[新聞] 川普官方發言人:什麼是正負2度C消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/11/15 17:07), 6年前編輯推噓36(3938)
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https://goo.gl/xVHa8n A Trump administration attempt to offer fossil fuels as a solution to climate change was subject to protest and walkouts on Monday at UN climate talks in Bonn. 川普的政策之一是要提供化石燃料來解決氣候變遷。這項政策在星期一的波昂聯合國氣候 會議中引起了抗議以及罷工。 Representatives of the fossil fuel industry said they wanted to be part of the conversation and sat through intense questioning and heckling from media and protesters in the room. 化石燃料工廠的代理人們說他們想要參與討論,想要完整的面對媒體以及抗議者的激烈質 詢。 The bitterness that has divided the US since the election of Donald Trump arrived in Bonn, when around a hundred mostly American climate protestors disrupted the event, with song, heckling and protest banners. 自從川普上任後分裂的美國氣氛傳到了德國波昂。有接近一百人(幾乎為美國人)在現場用 唱歌或是質詢或是舉牌抗議這次的會議。 “So you claim to be an American, but we see right through your greed,” the protesters sang at a panel including George David Banks, president Trump’s special energy assistant and moderated by vice president Mike Pence’s assistant Francis Brooke. Natural gas, coal and nuclear companies were also represented. 「你說你是美國人,但我們只看到你的貪婪。」抗議者們在一個由副總統助理Francis Brooke、川普能源助理George David Banks的座談小組中大聲疾呼著。現場還有天然瓦斯 、煤炭以及核能公司參與。 As they marched out of the room, they were joined by hundreds of other demonstrators that had not been able to get in. 當他們離開會議室後,好幾百個剛剛沒辦法加入的群眾們也跟著加入示威遊行行列。 The panel sat quietly through the protest before launching into a defence of the role of various forms of fossil energy in climate mitigation, in front of a half-empty room. 整個小組在抗議中鴉雀無聲,而後便開始幫忙辯護化石燃料可以扮演的腳色以減緩全球暖 化。但此時會議室只剩一半的人了。 Fossil fuels, including high efficiency coal power generation and carbon capture and storage, “were vital” to achieving the goals of the Paris deal, said Holly Krutka, vice president of coal generation and emissions technologies from Peabody Energy. 「化石燃料,包括高效率產能的煤炭以及碳排放跟儲藏,都是對要達到巴黎協定的合約的 目標來說相當重要的一環。」Peabody能源公司的碳產能排放科技副長Holly Krutka說。 Banks said: “This panel is only controversial if we choose to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the realities of a global energy system.” He repeatedly said he was in Bonn to talk openly. Banks說:「這個座談會議只有在我們鴕鳥心態避而不談,不想面對全球能源系統真相時 ,才是真的有爭議。」他重複地說他有在波昂公開說明情形。 When asked later by Climate Home News if the administration held the policy that the 2C warming target from the Paris deal needed to be avoided, he said: “I actually don’t know what that means, the 2C target”. 當被氣候中心新聞問到政策的實行是否會忽略巴黎協定的目標正負二度C時,Banks說「 還真不知道正負二度C的目標是要幹嘛欸。」 Banks has been involved with climate policy, of which the 2C target is a fundamental tenet, since the Bush administration. Banks從布希施政以來,便一直參與者氣候政策的規劃,而且正負二度C一直是基本原則。 Trump announced that the US would quit the Paris pact in a Rose Garden Speech last June, although no exit will be possible before November 2020. 川普在去年玫瑰花園的演講中發表美國將會離開巴黎協定,但是在2020的十一月以前不會 離開。 When pushed on their position on Trump’s Paris withdrawal, two of the six panelists – the gas and nuclear representatives – said they disagreed, Krutka demurred, Barry Worthington, executive director of the US Energy Association said he agreed. The administration officials both refused to answer, although Banks is widely understood to have pushed for Trump to stay inside the Paris deal. 當被質問對川普離開的看法時,座談會議中六人的兩人-天然氣以及核能代表-宣稱他們反 對。Krutka也提出異議。而美國能源協會執行長Barry Worthington說他同意。剩下的兩 個政府官員不願意表態,雖然Banks普遍被認為他積極推動川普,希望能夠待在巴黎協定 裡面。 On the Paris deal, Banks said: “We’re part of the UNFCCC and climate mitigation is an important goal of the US but… I don’t think its any surprise that economic prosperity is a higher priority. When the president looks at the Paris Agreement and climate policy in general, he looks through the lens of what effect does this have on US manufacturing and competitiveness.” 在巴黎協定的議題上,Banks說:「我們是聯合國氣候變化框架公約的會員國之一,減緩 氣候變遷是美國的一大目標。但…我想經濟繁榮的目標優於環境變遷應該是很正常的。當 總統詳細閱讀巴黎協定以及氣候政策時,他透徹地觀察了這個合約可能會對美國的生產力 以及競爭力造成如何的影響。」 Amos Hochstein, senior vice president of marketing at LNG company Tellurian said he had served in the Obama administration: “I’m very proud of that. I disagree with a lot of people on this panel but I’m here anyway and if we really care about clean air and climate change we have to stop siloing ourselves into communities where we only talk to ourselves.” 液化天然氣公司行銷副長Amos Hochstein說他曾經參與歐巴馬的政策實行。「我對此感到 非常驕傲。我很反對這會議的很多人,不過我還是在這個會議裡。如果我們真的在乎乾淨 的空氣以及氣候變遷,我們應該要停止把自己放在一個只會講給自己人聽的舒適圈裏面。 The reaction from within the conference in Bonn has been muted, with many trying to ignore the event. 波昂會議裏頭的反應因為很多人避而不談,因此被噤聲。 “This is a sideshow, the world world is not paying any attention,” said Jay Inslee, governor of Washington, who made a statement to the press before the event began. 華盛頓州長Jay Inslee在會議開始之前就跟媒體說「這只是個雜耍秀,這世界根本沒人關 心。」 When asked whether coal could be part of the solution to climate change, Frank Bainimarama, the Fijian prime minister and COP23 president, told reporters: “I really don’t want to get into an argument with the United States of America, but we all know what coal does and we all know the effects of coal mining and of coal… 斐濟總理以及本次會議長Frank Bainimarama跟記者說:「我實在是很不想跟美國吵,不 過我們都知道煤炭很燒,我們也知道採煤炭以及燒煤後會有什麼狀況…」 “There is really no need to talk about coal because we all know what coal does with regard to climate change,” he added. 「實在是不需要討論煤炭阿..因為我們都知道煤炭對氣候變遷做了什麼事情。」他補上。 Patrick Gomes, the head of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of 79 nations said that the US meeting was “a diversion, unfortunately” from the urgent task of climate mitigation and adaptation. 非洲,加勒比海以及太平洋組織79個國家的代表說這個會議在氣候減緩以及改善的緊急應 變方案中是一個「很不幸的分歧」 “It has more of a commercial side to it than an ecological or environmental concern,” he told Climate Home News. “It is regrettable [that the US] still wants to bring to the fore commercial incentives and issues that take precedence over humanity.” 他跟氣候新聞說:「這個會議重商業面比環境面多太多了,對於美國仍然想要繼續發展商 業重於人類發展而言我們感到非常遺憾。」 US negotiators have kept a low profile at the Bonn summit, raising their heads above the parapet only to support likeminded countries in trying to limit the practical scope and range of the Paris agreement. 美國的談判代表在波昂高峰會中保持低調,只有在相同想法的國家出現時才會出手相挺, 試著想要將巴黎和約的前景限制住。 “They haven’t caused any trouble,” one climate negotiator said. “The role that they played under the Obama administration is definitely missed and in that sense its troubling not to have them alongside us on many issues.” 一個代表說:「他們還沒造成任何麻煩,但我們仍然想念他們在歐巴馬執政時擔任的腳色 ,在這個情況下,他們在許多議題上不跟我們站在一起實在是很麻煩。」 Another former government official said that Trigg Talley, the leader of the US delegation would be feeling “terrible, of course” about what he was being asked to do. 另外一個前政府官員說美國代表團團長Trigg talley將會因為她被要求做的事而感到「想 當然耳的,非常非常難過」。 “Representing the Trump administration on climate must be the worst thing in the world,” the ex-official said. 前官員說:「代表川普氣候政策執行團大概是全世界最糟糕的事情了吧。」 The EU, which was holding talks with China and Canada while the event went on, refused to comment on the meeting. 而當時正在跟中國以及加拿大會談的歐盟不表達意見。 --------------- 備註: 1.美國不玩全球暖化了 川普根本不在乎 2.台灣煤炭也排放很多 空氣汙染很糟糕 要怎麼解決還真棘手 3.手翻的 請多多指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1510736826.A.0F2.html ※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 17:07:31 花了半小時翻譯結果沒人理我QQ ※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 17:11:07

11/15 17:13, , 1F
對啊 什麼是正負二度C
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翻譯-> 美國: 環保干我屁事 PTT剛復活再等等
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謝謝有人幫推 感恩 ※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 17:17:54

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乾 我川說沒有就是沒有 吵屁
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全球要限制碳排放的話 碳排放世界第一的台中電廠跑不掉
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QQ推一下 辛苦了
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賺錢才是王道 沒錢怎麼說話大聲
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Jay Inslee是華盛頓州長..
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謝謝指正 ※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 22:30:54

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11/15 22:59, , 42F
每個國家都在燒 美國當然也不能放慢腳步
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11/15 23:31, , 43F
美國一堆鄉巴佬 根本不信科學
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11/16 01:22, , 48F
人類 太多了
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11/16 07:26, , 49F
地球當然沒事啊 幹嘛把人類當成地球 地球好好的
11/16 07:26, 49F

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