Re: [問題] 有關綠卡抽籤

看板Immigration作者 (yay)時間14年前 (2009/11/29 12:18), 編輯推噓1(107)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串4/5 (看更多)
針對這個例子我原先也覺得不可能; 後來發現各國上說法不一 譬如 Macedonia的說: A) Does participation in the Diversity Visa lottery amount to the automatic refusal of a NIV in the future? Can I be refused because of my participation in the lottery? Does it imply an immigration intention? Q)Participation in the Diversity Visa lottery does not amount to an automatic refusal of a non-immigrant visa in the future. We understand that people apply for the Diversity Lottery for a variety of reasons and that their circumstances can change over time. WHILE IN Ukraine, A)Will you please approve or disapprove of the statement that the participation in the Diversity Visa lottery means the automatical refusal of non-immigrant visa for the participant in the future? I participated in the lottery 2 years ago. Can it constitute a reason that I am refused a visa on the basis of my participation in the lottery? Does it imply an immigration intention? Q) No, it does not result in an automatic refusal. We evaluate each applicant individually on the basis of his or her ties to Ukraine. Although participation in the DV lottery does not disqualify one for a tourist or any other visa, it does indicate a desire to immigrate to the US, which is a factor in evaluating one's ties to Ukraine. In order to qualify for most categories of a US temporary visa, the applicant must demonstrate strong ties to their residence abroad. 最準還是寫信問AIT. ※ 引述《miluco (I'm feeling lucky)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《crystaloops (克利斯多˙貢)》之銘言: : : 對於推文我持保留態度 : : 雖然沒有說很確定 但是我說一下我的經驗給要抽籤或是要辦簽證的做參考 : : 說沒有很確定是因為我本身是高危險群 : : 去辦F1簽證時 問了一堆問題 其中有提到DV這兩個字 : : 當時我也沒想到是抽籤 只是一臉疑惑的看著官員 他又繼續問了幾個問題 : : 最後拿了一張單子夾在護照裡說...對不起 我沒辦法給你簽證 : : 我只好一臉囧的說謝謝...... : : 所以....要申請簽證者 DV&簽證 考慮清楚一下.... : 你一定聽錯了,而且在申請美簽填寫單子時 : 有參加綠卡抽籤沒有中籤過接下來繼續申請程序的人 : 根本不需要寫自己有申請過移民簽證 : 也不算有移民企圖 : 所以假設移民官問你有沒有參加過DV : 你甚至可以回答沒有,因為我不覺得他查得到 : 那個資料庫一定很龐大,而沒有中籤的人會留在資料庫裡多久 : 我是保持懷疑的態度. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/29 12:28, , 1F
DV大概是最後一槍 不是關鍵原因;重點是高危險群抽過DV讓
11/29 12:28, 1F

11/29 12:28, , 2F
11/29 12:28, 2F

11/30 04:23, , 3F
11/30 04:23, 3F

11/30 09:56, , 4F
11/30 09:56, 4F

11/30 10:06, , 5F
11/30 10:06, 5F

11/30 10:18, , 6F
11/30 10:18, 6F

11/30 10:20, , 7F
11/30 10:20, 7F

12/02 15:36, , 8F
不是主因...但可能有一點點影響. 或許原波沒聽錯呢
12/02 15:36, 8F
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