[黑特] 馬歇爾報告

看板HatePolitics作者 (沒死)時間3年前 (2020/11/24 22:15), 編輯推噓82(9210605)
留言707則, 57人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
https://reurl.cc/Z75XZ3 “Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!” november 23, 2020 the marshall report So don’t let spin doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number of them, more than anyone could have imagined! Powell stated that the ‘New World Order’ has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party’ and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the “New World Order” in return for large cash payments in the form of “enormous bribes.” Sidney Powell warned the GOP risks being “neutered like a bitch” by “the Great Reset” in 2021 if President Trump’s second term is stolen from him by “ children of darkness.” Thank you to Sidney Powell for exposing corruption on all sides. The Republican Party sold out for some cash and the American People have found out! Now wait and see the real uniting- patriots stand for a nation not a party! RINOS join your minions on the left and get out of America’s way! We are for freedom and we are standing up! These are strong and vividly colorful words from a serious, well seasoned Military Attorney who just won’t roll over and allow the media to drag her reputation through the mud. She is chomping at the bit to get on with the real justice and that is the days in court. Be it the Supreme Court or before the Military Tribunal. In an interview Sidney Powell stated, “The Republican elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fueled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in D.C., and silencing patriots who speak out against this insanity. “When Trump begins his second term a tidal wave of punishment will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.” In a news report by Hal Turner, his sources state that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both allegedly took money from Communist China, perhaps to intentionally STEAL the November 3rd Election for Joe Biden. These two sold our votes and constitutional rights to China for a buck! The devil went down to Georgia and indeed he found some to fiddle with! Click link to read full report: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/k-a-b-o-o-m-governor-and-secretary-of-state-in-georgia-took-money-from-china-to-steal-election-from-trump?fbclid=IwAR39S7jlhYktsvvSQpEJCbWPo4XixSk-OPi8OUURa_x3OO1k1v3QdkADqaM Excerpts from Hal Turner Report: “According to very high level sources from my years working National Security Intelligence with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger. “A recent report states the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger. “The Trump election legal team forced the President to WAIT before revealing this, until both Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the Election results. “According to those same sources, once Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the results, their crime was complete. Both men certified those election results this week. By law, Mr. Raffensperger was obliged to certify the election results before 5 p.m. on Friday. Gov. Kemp, had to then certify the results by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Both men did exactly those acts. “The implications of this revelation are staggering. First, that a sitting REPUBLICAN Governor would stab his Party’s President, and our nation, in the back, for a foreign government, is utterly horrifying. People are already asking ” My God, what could they have offered that he would sell out his own people? His own country?” “That a foreign nation would DARE to pay money in order to rig or steal a U.S. Presidential Election is . . . a casus belli (Cause for war.) China appears to have tried to STEAL our freedom by STEALING our Elections. War is justified. “Again, the national security intelligence sources with whom I have spoken, assure me this information is solid and the proof is already in government hands.“ And now you know why Attorney Sidney Powell said she was going to Blow up Georgia starting with the Governor and Attorney General! According to Hal Turner, Intel sources now also confirm that “Other Governors, Secretaries of State, State Election officials, County Election officials and even several big city Mayors also allegedly received payments from Communist China and those payments have been tracked as well.” Dianne Marshall The Devil Went Down to Georgia – YouTube SIDE NOTE ADDED: 11/23/2020 The Marshall Report says: A registered civilian military lawyer IS NOT A JAG which is a Judge Advocate General. Sidney Powell has been a Federal Prosecutor as well as has her own law firm. In Military courts: Other Federal Courts. Anyone going before a military tribunal can have an attorney appointed through JAG or have one from the civilian sector. We are looking at both non-military justice cases regarding treason against the American people and military treason involvement. Non-military justice cases relating to national security issues (such as treaty interpretation, constitutional law, federal criminal law, and civil liberties) are heard by the general federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, and U.S. District Courts. For more information on these courts and where you can find their decisions, see the Library’s Case Law Research Guide.https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365986&p=5204253 Laws are complicated but rest assured Sidney Powell knows the law and is both a criminal prosecutor, and defense lawyer. She is now representing the United States Citizens against blatant constitutional, federal criminal, and civil liberty violations WHICH are treasonous and will not relent in representing the citizens at any court level. She is equipted. Moreover, here is a link that shows the laws and offenses those who took part in the election fraud and foreign nation meddling are facing: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1%2Fchapter115&edition=prelim Aside from her extremely huge Federal Attorney record with the Department of Justice with over 500 Supreme Court Cases, Sidney Powell has proven she is more than equipped to represent military justice/Federal cases such as General Flynn in his Military Logan Act case and had it overturned. Deep State is still fighting that ruling. If there is a discrepency, it would be in the part of the statement that “she is the only one who can prosecute at” should be stated “She is the best one to prosecute at”. “西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)已註冊為軍事律師,並且是唯一可以在法庭上起訴 叛國罪的人!” 2020年11月23日 馬歇爾報告 因此,不要讓旋轉醫生和虛假媒體告訴您有關那個正在沼澤中倒下巨人的女人的謊言!其 中有很多,比任何人想像的都多! 鮑威爾說,“新世界秩序”已經“推翻了共和黨”,共和黨將自己的靈魂賣給了“新世界 秩序”,以換取“賄賂”形式的大筆現金支付。西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell) 警告 稱,如果特朗普總統的第二個任期被“黑暗之子”從他那裡竊取,那麼共和黨有可能在 2021年被“大復位”“像母狗一樣被neu滅”。 感謝西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)揭露各方的腐敗。共和黨賣光了一些現金,美國 人民發現了!現在等著看,真正的團結愛國者代表著一個國家而不是一個政黨!RINOS加 入您左側的奴才,擺脫美國的束縛!我們追求自由,我們站起來! 這些是來自認真,經驗豐富的軍事律師的堅強而生動的話語,這些律師不會任由其發言, 並允許媒體將自己的聲譽拖入泥潭。她正在爭先恐後地尋求真正的正義,那就是法庭上的 日子。無論是最高法院還是軍事法庭。 席德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)在接受采訪時說:“共和黨精英們不安全地躲在宣傳 背後,媒體機構,在哥倫比亞特區做出不負責任的決定,並壓制反對這種精神錯亂的愛國 者。 “當特朗普開始第二個任期時,即將到來的是潮水般的懲罰,這種情況在美國從未見過。 ” 在哈爾·特納,他的消息來源狀態的新聞報導,格魯吉亞的共和黨州長布賴恩·坎普 和國家的格魯吉亞部長布拉德Raffensperger據稱都拿錢來自共產黨中國,也許是故意偷 11月3日第三屆 選舉拜登。 這兩個人將我們的選票和憲法權利賣給了中國!魔鬼來到了佐治亞州,的確找到了一些小 玩意兒! 單擊鏈接以閱讀完整的報告:https : //halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/kaboom-governor-and-secretary-of-state-in-georgia-took-money-from 中國從王牌竊取選舉?fbclid = IwAR39S7jlhYktsvvSQpEJCbWPo4XixSk-OPi8OUURa_x3OO1k1v3QdkADqaM Hal Turner報告摘錄: “根據我多年來與FBI聯合恐怖主義特別工作組一起工作的國家安 全情報部門的高層消息來源,聯邦儲備銀行可以證明對肯普和拉芬珀格爾的付款。 “最近的一份報告指出,聯邦政府已經證明了對肯普和拉芬斯珀格的付款。 “特朗普選舉法律團隊迫使總統WAIT透露在此之前,直到兩個Kemp和Raffensperger CERTIFIED選舉結果。 “根據這些相同的來源,一旦Kemp和Raffensperger證明的結果,他們的罪行是完整的。 兩人都證實了本週的選舉結果。根據法律,Raffensperger先生必須在周五下午5點之前證 明選舉結果。 肯普州長必須在周六下午5點之前對結果進行認證。這兩個人確實做了那 些行為。 “這個啟示的意義是驚人的。首先,一名現任共和國總督刺傷該黨的總統,而我們的國家 在背後卻為一個外國政府所震驚。人們已經在問“我的上帝,他們可以提出什麼條件,讓 他賣掉自己的人民?他自己的國家?” “那一個外國還敢付錢以鑽機或竊取美國總統大選。。。戰爭的起因。中國似乎試圖通過 操縱選舉來竊取我們的自由。戰爭是有道理的。 我再次與之交談的國家安全情報來源向我保證,這些信息是可靠的,證據已經掌握在政府 手中。“ 視頻播放器 00:00 02:09 現在您知道為什麼司法部長西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)說她要從州長和總檢察長 那裡開始炸毀佐治亞州! 根據Hal Turner的說法,英特爾消息人士現在也證實“據稱其他州長,國務卿,州選舉官 員,縣選舉官員甚至數個大城市市長也從共產主義中國收到了付款,並且這些付款也已跟 踪。” 黛安·馬歇爾(Dianne Marshall) 魔鬼去佐治亞州– YouTube 新增旁注:2020/11/23 馬歇爾報告 說: 註冊的民事軍事律師不是司法部長,而是司法部長。西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)曾擔任聯邦檢察官, 並擁有自己的律師事務所。在軍事法院:其他聯邦法院。上軍事法庭的人都可以通過JAG 任命一名律師,也可以從民政部門任命一名律師。我們正在研究有關針對美國人民的叛國 罪和涉及軍事叛國罪的非軍事司法案件。 與國家安全問題(例如條約解釋,憲法,聯邦刑法和公民自由)有關的非軍事司法案件由 包括美國最高法院,美國巡迴上訴法院和美國地區法院在內的一般聯邦法院審理。法院。 有關這些法院以及在何處可以找到其判決的更多信息,請參見《圖書館的判例法研究指南 》。https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365986&p=5204253 法律很複雜,但請放心Sidney Powell知道法律,既是刑事檢察官又是辯護律師。她現在 代表美國公民反對公然的違反憲法,聯邦刑事和公民自由的行為,因為這是叛國的行為, 不會在任何法院級別上代表公民。她裝備精良。此外,以下鏈接顯示了參與選舉欺詐和外 國干預的人所面臨的法律和罪行:https ://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path =% 2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1% 2Fchapter115&edition = prelim Sidney Powell除了 在司法部擁有500多個最高法院案件的極其豐富的聯邦檢察官記錄外,還證明她有足夠的 能力代表軍事司法/聯邦案件,例如Flynn將軍在他的《軍事Logan法案》案中進行訴訟, 並推翻了訴訟。深州仍在與該裁決作鬥爭。如果存在差異,則在聲明的一部分中應指出“ 她是唯一可以起訴的人”。 中文翻譯爛是GOOGLE的錯 不是我的問題 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1606227351.A.9FB.html

11/24 22:18, 3年前 , 1F
很嚴重的指控 關鍵是證據呢?證據力足夠嗎?
11/24 22:18, 1F

11/24 22:19, 3年前 , 2F
這什麼網站阿....什麼怪網站都能找到 滿佩服你的
11/24 22:19, 2F

11/24 22:20, 3年前 , 3F
簡單的說 GA州長與州卿收賄的金流證據被聯邦掌握了
11/24 22:20, 3F

11/24 22:20, 3年前 , 4F
11/24 22:20, 4F

11/24 22:21, 3年前 , 5F
11/24 22:21, 5F

11/24 22:21, 3年前 , 6F
11/24 22:21, 6F

11/24 22:23, 3年前 , 7F
11/24 22:23, 7F

11/24 22:23, 3年前 , 8F
11/24 22:23, 8F

11/24 22:24, 3年前 , 9F
11/24 22:24, 9F

11/24 22:25, 3年前 , 10F
11/24 22:25, 10F

11/24 22:25, 3年前 , 11F
11/24 22:25, 11F

11/24 22:26, 3年前 , 12F

11/24 22:26, 3年前 , 13F
11/24 22:26, 13F

11/24 22:26, 3年前 , 14F
我說川普方掌握那麼多證據怎麼勝訴這麼少?? 而且沒有關鍵
11/24 22:26, 14F

11/24 22:26, 3年前 , 15F
好多人好急喔 慢慢折磨才是樂趣
11/24 22:26, 15F

11/24 22:26, 3年前 , 16F
11/24 22:26, 16F

11/24 22:27, 3年前 , 17F
11/24 22:27, 17F

11/24 22:27, 3年前 , 18F
川粉真的很可憐 幫QQ
11/24 22:27, 18F

11/24 22:27, 3年前 , 19F
11/24 22:27, 19F

11/24 22:27, 3年前 , 20F
11/24 22:27, 20F

11/24 22:28, 3年前 , 21F
11/24 22:28, 21F

11/24 22:28, 3年前 , 22F
說真的最折磨我的是這個中文翻譯 其他沒甚麼....
11/24 22:28, 22F

11/24 22:28, 3年前 , 23F
是假的後果她自己負責 一直證據來證據去
11/24 22:28, 23F

11/24 22:28, 3年前 , 24F
11/24 22:28, 24F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 25F
哈哈 口嫌體正直 川粉黑一直在等川粉文章來噓文嘲諷
11/24 22:29, 25F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 26F
軍事律師必須是軍人 可以先完成JSA資格再從軍 或是從軍之厚
11/24 22:29, 26F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 27F
11/24 22:29, 27F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 28F
11/24 22:29, 28F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 29F
但軍事律師是軍人, 起薪38000
11/24 22:29, 29F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 30F
11/24 22:29, 30F

11/24 22:29, 3年前 , 31F
11/24 22:29, 31F

11/24 22:30, 3年前 , 32F
11/24 22:30, 32F

11/24 22:30, 3年前 , 33F
樓上有人講到關鍵 他們的證據連法官都不給看
11/24 22:30, 33F

11/24 22:30, 3年前 , 34F
11/24 22:30, 34F

11/24 22:30, 3年前 , 35F
11/24 22:30, 35F

11/24 22:30, 3年前 , 36F
11/24 22:30, 36F

11/24 22:31, 3年前 , 37F

11/24 22:31, 3年前 , 38F
11/24 22:31, 38F

11/24 22:31, 3年前 , 39F
11/24 22:31, 39F
還有 628 則推文
11/25 01:31, 3年前 , 668F
對啊 用無奈的臉比你啊 怎麼了嗎?
11/25 01:31, 668F

11/25 01:31, 3年前 , 669F
對啊 用無奈的臉比你啊 怎麼了嗎?
11/25 01:31, 669F

11/25 01:31, 3年前 , 670F
從頭到尾就你自己在講中指 我不知道你在講甚麼
11/25 01:31, 670F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 671F
比中指就比中指 不要再凹了
11/25 01:32, 671F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 672F
沒凹啊 我講事實
11/25 01:32, 672F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 673F
11/25 01:32, 673F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 674F
11/25 01:32, 674F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 675F
反正我證據也準備好了 你快去好不好XD
11/25 01:32, 675F

11/25 01:32, 3年前 , 676F
11/25 01:32, 676F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 677F
拜託 我很想知道你是不是輪班的
11/25 01:33, 677F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 678F
11/25 01:33, 678F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 679F
不要跑啊 說好要告的
11/25 01:33, 679F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 680F
11/25 01:33, 680F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 681F
自己整天罵人 證據一大堆 還想告誰啊XD
11/25 01:33, 681F

11/25 01:33, 3年前 , 682F
11/25 01:33, 682F

11/25 01:34, 3年前 , 683F
快去告 我這邊起碼有你罵我的三篇文章 包括指名的
11/25 01:34, 683F

11/25 01:34, 3年前 , 684F
11/25 01:34, 684F

11/25 01:34, 3年前 , 685F
趕快去告 我們好辦網聚
11/25 01:34, 685F

11/25 01:35, 3年前 , 686F
11/25 01:35, 686F

11/25 01:35, 3年前 , 687F
我猜這根浮木大概兩天後斷 樓下覺得呢?
11/25 01:35, 687F

11/25 01:39, 3年前 , 688F
11/25 01:39, 688F

11/25 01:39, 3年前 , 689F
你的法律顧問幫你寫訴狀了沒 你現在要告幾個人了 一次
11/25 01:39, 689F

11/25 01:39, 3年前 , 690F
告一告 大家在法院辦個網聚也不錯
11/25 01:39, 690F

11/25 01:56, 3年前 , 691F
11/25 01:56, 691F

11/25 02:04, 3年前 , 692F
電音島也不用跟他浪費時間啦 重點講完了看不懂是他的事
11/25 02:04, 692F

11/25 02:04, 3年前 , 693F
不用講什麼中指不中指的 這樣也能吵上熱門
11/25 02:04, 693F

11/25 03:03, 3年前 , 694F
川普滿手的證據,結果上法院一直敗訴 共35敗
11/25 03:03, 694F

11/25 03:09, 3年前 , 695F
11/25 03:09, 695F

11/25 05:24, 3年前 , 696F
11/25 05:24, 696F

11/25 06:20, 3年前 , 697F
這不止是誰要被關這麼簡單的問題而已 而是共產黨要拿什麼
11/25 06:20, 697F

11/25 06:20, 3年前 , 698F
出來擺平這件事 就算割地賠款應該都無法平息眾怒...
11/25 06:20, 698F

11/25 06:22, 3年前 , 699F
11/25 06:22, 699F

11/25 06:24, 3年前 , 700F
某V你的fc呢?二星期了 zzz
11/25 06:24, 700F

11/25 06:35, 3年前 , 701F
11/25 06:35, 701F

11/25 06:37, 3年前 , 702F
還在fc 你的臉都被打歪了還在fc 笑死
11/25 06:37, 702F

11/25 06:41, 3年前 , 703F
你自己要fc喔 賴帳?XDD
11/25 06:41, 703F

11/25 08:04, 3年前 , 704F
11/25 08:04, 704F

11/25 08:16, 3年前 , 705F
https://bit.ly/2Jafrps 早就fc完了 搞笑咖
11/25 08:16, 705F

11/25 08:23, 3年前 , 706F
還有你為何造謠我賴帳 我有跟你對賭任何東西嗎?笑死
11/25 08:23, 706F

11/25 10:18, 3年前 , 707F
11/25 10:18, 707F
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