[新聞] 中國制裁未見效,澳洲煤炭出口維持強檔

看板Gossiping作者 (倒立澳客)時間3年前 (2021/01/15 14:53), 3年前編輯推噓79(83447)
留言134則, 112人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: 澳廣 ABC 2.記者署名: Ben Millington 3.完整新聞標題: 中國制裁未見效,澳洲煤炭出口維持強檔 4.完整新聞內文: While Australian coal remains off limits in China, the trade tensions have barely dented overall export figures from Australia's largest coal terminal, with producers finding other international markets. 雖然澳洲煤炭仍禁入中國,這場貿易緊張態勢對澳洲紐卡索港(澳洲最大煤炭出口港) 的出口數據幾無皮肉傷,因為煤商已經找了其他國際買家。 China usually accounts for 20 per cent of exports from the Port of Newcastle, and when coal ships stopped leaving for China in November, it raised the prospect of a shortfall in demand. 以往,紐卡索港出口總量中,有兩成銷往中國,但就在十一月起澳洲不再把煤炭銷往中 國之際,人們原本預估澳洲煤在市場上會供過於求。 Yet, overall export figures for December show only a 3 per cent decline on the previous year. 然而,十二月份的出口總數據顯示,澳洲煤的出口量比起前一年僅下滑 3%。 Rory Simington, senior analyst with Wood Mackenzie, said the international coal market had rebalanced itself "remarkably quickly" in the face of the trade war. Wood Machenzie 能源公司資深分析師 Rory Simington 表示,國際煤炭市場在面對 這場貿易戰時,自我平衡的速度「非常神速」。 Mr Simington said new markets had opened for Australian producers, ironically as a result of China's surging power demand for heating through a bitterly cold northern winter. Simington表示,中國華北地區在霸王級寒冬中對供暖能源需求的暴升,諷刺地反而替 澳洲煤炭打開了新的市場。 "The Chinese coal market's in a bit of chaos at the moment because there's an extremely cold winter there and prices for domestic coal are extremely high," Mr Simington said. Simington 說道:「中國煤炭市場現在陷入一些混亂當中,因為眼下中國正值極凍寒冬 而且其國內煤炭需求非常非常高。」 "So they've gone to other places like Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and have pushed up prices in those destinations — that has provided opportunities for Australian coal into other destinations that it wouldn't normally compete into. 「於是,他們便向其他賣家如印尼、俄羅斯、南非等國買炭,然後就把那些國家的煤炭 價格推高了。如此一來便給了澳洲機會,將煤炭銷到一些原本澳煤沒競爭優勢的市場。」 "If China pushes up Indonesian prices, that means a consumer in India is looking at relatively much higher prices for Indonesian coal, and they're saying, 'well, I'll just have some Australian, thanks'." 「要是中國把印尼煤價抬高了,那印度的買家如果要買印尼的煤,就得面對更高的價格 ,他們就會說『老闆,給我來份澳洲煤,謝謝。』」 Mr Simington said new export orders to India, Pakistan, Turkey and even Spain had cushioned the shock for Australian coal producers. Simington 說道,來自印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其、甚至是西班牙的新訂單,讓澳洲煤商 原本面對的衝擊能夠得到減緩。 In its December quarterly statement to the ASX, Whitehaven Coal explained that they were sourcing Australian coal through other countries: Whitehaven 煤炭公司在對澳洲證交所第四季的報告當中,說明了中國正在透過第三國 購買澳洲煤炭。報告引文如下: China has supplemented its domestic coal production with higher cost coal from alternative origins such as Russia, Indonesia and South Africa. In addition, late in 2020 China lifted its total import quota in response to strong domestic demand and an extremely cold winter. China's restrictions have altered seaborne coal trade flows where, instead of being delivered to China, Australian coal is now finding customers in alternate destinations including India, Pakistan and the Middle East, and traded coal historically delivered into these markets is finding its way into China. 「 中國除了國產煤外,也從其他高成本煤炭產地如俄國、印尼、南非等進口煤炭 作為補充。 此外,2020年末,中國為了因應霸王級寒冬以及國內對煤高度需求,便取消了 煤炭輸入配額限制。 中國對澳煤的禁令改變了煤炭海運路線生態,原本輸往中國的澳煤現在在替代 市場找到了買家,其中包括印度、巴基斯坦、以及中東諸國,這些國家會把向澳洲 買的煤炭再轉手賣給中國。」 Annual figures for Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS), which handles the bulk of coal loading in the Port of Newcastle, show its exports to China dropped from 18 per cent in 2019 to 8 per cent in 2020. 負責紐卡索港煤炭裝貨的PWCS公司的年度數據顯示,銷往中國的煤炭對整體煤炭外銷的 佔比從2019年的18%,降到了2020年的8%。 But overall there was only a 4 per cent decline, which PWCS chief executive Hennie de Plooy attributed to the pandemic 但是整體煤炭外銷的降幅僅4%,而PWCS執行長Hennie de Plooy將之歸因於疫情。 "Certainly very little coal from here went into China sort of in the last four or five months of the year, but producers in the Hunter Valley were able to find replacement markets for basically all of the coal that didn't go to China," he said. 「過去的四五個月當中,從這裡銷往中國的煤炭自然是很少,但杭特谷這裡的煤商已經 為所有沒成功賣到中國的煤炭找到了替代市場。」 "I think the main impact was actually the pandemic, the demand really softened in the first half of the year around April-May, when a lot of the economies basically shut down and energy demand dropped. "Economies restarted in the second half and demand picked up." 「我認為主要的影響是來自疫情。在去年上半年四五月左右需求真的下滑了,因為那陣子 許多經濟活動都停了下來,使得能源需求下跌。 到了下半年,經濟活動又恢復了過來,需求就自然回升。」 In another win for the industry, thermal coal prices rose significantly at the end of 2020, up from a low of around $US50 a tonne, where many Australian coal producers are cash negative, to now above $US80 a tonne. 澳煤還有另一個佳音,熱能煤炭價格自2020年底各大煤商賠錢之際的每噸50美元低點, 竄漲到現今的每噸80美元 Mr Simington said the prices were being driven not only by China but also Japan and other Northern Hemisphere countries experiencing the cold winter. Simington 表示,煤價上漲不只因為中國,也因為北半球其他國家如日本也在面臨極冷 的寒冬。 "Obviously this peak winter demand will pass and things will probably ease off considerably around Chinese New Year, when it looks like the government there is asking people to close up early as a reaction to coronavirus issues," he said. 他說:「顯然,冬季的需求巔峰會過去,到春節左右就會平穩下來,屆時中國政府又會 因為疫情叫大家提早收工放假。」 "So we're expecting to see quite a significant decline in China that could bring prices down — but having said that, my feeling is that Chinese domestic prices are going to support seaborne prices pretty significantly through much of, if not all, of 2021. 「因此,我們期望接下來中國國內的煤價有機會下跌,但即使這樣講,我覺得中國的煤 價還是會在2021年大部份的時間裡繼續把海運煤炭的價格撐著。」 "Prices can come off an awful long way and still be supportive of where seaborne prices are at the moment." 「(其國內)價格下跌得再多,都還是有可能繼續把海運煤炭撐在現今的價格。」 Mr Simington said there was "absolutely no sign" of the Chinese Government relenting on its Australian coal ban. "I think the Chinese Government is showing that it's prepared to endure quite a bit of pain with coal prices where they are in China," he said. Simington 表示,中國政府「完全沒有對澳煤禁令鬆綁的跡象」。 他說:「我覺得中國政府顯示了他們已準備好要忍受高煤價所帶來的各種痛楚。」 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/y3pkaozw 6.備註: 結果倒頭來黃豆的教訓也沒學到,禁澳煤反而還得跟別國買轉手加價過的澳煤 鞭懲澳洲,澳洲不疼,韭菜凍死,中或最贏 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1610693606.A.9C6.html

01/15 14:53, 3年前 , 1F
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01/15 14:54, 3年前 , 2F
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01/15 14:54, 3年前 , 3F
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01/15 14:54, 3年前 , 4F
有夠盤 轉手爽賺
01/15 14:54, 4F

01/15 14:54, 3年前 , 5F
01/15 14:54, 5F

01/15 14:55, 3年前 , 6F
怎不說澳洲現在大貶值 還以為自己多了不起 中國施展一點壓
01/15 14:55, 6F

01/15 14:55, 3年前 , 7F
01/15 14:55, 7F

01/15 14:55, 3年前 , 8F
力你就喘不過氣 台蛙一根指頭便能捏死
01/15 14:55, 8F

01/15 14:55, 3年前 , 9F
買不到天然氣的國家 就跑去買煤發電了
01/15 14:55, 9F

01/15 14:55, 3年前 , 10F
這個是中國自己做死 他們自己一堆煤礦...
01/15 14:55, 10F

01/15 14:56, 3年前 , 11F
就跟抵制美國黃豆從巴西買 結果最後巴西也是調美國黃豆
01/15 14:56, 11F

01/15 14:56, 3年前 , 12F
不錯 中國果然是國際市場 不錯不錯
01/15 14:56, 12F

01/15 14:56, 3年前 , 13F
01/15 14:56, 13F

01/15 14:56, 3年前 , 14F
不過冷的是那些供暖不足的老百姓 跟高官無關
01/15 14:56, 14F

01/15 14:57, 3年前 , 15F
不要談煤炭了 快點進點便宜的澳龍
01/15 14:57, 15F

01/15 14:57, 3年前 , 16F
有在看小說的話 會知道那邊供暖常常出狀況
01/15 14:57, 16F

01/15 14:57, 3年前 , 17F
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01/15 14:58, 3年前 , 18F
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01/15 14:58, 3年前 , 19F
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01/15 14:58, 3年前 , 20F
禁美國大豆也是阿 你不買其他國家搶著買
01/15 14:58, 20F

01/15 14:58, 3年前 , 21F
中國國產煤陸運成本加上去 對中南部發電廠不見得有價格優勢
01/15 14:58, 21F

01/15 14:59, 3年前 , 22F
最白痴就禁美國豬肉進口俄羅斯豬肉 結果得豬瘟XDDD
01/15 14:59, 22F

01/15 15:00, 3年前 , 23F
01/15 15:00, 23F

01/15 15:00, 3年前 , 24F
中間轉賣發大財 真是暖心
01/15 15:00, 24F

01/15 15:00, 3年前 , 25F
咱們中國人多 凍死個幾百幾千有怎的?
01/15 15:00, 25F

01/15 15:00, 3年前 , 26F
01/15 15:00, 26F

01/15 15:02, 3年前 , 27F
哈哈哈 看看那些冷死的支那豬瘟豬
01/15 15:02, 27F

01/15 15:02, 3年前 , 28F
慢慢看 嗑瓜子看戲就好 大家都知道中國人什麼德性
01/15 15:02, 28F

01/15 15:03, 3年前 , 29F
轉賣發大財 笑死
01/15 15:03, 29F

01/15 15:04, 3年前 , 30F
澳洲其实很痛 爱面子不承认罢了 反正我们中国赢了
01/15 15:04, 30F

01/15 15:05, 3年前 , 31F
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01/15 15:06, 3年前 , 32F
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01/15 15:09, 3年前 , 33F
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01/15 15:09, 3年前 , 34F
還有時間搞啥 洗洗睡
01/15 15:09, 34F

01/15 15:10, 3年前 , 35F
大內宣:我們不跟澳洲買! 牆外:蛤~你透過第三國XDDDD
01/15 15:10, 35F

01/15 15:11, 3年前 , 36F
澳洲省運費 煤只要載到印尼就好 中國大內宣澳洲取代
01/15 15:11, 36F

01/15 15:11, 3年前 , 37F
01/15 15:11, 37F

01/15 15:12, 3年前 , 38F
商是印尼 印尼表示:我的煤開挖了? 不是嫌含硫過高
01/15 15:12, 38F

01/15 15:13, 3年前 , 39F
01/15 15:13, 39F
還有 55 則推文
還有 1 段內文
01/15 17:10, 3年前 , 95F
01/15 17:10, 95F

01/15 17:11, 3年前 , 96F
自己買2手媒 國內韭菜沒媒用
01/15 17:11, 96F

01/15 17:20, 3年前 , 97F
中或贏 又騙了不少小粉紅
01/15 17:20, 97F

01/15 17:49, 3年前 , 98F
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01/15 17:59, 3年前 , 99F
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01/15 18:01, 3年前 , 100F
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01/15 18:15, 3年前 , 101F
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01/15 18:19, 3年前 , 102F
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01/15 18:23, 3年前 , 103F
預期遠期煤價會跌 但中國政府這種說翻臉就翻臉的風
01/15 18:23, 103F

01/15 18:23, 3年前 , 104F
格 會讓其他國家不太敢跟他們做生意
01/15 18:23, 104F

01/15 18:24, 3年前 , 105F
01/15 18:24, 105F

01/15 18:37, 3年前 , 106F
透過別國採購澳洲煤炭就是三角貿易啊 人家當然好好宰你
01/15 18:37, 106F

01/15 18:37, 3年前 , 107F
這個中國肥羊 反正韭菜又不會講話哈哈哈哈哈哈
01/15 18:37, 107F

01/15 18:37, 3年前 , 108F
01/15 18:37, 108F

01/15 18:38, 3年前 , 109F
只要打嘴砲騙騙小粉紅 中國是最大淫家就行了
01/15 18:38, 109F

01/15 18:39, 3年前 , 110F
原來是制裁中國啊 我還以為是制裁澳洲欸
01/15 18:39, 110F

01/15 18:42, 3年前 , 111F
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01/15 19:09, 3年前 , 112F
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01/15 20:48, 3年前 , 117F
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01/15 21:26, 3年前 , 118F
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01/15 21:56, 3年前 , 119F
中或最贏 讚讚讚
01/15 21:56, 119F

01/15 22:20, 3年前 , 120F
這些國家會把向澳洲買的煤炭再轉手賣給中國 wwwwwwww
01/15 22:20, 120F

01/15 22:23, 3年前 , 121F
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01/15 23:39, 3年前 , 122F
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01/16 00:00, 3年前 , 123F
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01/16 01:53, 3年前 , 124F
轉手賣中國 有錢大家賺
01/16 01:53, 124F

01/16 05:48, 3年前 , 125F
就跟之前美國黃豆一模一樣 中國人就是白痴啊
01/16 05:48, 125F

01/16 05:50, 3年前 , 126F
死好啦 用抖發爽 反正死的是韭菜 中共高官不痛不癢 還可以清
01/16 05:50, 126F

01/16 05:50, 3年前 , 127F
01/16 05:50, 127F

01/16 08:37, 3年前 , 128F
中國不買 台灣買
01/16 08:37, 128F

01/16 21:23, 3年前 , 129F
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01/16 21:23, 3年前 , 130F
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01/16 23:40, 3年前 , 131F
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01/17 11:30, 3年前 , 132F
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01/17 22:51, 3年前 , 133F
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01/18 11:20, 3年前 , 134F
01/18 11:20, 134F
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