Re: [情報] v0.2.8新增的一項

看板Ikariam作者 (...)時間16年前 (2008/08/29 13:33), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 7人參與, 最新討論串3/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《qiaffvvf (鸑鷟)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《markoo (被釋放抑或自解脫?)》之銘言: : : 新人保護條款: 如果你對總分是你一半的玩家進行掠奪 將降低你人口的滿意度 : : 目前板上討論的 有一篇蠻好笑的... : : 他是那伺服最高分 而分數有他一半以上的有五人 : : 而那五人全都跟他同一聯盟...(這搞不好是7s XD) : : 然後大概有人建議是新人保護條款應該在幾分之後就沒有了(應該也是這樣) : : 不過官方並沒有針對這條做出任何解釋 : 原po差不多慘xD : 轉貼改版內容 : : Feature - Noob protection: If you attack player who have half the highscore : points than you your citizens are going to get dissatisfied : *新手保護*打自己總分一半以下玩家減滿意度 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : 我想應該是打一次減多少滿意這樣..(永久) : Feature - The satisfaction of the own citizens gets lowered if treaties are : broken or dissolved by attacks : *攻擊導致解約→降滿意度* : Feature - Alliance: The Interior Ministers are now able to create different : ranks with different rights and assign them to alliance members : *可以設定不同成員階級及指定不同權力* : Feature - Alliance: The General is able to see all attacks towards alliance : member : *將軍看得到所有對盟中成員的攻擊* ...而不用求救這樣嗎?真糟糕,這樣很難單挑.. : Feature - Alliance: The General is able to see all military actions taken by : alliance members (thus attacks and assistance troops) - he is also : able to call them back : *將軍能看到成員所有軍事行動,而且可以撤回之* : Feature - Alliance: The treaty overview shows a overview over all treaty : sorts from the alliance members 條約總覽會顯示與同盟玩家的所有種類條約的總覽 (根本就繞口令...) : Feature - While editing the external Alliance page you are able to see a : preview 編輯外部聯盟訊息時可以看到預覽 : Feature - While colonising you are no longer able to take more resources : along than could be stored in the town : *殖民不能帶多餘資源過去存* 殖民的時候不能帶超過一開始儲存量的資源過去 也就是說還是可以帶一級總督的資源囉 : Feature - Tooltip of the maximum storage capacity of a good extended with an : trading post entry 最大商品資源容量的提示,會額外顯示市場資源的數值 : Feature - Donation list at the raw material deposit overworked 貢獻列表有額外的裝飾了 (overwork大概是這個意思吧= =?) : Feature - Sorting of the military movements overworked : *軍事行動排序* : Feature - Defend harbour and town is possible again : *??? 能夠防衛港口和城鎮* 這個不清楚......原本不行嗎? : Feature - Military advisor limited to 10 CR's/ messages per page : *戰報限制在每頁10則* (......小心過度攻擊啊) : Feature - Function to report users at the island view 島嶼總覽的地方會有回報不良使用者的按鈕 : Feature - View of the unit upgrades adapted at the Ikipedia Ikipedia可以看到單位升級一覽了 (?) : Feature - Added a pillory for all users. The link can be found on the : highscore page : (這個看不懂..) pillory (古代刑具)頸手枷 示眾,受公眾嘲笑 ...........這個看來要改版才知道是做什麼的 : Feature - Transport overview adapted : : Feature - The own offers at the trading post, besides the one from the actual : town, are visible again at the bargain finder : *交易站能看到自己的交易* (這個怎麼改來改去...) : Feature - It is no longer possible to start actions by using the "back" or : "reload" button from the browser : *不能用上一頁或F5重整重覆執行某動作* (不能快速重覆派兵了..哭哭..) 是不是也不能從A村查交易價格 B村交易了......哭哭 : Feature - Different improvements to reduce loading times and to avoid "white : pages" : 簡單來說就是改進網頁速度跟避免錯誤 : Feature - New building destruction screen : *拆掉建築有新畫面(?)* (這是不是代表拆建築要時間?lol) 不要啊 囧 : Feature - After changing the E-Mail address it needs to be validated to be : overtaken for the account. 改E-mail要重認證 : Feature - Additional password request while changing the E-Mail address added 改E-mail會重問密碼 : Feature - At the Tool-Tip from a town on the island view you are now also : able to find the Highscore place of the user : *島嶼狀態畫面能夠看到該使用者的分數* (WARNING:原本的套件有可能炸掉--無法使用) : Bugfix - Viewing error of the Tool-Tip at the combat reports 修正戰鬥報告的小提示顯示錯誤 : Bugfix - Fleets were sometimes not shown in the trading port while being : loaded 修正有時候裝貨的艦隊不會顯示 : Bugfix - A wrong storage Tool-Tip has been shown at the trading post 修正市場裡錯誤的容量提示 : Bugfix - When a own spy has been discovered the format of the report has been : wrong 修正我方間諜被發現時的報告格式錯誤 : Bugfix - Reports of discovered spies could not be opened 修正被發現的間諜的報告無法被開啟的問題 (所以應該是可以開囉?) : Bugfix - Poseidon-wonder-permanent-effect has been wrong 修正波賽頓神殿的永久效果錯誤 : Bugfix - Building time formula of spies has been wrong 修正間諜的訓練時間公式錯誤 : Bugfix - Viewing error at the embassy with IE7 : 修正IE7看大使館會有錯誤 : Bugfix - Resources could be produced during a trading post trade : Bugfix - Resources could be lost during a trading post trade : *修正交易站產生的資源問題--增加或減少* (doubt) 修正市場交易會造成資源增減的問題 : Bugfix - Some players had action points missing 修正有的玩家的行動點數不見了的問題 囧 : Bugfix - Destruction of some buildings did not bring any resources 修正有的建築物拆掉也不會還資源的錯誤 : Bugfix - Wrong view at the military advisor. Attacker have been shown as : occupying forces. 修正軍事顧問的錯誤,攻擊方會顯示成正在佔領的軍隊? : Bugfix - Sort by distance at the trading post has been wrong 修正市場裡村莊距離的排序問題 : Bugfix - Buying building material by using the trading post was incorrect 修正用市場購買建築材料會有錯誤 (?) : Bugfix - Trading post showed results which have been out of range 修正市場會顯示距離超過的資料的問題 囧 : Bugfix - While attacking in waves some trading ships has been lost 修正連續攻擊的時候運輸船會不見的問題 : Bugfix - No loot protection by the warehouse at special wave attacks : *多搶的bug修正?* (doubt) 修正特殊的多波攻擊會造成倉庫安全量失效的問題 應該是吧...= = : Bugfix - Troops could be send via the sea way also when there was a blockade : *被封港時不能(從被封的城)隔海派兵囉..所以更不容易打到一半逃戰造成多波一戰失效* : Bugfix - While the workshops was working on an upgrade you could build or : destruct the building. : *所以兵工場還是一次只能做一件事...* : Bugfix - At the gold highscore where some users with negative entries 修正有的玩家在金錢排行顯示是負的 : Bugfix - In some cases the town data have been switched in automatic messages : Bugfix - Viewing error at the diplomacy advisor with the IE : Bugfix - Erroneous view of the loading duration at the ship-/unit send screens 修正運輸船的裝載顯示錯誤 : Bugfix - Free spies disappeared with special conditions 修正閒置的間諜某些時候會消失 (大概是投奔敵國了) : Bugfix - Erroneous view while accepting a trade offer at the IE : Bugfix - Building time from spies have been wrong with hideout level 21 21級小屋的間諜訓練時間有錯 (有人開到21級了嗎@@?) : Bugfix - Viewing error at the premium view of the diplomacy advisor : Bugfix - Error at the cultural goods arrangement screen 修正博物館的文物分配畫面錯誤 : 加上官方的回應 : Dear Islanders, : We are aware about the concerns surrounding the new noob protection system. : Your feedback is valued, and the noob protection system will not be : implemented at the advertised rate of 50%. : A new system of implementing the noob protection will be decided at the start : of next week, before the patch is implemented. : Your Administration : 下星期初更新時決定新手保護如何實行 : 作一些註記, 不知道有沒有用... : 太難看歡迎提供改進意見orz -- 「如果我們的頭腦非常簡單,簡單到我們可以理解它, 那麼,我們就會變得非常愚笨,愚笨到我們無法理解我們的頭腦。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/29 13:33, , 1F
耶 賺p幣...
08/29 13:33, 1F

08/29 13:37, , 2F
08/29 13:37, 2F

08/29 13:41, , 3F
21 22級都是0秒
08/29 13:41, 3F

08/29 13:42, , 4F
08/29 13:42, 4F

08/29 14:06, , 5F
修正運輸船的裝載顯示錯誤 <<< 運輸bug 要改掉了???
08/29 14:06, 5F

08/29 14:06, , 6F
raw material deposit overworked 我感覺應該是資源場
08/29 14:06, 6F

08/29 14:07, , 7F
的幫手?!不過我英文很破 囧rz
08/29 14:07, 7F

08/29 14:45, , 8F
08/29 14:45, 8F

08/29 15:55, , 9F
08/29 15:55, 9F

08/29 18:11, , 10F
這官方也很怪 木頭就木頭 大理石也是建築材料阿XD
08/29 18:11, 10F
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