Re: [新聞] UA超賣機位強拉乘客下飛機 乘客受傷消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2017/04/11 08:33), 7年前編輯推噓22(22023)
留言45則, 33人參與, 最新討論串11/39 (看更多)
※ 引述《minabeauty (mina)》之銘言: : 航空公司為了確保座無虛席 : 超賣是很常見的事 : 其他家航空公司我不知道 : 但被踢不見得完全是random抽籤的 Chicago Tribune 這篇報導有說明航空公司怎麼踢人 隨便翻譯一下 Airlines bump passengers off overbooked flights all the time, but it's rare for them to do so after passengers are already in their seats, said Brian Sumers, airline business reporter at travel industry website Skift. 航空公司超賣踢人情形很普遍 但乘客坐定才踢人很罕見 "If you do it by the gate, you may make someone very upset, but you're never go ing to get in a situation where you need to forcibly remove them," Sumers said. 航空公司在登機口踢人可能得罪人 但至少不會淪落到強迫下機情況 It's also unusual that United was unable to find passengers willing to give up their seats in exchange for the travel vouchers. 這次UA找不到乘客自願放棄座位換折價券的情況也很罕見 Travel industry analyst Henry Harteveldt questioned why United didn't simply offer a larger sum."Everybody has their price. If they had allowed the agent to offer a higher incentive, we may never have heard about this," said Harteveldt, founder of Atmosphere Research Group. Hobart said United tries to come up with a reasonable compensation offer, but "there comes a point where you're not going to get volunteers." 有分析師質疑為何UA不給多點補償 UA發言人反駁他們試著提供合理補償但就是沒自願者 At that point, United's contract of carriage says the airline can select passengers to bump to a later flight, based on a priority system that can take into account how much passengers paid, how often they fly, whether missing that flight could affect a connecting flight and how early they checked in. People with disabilities and unaccompanied minors are generally last to be bumped. UA說他們系統踢人優先順序是依據 乘客付款金額 搭機頻率 是否影響轉機 報到時間 身障和無伴弱勢是最後才會被踢的 Usually, passengers — however angry — comply with the airline's orders. But even if it's an unusual situation, it raises questions about what rights passengers have when being removed from a flight against their will, Harteveldt said. 通常乘客不爽還是會乖乖聽話 但即使出現罕見情況 浮現的問題是 乘客不願被踢時他到底有何權益 "I think United is going to have to take a look at how it handles involuntarily denied boarding when passengers are already on the plane," he said. Even if United was following all its policies to the letter, the situation calls for some flexibility in offering extra compensation or considering moving to the next name on the list when a passenger flat-out refuses to budge, s aid Harteveldt. 為何這次UA在提供額外補償方面完全沒彈性 也沒考慮踢人名單內下個順位的乘客 阿哉 -- 最後也是我的疑問 危機處理負分也就罷 難道踢人名單內完全沒人選可踢了嗎 補充CNN訪問機上旅客當時情況 原本亞洲醫生夫婦對下機沒意見 但得知UA安排的是隔天 下午2:30班機 醫生發現他得上班所以拒絕了 然後就被航警硬拖走 10分鐘後血流滿面的他 回到走道驚嚇到喃喃自語 然後又被帶走送上擔架 (CNN主播聽到這邊大搖頭) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/11 08:34, , 1F
04/11 08:34, 1F

04/11 08:35, , 2F
04/11 08:35, 2F

04/11 08:35, , 3F
坐好才踢 很惡劣
04/11 08:35, 3F

04/11 08:35, , 4F
04/11 08:35, 4F

04/11 08:35, , 5F
04/11 08:35, 5F

04/11 08:36, , 6F
04/11 08:36, 6F

04/11 08:37, , 7F
04/11 08:37, 7F

04/11 08:37, , 8F
護照系統都有連線的 看到亞洲人就先踢了吧
04/11 08:37, 8F

04/11 08:38, , 9F
先說補償多少 不會拉高嗎?
04/11 08:38, 9F

04/11 08:38, , 10F
看影片大概是CRJ 700這種小飛機,60人大概抽4個倒霉的
04/11 08:38, 10F

04/11 08:39, , 11F
頂是$1350,他們喊到$800就停了 0.0...
04/11 08:39, 11F

04/11 08:39, , 12F
推這篇 每個東西都有壹個價錢 補到800沒人 怎不加碼?
04/11 08:39, 12F

04/11 08:42, , 13F
顯然對UA而言 把人扛下機 變成頭條 "節省"多了
04/11 08:42, 13F

04/11 08:45, , 14F
04/11 08:45, 14F

04/11 08:46, , 15F
04/11 08:46, 15F

04/11 08:49, , 16F
踢人正常 但拳打腳踢就不對了 怎麼樣都不能用暴力
04/11 08:49, 16F

04/11 08:51, , 17F
合理補償… 呵呵
04/11 08:51, 17F

04/11 08:51, , 18F
04/11 08:51, 18F

04/11 08:52, , 19F
04/11 08:52, 19F

04/11 08:57, , 20F
一定現場主管不願意加碼阿 真鳥
04/11 08:57, 20F

04/11 09:03, , 21F
04/11 09:03, 21F

04/11 09:23, , 22F
04/11 09:23, 22F

04/11 09:27, , 23F
真是詭異 為什麼會覺得超賣是正常現象
04/11 09:27, 23F

04/11 09:30, , 24F
04/11 09:30, 24F

04/11 09:34, , 25F
超賣很正常啊 喊到800沒人就是了
04/11 09:34, 25F

04/11 09:38, , 26F
04/11 09:38, 26F

04/11 09:38, , 27F
04/11 09:38, 27F

04/11 09:38, , 28F
04/11 09:38, 28F

04/11 09:38, , 29F
04/11 09:38, 29F

04/11 09:38, , 30F
04/11 09:38, 30F

04/11 09:38, , 31F
04/11 09:38, 31F

04/11 09:39, , 32F
04/11 09:39, 32F

04/11 09:40, , 33F
04/11 09:40, 33F

04/11 09:44, , 34F
04/11 09:44, 34F

04/11 09:44, , 35F
04/11 09:44, 35F

04/11 09:50, , 36F
04/11 09:50, 36F

04/11 10:05, , 37F
04/11 10:05, 37F

04/11 10:25, , 38F
04/11 10:25, 38F

04/11 10:36, , 39F
04/11 10:36, 39F
※ 編輯: sarada (, 04/11/2017 10:39:52

04/11 10:41, , 40F

04/11 10:44, , 41F
那800 是16張50 的折價卷 一年期限啊
04/11 10:44, 41F

04/11 10:44, , 42F
04/11 10:44, 42F

04/11 10:56, , 43F
04/11 10:56, 43F

04/11 11:32, , 44F
幹人家有伴欸 是夫妻一起的還踢
04/11 11:32, 44F

04/11 12:49, , 45F
04/11 12:49, 45F
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