Re: [新聞] 快訊》國際認證一大步 高端疫苗中選WHO候選疫苗!陳時中下午 2:00說明已刪文

看板Gossiping作者 (甘蔗)時間2年前 (2021/10/27 13:31), 編輯推噓0(000)
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看來應該是指10/26發的statement 原文有提到如下: To date, the independent vaccine prioritization advisory group has reviewed th e evidence of around 20 candidate vaccines. Following the recommendation of th e working group, 2 candidate vaccines are now included in the Solidarity Trial Vaccines. These are a protein subunit vaccine from Medigen, and a DNA vaccine encoding the spike protein from Inovio. Two additional vaccines are expected to enter the Solidarity Trial Vaccines on ce additional evidence and documentation has been reviewed and accepted as sat isfactory by the independent vaccine prioritization advisory group. It is expected that other candidate vaccines currently under consideration by the vaccine prioritization advisory group may be added to the trial in late 20 21 and during 2022. The Solidarity Trial Vaccines aims to accelerate the evaluation of multiple pr omising candidate COVID-19 vaccines, contributing to the creation of a larger portfolio of vaccines needed to protect people from COVID-19 around the world. The trial has the additional potential to uncover second-generation vaccines with greater efficacy, conferring greater protection against variants of conce rn, offering longer duration of protection, and/or using needle-free routes of administration. 資料來源 cines 心得: 記者指只截他要的台灣價值部分, 但很多人應該是關心大概什麼時候可入境美國, 若按照美國的標準做完三期的標準, 至少要到2022完了(highlight部分) 也就是合理推測的話 要順利入境美國可能要做好到2023的準備了 ※ 引述《jis0077 (一個人的輕旅行)》之銘言: : 快訊》國際認證一大步 高端疫苗中選WHO候選疫苗!陳時中下午 2:00說明 : 新頭殼newtalk | 曾郡秋 綜合報導 : 發布 2021.10.27 | 10:08 : 昨前台大醫林氏璧在臉書上發表文章表示,高端新冠疫苗確認是WHO發起的Solidarity : 苗臨床試驗中的候選疫苗!他表示,之前連加恩不敢大聲說的這件事:「WHO贊助去哥 : 比亞做傳統三期」現在已確認了!林氏璧表示,WHO發起的Solidarity疫苗臨床試驗, : 為了加速評估有潛力的疫苗,增加全世界可使用新冠疫苗的數量。希望能發現更有效, : 對變種株,更持久,甚至是不須打針的疫苗。 : WHO與哥倫比亞、馬利與菲律賓衛生部宣布啟動此計畫,且已經經過當地相關法規單位 : 倫理委員會核准執行。這是獨立的諮詢委員會,高端Medigen的次單位蛋白疫苗是從大 : 20支疫苗中選出來的,而另外一支疫苗是Inovio的DNA疫苗。林氏璧也恭喜高端疫苗的 : 際認證走出一大步,而相關疫苗策略,邊境防疫作為,指揮中心將在下午2:00召開直 : 記者會,由指揮官陳時中親自說明。 : : -------------------- : 難怪高端今天鎖漲停 : 請問現在壓身家歐印來得及嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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