Re: 新比賽引擎詳情

看板Hattrick作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間9年前 (2015/07/03 11:49), 編輯推噓0(000)
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官方在6/27在全球論壇有更進一步的解釋,以下簡單翻譯 There has been plenty of questions around the announced Tactical Assistant Coach (TA), not least in relation to how they will work for National teams. We have been discussing the implementation this week, and this is how we will introduce the new staff member. 戰術職員的詢問度很高,官方會在這篇文章詳細介紹。 It will still be possible to hire coaches that have either Offensive, Defending or Neutral styles. So nothing will change here at all. What we will do is add two new tactical options, making the total five. Today’s Offensive and Defending styles will still correspond to the extremes on the scales, which means we have two new positions on the scale which will be in-between Neutral and Defensive and Offensive, respectively. 俱樂部還是可以雇用進攻(offensive)、平衡(Neutral)、防守(Defensive)三種教練, 這點沒有改變。 新的改變,以後新增兩種選擇,共有五種選擇。 在目前的進攻-平衡間,以及防守-平衡間,各新增一種選擇。 防守(Defensive) -- 新 -- 平衡(Neutral) -- 新 -- 進攻(Offensive) Managers get to set their preference in the match orders for each game. If you have just a coach and no TA, you cannot choose between the other 4 orders. If you have a TA, you have access to the three closest orders. 以後(俱樂部)每場比賽有選項可選擇戰術。 無戰術職員,可以從一個選項中做出一個選擇。 有雇用戰術職員的,可以從三個選項選出一個 (距離你的教練類型最近的三個)。 So, Offensive style coaches with a TA can go Neutral, Offensive, or Very Offensive. 進攻型教練,有雇用戰術職員,可在平衡、進攻、極端進攻三個選項中選擇。 Defensive coaches with a TA can go Neutral, Defensive or Very Defensive. 防守型教練,有雇用戰術職員,可在平衡、防守、極端防守三個選項中選擇。 This way, everyone gets the opportunity for a long term plan, but managers with a TA get a little more of flexibility. Also, any made investments stay untouched and users can keep using their coaches the way they already have. And National Teams can keep using coaches the same way as well. 略 The TA will also have some other benefits. 戰術助教還有其他好處。 It will increase the number of conditional orders you can make in a given match, one extra slot per staff level. 更多的比賽條件(Conditional Orders)設定,每一級別的戰術助教,多一個。 (註:目前五個) Also, it will give a boost to formation experience, by 5 % extra per staff level. This gives you as a manager more flexibility with formations as well. 提升陣型經驗,每一級別的戰術助教,多5%。 Update on player contributions 球員貢獻的更新說明 There was a typo in the editorial and we want to clarify it. Forwards will now only contribute to the side attack rating of the side they are playing on. If a forward plays to the right, he will contribute to central attack rating and right side attack rating, whether he is set towards wing or not. He will not contribute at all to the left side attack rating. 社論有錯誤,這邊統一解釋。 邊前鋒現在只對站位邊的邊路進攻評級作出貢獻(非兩條鞭路都有貢獻)。 舉例說,右前鋒,不管是否設定靠邊或是常規,只對中路進攻和右路進攻的評級有貢獻, 不會對左路進攻評級有貢獻了。 Feedback for our ideas 新概念求回饋 There are a few other ideas we have, that are still just ideas in progress - no decisions made yet. For this reason, we have not mentioned them in the editorial, but we will share them with you here as a way to get some feedback. Let me emphasise again that we may not implement any of these - but we felt it would be a good thing for our design process to discuss the ideas, so here you go. 還有些新概念,還在設計階段,不一定會上線,但是先說出來求回饋。 1) We are looking into adding to the manual a table of all the relative player contributions by position, not just the recent changes but how all existing contribution relate to each other. 考慮在幫助手冊頁面,設計一個球員貢獻表(依照位置排列)。 2) We are considering a tweak on tactics so that they work a little more like formation experience. There would be a learning curve to reach the maximum level. You would not only need good players, but you would also need experience on the tactic. 考慮戰術未來也有熟練度(如同陣型熟練度概念) 3) We would make it possible for managers to change tactics in a match using the conditional orders. For example, if you are in the lead you could change from AIM to Pressing. 考慮在條件設定更改比賽戰術。(例如在領先情況下,從中路進攻更改成壓迫)。 We won't elaborate very much on these ideas right now, but we surely want your feedback and your ideas. 略 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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