[心得] Ver 0.3.1 更新情報

看板Ikariam作者 (Grady)時間15年前 (2009/04/22 00:49), 編輯推噓13(13016)
留言29則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/8 (看更多)
官網原文: http://board.ikariam.org/index.php?page=Thread&postID=565759 test server (test.ikariam.org) 將在白天更新Ver 0.3.1 其他伺服的更新時間未定. 以下非正式官方翻譯, 是我隨手翻的, 僅供參考. * Feature - Building list: Players with premium accounts can only put up to four building jobs on the list. These will then be built one after the other. Jobs in the building list can be cancelled at any time. The building costs will only be taken from your account when the building has begun. 付費帳號將可以進行建築排程, 一次可以排四個建築. 排程中的建築可以隨時取消, 資源 會在建築時才扣. * Feature - The complete overview pages of the premium accounts have been revised. They contain more information, e.g. how long the wine supply in the city will last. 付費帳號的總覽畫面重新設計過了, 包含了更多資料, 例如說每城的葡萄酒還足以供應酒 館多少時間. * Feature - Military treaty: The military contract treaty now has the suitable name of 'garrison right'. 軍事條約改成比較恰當的名字 - "駐軍權" * Feature - Occupation: Players can occupy other cities now and thus use it as a bridgehead for other missions. The units however, will cost double the upkeep, like in other missions too. If you pillage from a bridge head, the occupied city will receive 10% of the looted goods. A player can only occupy as many cities as his palace has levels. However, occupied cities can also be used as a bridgehead for allies. 督管正式開放. 玩家將可以佔領別的城鎮並用它來當做其他任務的橋頭堡. 不過這些部隊 將耗用雙倍的維護費用. 當從被督管的城鎮進攻, 該城鎮會獲得10%的收益. 每個玩家只 能督管跟自己皇宮等級相同數量的城鎮, 被督管的城鎮也可以被同聯盟的玩家當做橋頭堡 . * Feature - unlimited time to station armies and fleets in allies, occupied cities and cities occupied by allied players 保護盟友的城鎮跟港口不再有時間限制, 這包含被自己或盟友督管的城鎮. * Feature - 'Timer in Tab'- indicator: A countdown timer indicates how much time is left until the next building is finished in your current city 倒數計時 - 畫面上會有一個計時器顯示下個建築再多久完工. * Feature - New island graphics: There are five different island shapes for the island view now, that also correspond with the world map. 顯示島嶼畫面將增加五種不同島嶼形狀, 對應世界地圖的畫面. * Feature - Island view revised: The harbour blockages, battles and occupying of cities is now also shown. This feature is visible for all players who have a city on the island or respectively have an an ally who owns a city on the island or have spies on the island. 島嶼畫面重新設計: 封港/戰爭/督管將顯示在畫面上. 這些資訊只有在該島上有城鎮或在 城鎮中有間諜的玩家才看得到. * Feature - Garrison right: If a player has a garrison right with another player's city, he can station his troops there and use the city as a bridgehead. 如果玩家跟另一玩家簽定了駐軍權, 他將可以在該城鎮駐紮軍隊並用該城做為橋頭堡. * Feature - More highscores: There are three more highscore categories, that are however, not added to the complete highscore. Offensive points: You will get points for every unit destroyed by your own attackers. Defensive points: You will get points for every unit destroyed by your own defenders. Trade highscore: For every successful transaction via the trading post you will receive points. To allow new players a good rank, the points in these highscores are time dependant, i.e. the longer the time since the battle or a transaction took place is, the less the points will be weighted. 將增加三個排行榜, 不過這三個排行將不影響總分. 攻擊榜: 攻擊時滅掉的單位越多分數 越高. 防守榜: 防守時滅掉的單位越多分數越高. 交易榜: 交易成功的次數越多分數越高 . 為了給新玩家機會, 這三種分數將依時間衰減, 離事件發生的時間越久, 分數越少. * Feature - Archive: You can permanently store battle reports, spy reports or messages in an archive for the price of 1 Ambrosia. The archive has a capacity of 1000 items. 可以用1點神之珍饈將指定的戰報/間諜報告/訊息永久儲存起來. 該儲存空間可以放一千 件訊息. * Feature - Composition of approaching fleets: For 1 Ambrosia, a player can find out more information about the army/fleet line ups of attacking troops 可以用1點神之珍饈得到進攻的部隊/艦隊組成. * Feature - Notes: Via the menu item 'Notes' you can now jot down a text of your choice with up to 127 characters. This can be saved indefinitely. You can save more text if you have a premium account (8192 characters). 筆記欄: 一般玩家可以儲存127字, 付費玩家可以儲存8192字. * Feature - Basic-storage capacity has been adjusted. It is 1500 (units) for all types of resources now. 市政府(倉庫以外)的儲存空間調整, 改為可以存放每種資源各1500. * Bugfix - Wrong coordinates were sometimes shown on the military advisor screen. Bug修正: 有時軍事指導者頁會顯示錯誤的座標. * Bugfix - Sometimes messages written on the trade fleet overview while pillaging armies were returning went to the wrong recipient Bug修正: 有時候在部隊返回時, 運輸船頁的訊息會跑到錯誤的玩家那邊. * Bugfix - Remaining research time was not shown in the academy, if the city in question did not have any researchers, even if there were researchers in your other cities. Bug修正: 目前的城鎮沒有學院時, 研發頁不會顯示研發完成時間, 雖然說其他城鎮有學 院. * Bugfix - Indication error in the embassy in IE6 fixed Bug修正: 修正IE6的大使館顯示問題. * Bugfix - The pillaging error that occurred when the origin city was stationed at an allied defence fleet has been fixed Bug修正: 掠奪的起始城鎮如果駐紮在同盟的防衛艦隊會產生錯誤. (原文就亂七八糟..) * Bugfix - Accepting a cultural goods trade treaty was possible even if you did not have a free museum. Bug修正: 如果沒有空的博物館展覽空間, 將不再能接受文化條約. 這版擺明了要大家殺的天昏地暗、日月無光、血流成河、腥風血雨、 生民塗炭、哀鴻遍野.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/22 00:52, , 1F
04/22 00:52, 1F
※ 編輯: Gradyfx 來自: (04/22 00:54)

04/22 00:54, , 2F
感覺好多雞肋功能= =
04/22 00:54, 2F

04/22 00:56, , 3F
04/22 00:56, 3F

04/22 01:06, , 4F
04/22 01:06, 4F

04/22 01:07, , 5F
就是說可以不用跳島 拿別人的村當據點 這樣勢力範圍大很多
04/22 01:07, 5F

04/22 01:15, , 6F
04/22 01:15, 6F

04/22 01:15, , 7F
04/22 01:15, 7F

04/22 01:29, , 8F
04/22 01:29, 8F

04/22 01:31, , 9F
04/22 01:31, 9F

04/22 01:31, , 10F
04/22 01:31, 10F

04/22 01:33, , 11F
04/22 01:33, 11F

04/22 01:34, , 12F
不過島嶼形狀那一段 原文是寫5種 沒有"增加"字眼
04/22 01:34, 12F

04/22 01:35, , 13F
04/22 01:35, 13F

04/22 01:35, , 14F
04/22 01:35, 14F

04/22 03:08, , 15F
= =現在要蓋8村 如果再督管7村 我不就累死.....
04/22 03:08, 15F

04/22 03:13, , 16F
04/22 03:13, 16F

04/22 06:02, , 17F
04/22 06:02, 17F

04/22 06:04, , 18F
04/22 06:04, 18F

04/22 06:06, , 19F
04/22 06:06, 19F

04/22 06:07, , 20F
04/22 06:07, 20F

04/22 06:08, , 21F
04/22 06:08, 21F

04/22 06:10, , 22F
04/22 06:10, 22F

04/22 06:11, , 23F
04/22 06:11, 23F

04/22 06:12, , 24F
04/22 06:12, 24F

04/22 06:32, , 25F
看來可以退出了 又是督管又是seednet 無奈
04/22 06:32, 25F

04/22 15:44, , 26F
04/22 15:44, 26F

04/22 16:17, , 27F
04/22 16:17, 27F

04/22 17:38, , 28F
test服似乎在更新了, 目前登錄都是空白頁.
04/22 17:38, 28F

04/22 17:52, , 29F
TEST可以上去了,現行版本v.0.3.1 13486,我來TEST XD
04/22 17:52, 29F
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