[新聞] 香港示威者成功搞砸中國國慶

看板Gossiping作者 (安滴滴)時間4年前 (2019/10/01 23:58), 4年前編輯推噓6(1048)
留言22則, 20人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
※發文無1~6小標格式或未依順序任意刪除者會被刪文 1.媒體來源: ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單) CNN 2.記者署名 ※ 沒有在這打上記者署名的新聞會被水桶14天 編輯非記者 ※ 外電至少要有來源或編輯 如:法新社 CNN James Griffiths, CNN 3.完整新聞標題: ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 Hong Kong protesters set out to spoil China's big day. They succeeded 香港示威者成功搞砸中國國慶 4.完整新聞內文: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版 規 Hong Kong (CNN) — You could not have asked for a more striking contrast betwe en Hong Kong and Beijing. As thousands of performers took part in a stunning, highly coordinated display in Tiananmen Square -- half ultra-patriotic Olympics opening ceremony, half C hinese New Year's gala -- Hong Kong was in chaos, with fires set, subway stati ons and government buildings vandalized, and protesters clashing with police a nd residents across multiple districts. Chinese President Xi Jinping held the world's attention Tuesday morning with a grand military parade through the capital to mark 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic. But by the time festivities resumed in the evening, all eyes were on Hong Kong, which has emerged as one of the largest thorns in Xi's side. 成千上萬的表演者在天安門廣場參加了一場令人驚嘆,高度協調的表演-一半是奧運會開 幕式,一半是農曆新年晚會- 香港一片混亂,大火,地鐵站和政府大樓遭到破壞, 抗議者與多個地區的警察和居民發 生衝突。 中國國家主席習近平周二上午在首都舉行了盛大的閱兵式,以紀念建國70週年,引起了 世界的關注。 但是到了晚上慶祝活動恢復時,所有人的目光都集中在香港,它已成為習 近平身邊最大的背刺之一。 Protester shot by police In the lead-up to October 1, the focus was on whether China's leaders would cr ack down in Hong Kong or otherwise try and stop the city from upstaging the ca pital with inevitable protests. In the end, they relied on the city's beleaguered police force -- which has bo rne the brunt of the protests with scant support from the local government -- to handle the unrest. 在10月1日前的準備工作中,重點是中國領導人是否決定鎮壓香港,或以其他方式試圖阻 止人們抗議活動來破壞首都。 最終,他們只能依靠這座飽受困擾的港警部隊來處理騷亂。 But despite some 6,000 officers reportedly being deployed to the streets, they weren't able to contain the unrest. Protesters spread out across the whole ci ty -- and it was one police officer's action that did more than anything else to upstage the celebrations in Beijing. As tens of thousands of people took part in an unauthorized but largely peacef ul protest march on Hong Kong Island, smaller demonstrations across Kowloon an d the New Territories quickly turned violent. During a confrontation in TsuenW an, an officer fired a live round into a protester -- the first time lethal fo rce has been used in 17 weeks of protests. An 18-year-old man was hospitalized, and remains in a serious but stable condi tion. Police said the officer fired his weapon out of concern for both his own safety and that of a colleague who had been trapped on the floor and set upon by protesters. 但是據報導,儘管有大約6000名警察被部署到街頭,但他們仍無法控制騷亂。 抗議者遍 布整個城市 數以萬計的人參加了未經授權但主要是和平的行動在香港島遊行示威之後,整個九龍和新 界的較小規模的示威活動迅速變成了暴力。 在荃灣的一次對峙中,一名警察向抗議者開槍並以實彈射擊 在17週的抗議活動中首次使用致命武力, 一名18歲男子被送往醫院住院,目前仍處於嚴重但穩定的狀態 。 警方說,這名警官出於 自己和一名同事的安全而開火,這名同事被困在地板上並遭到示威者襲擊。 The action sparked outrage from protesters on the streets and many of their su pporters watching at home, and will help to galvanize a movement that -- whil e not exactly flagging -- was starting to attract smaller numbers as police eff orts to arrest as many core protesters as possible and shut down demonstration s appeared to be working somewhat. 這一舉動引起了街頭抗議者及其在家裡觀看的支持者的憤慨,激發更激烈運動-雖然沒有 確切地標記出來-但由於警方努力逮捕核心抗議者而且不批准遊行活動故人數不如往常 Video appears to show moment Hong Kong protester was shot 01:48 Major escalation For months now, many in Hong Kong have been wondering when the first death dir ectly caused by the increasingly violent protests would come, and the inevitab le escalation in unrest or crackdown that would follow. 數月以來,香港許多人一直在想,在日益激烈的抗議活動中,首例死亡何時會到來,以 及隨之而來的不可避免的動亂或鎮壓升級。 Speaking to CNN last week, a senior adviser to Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam -- who spoke on background to be candid about government thinking -- said it was "a miracle" that no one had died. The adviser, echoing the comments of many fo reign observers, pointed out that if such unrest was to take place in another jurisdiction, police would likely have already used lethal force. 上週在接受美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)採訪的香港領導人林鄭月娥(Carrie Lam)坦率 地談論政府思想,他說這是沒有人死亡的“奇蹟”。許多外國觀察員的評論,指出如果這 種抗議事件發生在另一個司法管轄區,警察可能已經使用了致命武力。 "Police have been extremely restrained because we've given them strict orders to be restrained," the adviser said. "We don't want to see any major fatalitie s." “警察已經非常的克制,因為我們對他們下達最嚴格的命令 “我們克制自己。我們不想看到任何重大死亡事件。” They warned that a death linked to the protests could see the situation escala te on both sides, with more anger and violence from demonstrators, and potenti ally prompt the use of emergency powers by the government -- as some conservat ive voices have been calling for for weeks now. 他們警告說,與抗議活動有關的死亡會導致雙方的局勢升級,示威者會更加憤怒和暴力, 所以一些保守派已經呼籲政府要執行緊急狀態命令 "There have been very strong calls for the introduction of emergency powers," the adviser said. "It could still happen if things go further south ... if som ebody dies." The adviser predicted that the type of emergency powers used could include thi ngs like anti-mask laws, extended detention and potentially internet filtering targeting messaging apps like Telegram. But the adviser was concerned that any declaration of an emergency by the Hong Kong government could enable Beijing to intervene -- the laws which cover the central government doing so are all structured around an emergency situation. 這位消息人士預測,所使用的緊急權力的類型可能包括諸如反面具法,長期拘留和網路過 濾之類的事情,針對Telegram等消息傳遞應用。 "Declaring an emergency would bring on so much opposition from everywhere, bri ng you a step closer to Beijing intervention," the adviser told CNN. "If we ou rselves declare there is a state of emergency we're halfway there." Crackdown concerns 鎮壓問題 While the city's luck appears to be holding -- with the man shot by police in a serious but not immediately critical condition -- firing a live round, even in apparently desperate circumstances, marked a major escalation, and one that may require a response. 這座城市的運氣似乎還沒用完 警察在不是立即危急的情況下射殺了該男子 實況轉播當中 Use of lethal force also refocused global media attention on Hong Kong, even a s interest in the non-stop protests had been flagging somewhat, particularly w ith the pomp and ceremony in Beijing as a distraction. 使用致命武力還使全球媒體重新關注了香港,儘管人們對不間斷抗議活動的興趣有所下降 ,尤其是在北京盛大的典禮和娛興節目上。 Officials in charge of Tuesday evening's show -- which was stunning in its siz e and organization -- will have been furious to have their moment, and the cou ntry's, upstaged by a part of China that often seems to want nothing to do wit h the rest of the country. The primary concern about October 1 in the city was that it would be a reason for the authorities to crack down, but an alternative interpretation argues th at such a window will be provided after the festivities in Beijing are over. Paramilitary troops have been seen on the Hong Kong border, and a large number of military reinforcements were recently moved to the People's Liberation Arm y garrison in the city. Once Beijing's day in the sun was complete, this theor y holds, the Chinese government would have a freer hand to launch a crackdown in Hong Kong.That Hong Kong already marred China's celebrations, and that the unrest is getting worse and more violent, may embolden those calling for Beiji ng to take aneven firmer hand. 解放軍在香港邊界上隨處可見,大量軍事增援部隊最近被移防到香港的人民解放軍駐紮地 。 一般認為,一旦北京在陽光下的日子結束了,中國政府將更自由開展鎮壓行動 香港已經損害了中國的慶祝活動,動亂正在加劇進行中,更加鼓舞那些呼籲北京採取堅定 立場的人。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/01/asia/hong-kong-china-protests-national-day-intl -hnk/index.html 6.備註: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意 維尼森七七囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1569945531.A.6D4.html

10/01 23:59, 4年前 , 1F
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10/01 23:59, 4年前 , 5F
沒翻譯進水桶 滾
10/01 23:59, 5F

10/01 23:59, 4年前 , 6F
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※ 編輯: Anddyliu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2019 00:03:07

10/02 00:00, 4年前 , 7F
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※ 編輯: Anddyliu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2019 00:11:37

10/02 00:03, 4年前 , 12F
喔 原來如此
10/02 00:03, 12F

10/02 00:10, 4年前 , 13F
10/02 00:10, 13F
※ 編輯: Anddyliu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2019 00:29:33

10/02 00:25, 4年前 , 14F
大致翻譯就行了啊Commie Chinazi Xitler
10/02 00:25, 14F

10/02 00:25, 4年前 , 15F
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10/02 00:28, 4年前 , 16F
對香港人來說是 國殤日沒錯
10/02 00:28, 16F
※ 編輯: Anddyliu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2019 00:50:54

10/02 00:33, 4年前 , 17F
是這樣沒錯啊 誰care中國幹嘛
10/02 00:33, 17F

10/02 00:34, 4年前 , 18F
國際金融中心快開戰了 這才是大事好嗎
10/02 00:34, 18F

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10/02 00:37, 4年前 , 20F
10/02 00:37, 20F

10/02 00:43, 4年前 , 21F
支那那中世紀爛秀 噁心死了
10/02 00:43, 21F
※ 編輯: Anddyliu ( 臺灣), 10/02/2019 01:00:51

10/02 09:27, 4年前 , 22F
公安武警城管 暴力執法 香港天天如此
10/02 09:27, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1TatUxRK (Gossiping)