05/19 22:06, , 29F
我第一場看的是湖人那場 當時只覺得好厲害 壓根沒想到他
05/19 22:06, 29F

05/19 22:07, , 30F
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05/19 22:07, , 31F
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05/19 22:07, , 32F
啾咪我好想看你打球! 好想告白啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!> <
05/19 22:07, 32F

05/19 22:07, , 33F
05/19 22:07, 33F

05/19 22:08, , 34F
05/19 22:08, 34F

05/19 22:09, , 35F
一定被笑是泡沫 ><
05/19 22:09, 35F

05/19 22:17, , 36F
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05/19 22:17, , 37F
05/19 22:17, 37F

05/19 22:18, , 38F
05/19 22:18, 38F

05/19 22:19, , 39F
湖人那場應該是KOBE壓力比較大 XD
05/19 22:19, 39F
還有 86 則推文
05/20 10:18, , 126F
05/20 10:18, 126F

05/20 11:23, , 127F
05/20 11:23, 127F

05/20 11:32, , 128F
感謝翻譯 恐怖的是媒體+1 球迷的眼光還是雪亮的!!!
05/20 11:32, 128F

05/20 11:32, , 129F
LIN在勇士當吉祥物...期間 壓力也不小 自我要求超大
05/20 11:32, 129F

05/20 11:40, , 130F
05/20 11:40, 130F

05/20 11:42, , 131F
再來推一次XD 這篇重點覺得是在講啾咪的個人特質
05/20 11:42, 131F

05/20 11:43, , 132F
我也相信他不管去哪裡打球 只要給他機會一定都會成功
05/20 11:43, 132F

05/20 11:46, , 133F
好棒 Q_Q 我都快哭了!謝謝翻譯^^
05/20 11:46, 133F

05/20 13:02, , 134F
神翻譯!! 感謝~
05/20 13:02, 134F

05/20 14:28, , 135F
其實不只是媒體 紐約這個城市就是這樣 身為一個在這邊生活
05/20 14:28, 135F

05/20 14:29, , 136F
一陣子的人 我只能說 這是一個偉大但是絕對殘酷的城市
05/20 14:29, 136F

05/20 14:30, , 137F
雖然因為私心 希望lin能留在這裡 但是另一方面 我也感到不
05/20 14:30, 137F

05/20 14:31, , 138F
忍... 能在這裡生存的 都得有超乎常人的堅強心智
05/20 14:31, 138F

05/20 14:39, , 139F
說得真好 希望Lin離開這可怕又殘忍的紐約...沒這麼多鎂光燈
05/20 14:39, 139F

05/20 14:45, , 140F
紐約球迷很可怕,但紐約尼克球團更恐怖 真的...
05/20 14:45, 140F

05/20 14:54, , 141F
同樣是鎂光燈焦點寧可他去LA Lakers。Kobe再獨也沒兩三年了
05/20 14:54, 141F

05/20 14:55, , 142F
剛好Lin可以趁這幾年練功成長,最後接下LA的鎂光燈焦點啊 XD
05/20 14:55, 142F

05/20 14:58, , 143F
05/20 14:58, 143F

05/20 15:30, , 144F
05/20 15:30, 144F

05/20 15:30, , 145F
紐約是個吃人的地方阿 看看受傷就被踢出去的大樹吧
05/20 15:30, 145F

05/20 16:21, , 146F
吃人的地方+1.....然後WALSH又被換掉了QQ 未來的補強讓我
05/20 16:21, 146F

05/20 16:22, , 147F
很擔憂啊.....雖然也沒啥前可以補了囧 只能簽樂透了T^T
05/20 16:22, 147F

05/20 17:16, , 148F
很讚的文 感謝翻譯~~
05/20 17:16, 148F

05/20 18:15, , 149F
我覺得對Lin來說殘酷的城市不是壓力 不能打球才是壓力
05/20 18:15, 149F

05/20 18:16, , 150F
05/20 18:16, 150F

05/20 18:56, , 151F
05/20 18:56, 151F

05/20 19:31, , 152F
05/20 19:31, 152F

05/20 21:21, , 153F
05/20 21:21, 153F

05/21 00:50, , 154F
05/21 00:50, 154F

05/21 08:56, , 155F
05/21 08:56, 155F

05/21 12:17, , 156F
05/21 12:17, 156F

05/21 12:24, , 157F
推 感謝翻譯
05/21 12:24, 157F

05/22 00:09, , 158F
05/22 00:09, 158F

05/22 00:58, , 159F
05/22 00:58, 159F

05/22 00:58, , 160F
05/22 00:58, 160F

05/22 00:59, , 161F
05/22 00:59, 161F

05/22 09:03, , 162F
05/22 09:03, 162F

05/23 08:03, , 163F
05/23 08:03, 163F

05/23 22:44, , 164F
05/23 22:44, 164F

05/24 10:37, , 165F
05/24 10:37, 165F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fjw64FC (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1Fjw64FC (Jeremy_Lin)