[問題] OPT期間辦EB2

看板Immigration作者 (ReGin)時間6年前 (2018/03/13 14:37), 編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 2人參與, 6年前最新討論串3/5 (看更多)
Hi! 小弟目前在美國就讀CS碩 這個月底即將畢業並且4月底時會在現在part-time實習的公司轉正 這兩天在和HR談offer,聊到了是否可能跳過H1B直接申請綠卡的事 因HR不熟悉,讓我向公司合作的律師事務所移民律師詢問 我和律師簡單敘述了一下我在版上看到OPT開始綠卡申請的案例 (OPT開始後3-4個月走PERM流程 -> 申請OPT Extension -> Extension下來後開始concurrently file 140/485) 律師沒有說行不通,但提出兩點疑慮(節錄原文,內容有點多不好意思): 1.(first obstacle will be) whether you yourself meet the minimum qualifications for the position. Your bachelor's degree is not in CS, and since you did not have a degree related to your position at the time you were hired, in order to qualify for a PERM application, you would need to be promoted to a position that is at least 50% different from your current position at after you complete your master's degree. I don’t know whether such a promotion is feasible, but perhaps you and HR can discuss. 2.(second obstacle will be) whether the company can demonstrate that there is a shortage of qualified American workers for the position. If you are promoted to a position after completing your master's degree, the new position will necessarily be an entry-level position (because otherwise you won't qualify for it). The most the position will be able to require is a BS plus 2 years' experience or, a MS degree in lieu of the BS + 2 years experience. Whenever the PERM recruitment ads require a MS plus no experience, there is always a possibility that qualified American applicants will apply for the job. This is especially true if the ads run in the spring or summer when new master's graduates are searching for jobs. If even one qualified American worker applies for the job, the company doesn't have to hire the American but then cannot file the PERM application. 現在收到律師的意見後,HR比較偏向H1B->GC的路徑 但也問了我現在的看法是什麼 我對這兩點的感覺是: 1.感覺不是大問題?因為我再兩週就要畢業,OPT也要到4月底才生效 只要我是畢業後入職就沒有學位與職位不符的問題? 2.這個MS+0經驗看起來比較是個問題,但我已經在公司暑假實習3個月(全職)加上去年 九月到今年三月part-time實習,那我能不能說到今年六七月時滿一年,然後工作職位 限制MS+1年工作經驗?並且我本來就沒有打算一入職就開始辦綠卡,而是大約3-4個月 後,以配合OPT Extension的時間。(我們公司以往大多是入職一年後辦綠卡,有H1B者 通常入職馬上辦,但都不是寫死的規定) 我的結論則是爭取今年四月抽H1B,但無論有沒抽中,大概入職四個月後還是可以請公司 開始綠卡流程 想請教下版友這樣的認知正不正確?謝謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1520923063.A.4DE.html

03/14 01:20, 6年前 , 1F
1.如果你的職位跟學位不符合,應該很容易被audit 2.在
03/14 01:20, 1F

03/14 01:20, 6年前 , 2F
03/14 01:20, 2F

03/14 01:20, 6年前 , 3F
03/14 01:20, 3F

03/14 04:11, 6年前 , 4F
謝謝樓上 我會再和HR及律師聊聊
03/14 04:11, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1Qft6tJU (Immigration)
文章代碼(AID): #1Qft6tJU (Immigration)