[新聞] 俄羅斯用來教訓米國發動的WW3武器消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2016/09/29 23:37), 7年前編輯推噓13(19630)
留言55則, 28人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
1.媒體來源: Russia Insider(俄羅斯內部) 2.完整新聞標題: Russia Set to Debut Powerful 'Son of Satan' ICBM 3.完整新聞內文: The new 'Sarmat' missile will replace the SS-18 'Satan' and will carry at least 15 thermonuclear warheads Test firing of ‘Sarmat,’ a new intercontinental ballistic missile first-stage engine (ICBM), which will enter service in the early 2020s, has just finished in Russia. The weapons’ tactical and technical characteristics are classified as “top secret”. We are talking about information that we were able to obtain from the developers and from what we found out from our conversations with the military experts. I stress that currently we are conducting engineering and developing work on the missile, and by the time we adopt it, it will undergo a number of modifications and changes. What is “Sarmat” It is a heavy liquid intercontinental missile under the code MS-28. The total weight is 100 tons and its throw weight is 10 tons. It should enter into service in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces after 2020 and replace the P-32M2 “Voievoda”, the most difficult and formidable strategic missile in the world (SS-18 ‘Satan’ according to the NATO classification), which weighs 211 tons and has a throw-weight of 8.8 tons. What will make ‘Sarmat’ different from its predecessor is not only a much lighter weight, but also the flight range. If the “Satan” flew at a distance of 11,000 kilometres, the “Sarmat” will be able to overcome a distance of 17,000 kilometres. The designers plan that it will fly to a target even in the South Pole, where no one is waiting for it, and where there is no anti-missile fence being built. In addition, “Sarmat” will have at least 15 MIRV individual warheads rather than 10 nuclear warheads. They will be placed according to the “bunch of grapes” principle, and each of them will have a capacity of 150-300 kilotons, which can be separated from this “bunch” when it has to leave its target as programmed. It will fly to the target at hypersonic speed (in excess of 5 Mach), changing its trajectory according to the rate and height so it could not be intercepted by any missile defence system, neither the current one nor the long range one, including the one relying on the space elements. “For “Sarmat”, say the rocket men, “it does not matter whether there is a missile defence system or there isn’t one. It will not notice it. “ How many “Sarmats” will appear At least 154 mines will remain from the “Voievoda” (the first 154 mines will be detonated at the request of the START-I). Not all of them will have a new missile loaded, but their number should fit in the parameters of the START-3 Treaty, which provides for Russia and the United States to have 700 delivery vehicles and 1,550 nuclear warheads on them to be deployed by February 5, 2018. Recall that every “Sarmat” should have 15 warheads, and as of today, according to the free data, Russia has 521 deployed delivery vehicles and 1,735 warheads on them. The US has 741 and 1481 respectively). The START-3 Treaty may be extended after its completion in 2021, with both parties’ consent, for another five years. If that happens, it is obvious that at first we will probably have fewer missiles of the class of “Sarmat” than we will of “Voievoda”. Apart from “Sarmat” we have other carriers such as ground missiles and both sea, and even strategic bombers. Why we need the “Sarmat” On the one hand, the answer is obvious: to contain a likely or a potential aggressor, as well as for the replacement of “Voievoda”, which by the end of the START-3 will have exhausted its guaranteed terms spent on duty. On the other hand, according to Major-General Vladimir Dvorkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Senior Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to resolve this problem, solid mobile strategic missile complexes such as “Topol-M”, “Yars” “Rubezh” and in the long term, “Barguzin” combat rail missile system would be enough. “Sarmat” in the mines of the “Voievoda” is a good goal for the enemy’s first attack. We will never be the first ones to strike with a nuclear missile“, says Dvorkin, “although this possibility is recorded in our military doctrine.” Colonel-General Viktor Esin agrees with my colleague, but not entirely: “No, we are not going to be the first ones to strike with a nuclear missile. However “Sarmat” is not intended for that, but for a retaliatory strike. We can do that as long as the enemy’s missiles are flying in our direction. A likely or a potential enemy knows that. And that is why “Sarmat”, as well as other defence systems will guarantee our security.” 摘譯: 俄羅斯準備在2020年部署最新款洲際飛彈系統,四處移動,5倍音速,射程1萬7000 公里,等於可達南極。飛行時,忽快忽慢,忽高忽低,任何反彈系統都攔截不到。 每顆飛彈有15顆彈頭,每顆爆炸威力介於1.5億公噸到3億公噸(黃色炸藥?)。 謠傳:爆炸一顆,可以毀掉一個法國或米國德州。 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/new-russian-sarmat-icbm-will-be-son-satan/ri16584 今日新聞: 中國警告日本:「不要玩火!」 http://presstv.com/Detail/2016/09/29/486904/China-warning-Japan-joint-training-US-South-China-Sea 5.心得: (見網友評論)消息一出,網友紛紛表達「俄羅斯是地球的救星!」 「只有俄羅斯能壓制米帝的囂張氣燄,帶給地球和平!」 免費幫俄羅斯計算一下市場需求如下: 米國:50粒 以色列:0.5粒 英國:2粒 法國:1粒 德國:留校察看中 波蘭:2粒 瑞典:2粒 烏克蘭:2粒 波羅的海三小國:各1粒 日本:2粒 南韓:1粒 澳大利亞:5粒 紐西蘭:1粒 菲律賓:棄權 台灣:0.5粒 --------------------- 合計:72粒 還有沒有遺漏的帝國附庸? 台灣義和團團員有必要趕快連署,督促政府打開台幣印鈔機開關,搜購民間美元,加碼向米國軍火商跪求販售高價軍火以封鎖中國,緊急加入核災俱樂部! 參考資料: 「台灣的全球戰略轉變截止日已經到期!」 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CrossStrait/M.1474992766.A.8C1.html -- 帝國無友邦。二選一:附庸國敵國。且附庸或敵國,由美方機動片面認定。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1475163439.A.D06.htmlkogamasao:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics

09/29 23:38, , 1F
09/29 23:38, 1F
Electromagnetic pulse最多只能搞壞電腦晶片而已? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_bomb

09/29 23:38, , 2F
09/29 23:38, 2F

09/29 23:38, , 3F
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09/29 23:39, , 4F
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09/29 23:41, , 11F
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09/29 23:41, , 12F
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09/29 23:41, , 13F
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09/29 23:42, , 14F
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09/29 23:42, , 15F
09/29 23:42, 15F

09/29 23:43, , 16F
核武是美帝研發出來的 美帝也可再研發新型最終兵器
09/29 23:43, 16F

09/29 23:46, , 17F
是15到30萬噸 你的英文要加強
09/29 23:46, 17F
1 kilo = 1000 150-300 kilotons = 1.5億~3億公噸 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/29/2016 23:53:17

09/29 23:49, , 18F
內文每個彈頭頂多30萬噸 哪來三億噸 只能打台北市
09/29 23:49, 18F

09/29 23:49, , 19F
沙皇5000萬噸就大到翻過去了 3億噸的應該送不上軌道
09/29 23:49, 19F

09/29 23:50, , 20F
你知道美帝有幾隻可以帶核武的B-52H嗎? 95架 ...Orz
09/29 23:50, 20F

09/29 23:52, , 21F
B-2也能帶核武... ==
09/29 23:52, 21F

09/29 23:52, , 22F
15億噸可能炸穿地球了? 筆誤改一下啦
09/29 23:52, 22F
我頭也昏了! 就是150或300,後面加3個0公噸 也就是:150,000公噸,或300,000公噸。

09/29 23:52, , 23F
沙皇27噸重 算現在技術有進步3億噸的一樣重好了
09/29 23:52, 23F

09/29 23:55, , 24F
美國都快被自己的軍工業玩掛了 惡性循環中
09/29 23:55, 24F

09/29 23:55, , 25F
09/29 23:55, 25F
※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/29/2016 23:58:26

09/29 23:56, , 26F
09/29 23:56, 26F

09/29 23:56, , 27F
原來300*1000是三億 我錯了
09/29 23:56, 27F

09/29 23:56, , 28F
09/29 23:56, 28F

09/29 23:56, , 29F
數學老師流淚 1000*300=3億
09/29 23:56, 29F

09/29 23:57, , 30F
09/29 23:57, 30F

09/29 23:58, , 31F
最強的火箭只能帶120噸 一次15顆以俄國火箭技術想太多
09/29 23:58, 31F
你想得太少了! 「阿波羅登陸月球」?除了臺灣人,已經沒幾人相信這鬼話了。 20年前,米國想甩掉俄國的火箭產品,用自己的火箭, 結果,太空梭升空後2分鐘連人帶料,一起墜毀地球。 今年,米國的X碗糕公司幫米國政府發射甚麼火箭, 下場一樣:墜毀地球。 米國的太空用火箭推進器,大多從俄國進口。 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:06:44

09/30 00:02, , 32F
其實摘要簡單明瞭蠻厲害的 不過300張1000元鈔票買不到3
09/30 00:02, 32F

09/30 00:02, , 33F
09/30 00:02, 33F

09/30 00:06, , 34F
普丁要重蹈和美國玩軍備競賽的覆轍? 真夠蠢了
09/30 00:06, 34F

09/30 00:19, , 35F
登月陰謀最大的問題 俄羅斯沒有反駁
09/30 00:19, 35F

09/30 00:19, , 36F
造謠喔 還在美國沒登陸月球 很喜歡閱讀網路小說吼
09/30 00:19, 36F
Moon landing conspiracy theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing_conspiracy_theories 謠傳:2016年的全球火箭科技,成功發射到外太空的機率約50%。

09/30 00:24, , 37F
09/30 00:24, 37F

09/30 00:24, , 38F
09/30 00:24, 38F
※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:29:11

09/30 00:26, , 39F
而且是冷戰後才開始用 俄羅斯當時缺錢隨便就把專利賣了
09/30 00:26, 39F
堅持己見的依據在哪裡? 何不聽聽別人的看法? http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic49606.html ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:32:23 記者問一位號稱登月的阿波羅「太空人」:「感覺如何?」 那位「太空人」大哭。 The second man on the Moon, 33rd degree Mason Buzz Aldrin was asked at a banquet what it felt like to step onto the lunar surface. He got up without saying a word and left the room crying uncontrollably. Another time (you can watch on you tube) he was approached and called out by someone on the Moon hoax and reacted by punching him in the face. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/atlantean_conspiracy/atlantean_conspiracy47.htm ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:39:17

09/30 00:34, , 40F
09/30 00:34, 40F
在你有能力證明別人錯之前, 聽聽各種說法很都有意義。

09/30 00:39, , 41F
09/30 00:39, 41F

09/30 00:39, , 42F
家沒說登月是假的 這可是打擊美國的大好機會
09/30 00:39, 42F
※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:43:04

09/30 00:42, , 43F
台灣0.5顆就能解決?太小氣了吧 加碼到15顆吧
09/30 00:42, 43F

09/30 00:47, , 44F
09/30 00:47, 44F

09/30 00:47, , 45F
09/30 00:47, 45F
搜索關鍵字:「did man really walk on the moon」

09/30 00:48, , 46F
09/30 00:48, 46F
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/atlantean_conspiracy/atlantean_conspiracy47.htm Before the first manned Apollo mission, 11 would-be Apollo astronauts died from supposed accidents in the line of duty. Three of them “accidentally” had their test capsule pumped full of high pressure oxygen until it exploded. Seven more died in plane crashes and one in a car crash. 11 astronauts coincidentally dying under such circumstances is highly unlikely and points towards the Masons trying to find the right people to sell their hoax. 「登月」前,11名準太空人意外身亡。 推測:拒絕服從命令,「為國壯烈犧牲」。 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:51:29 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 09/30/2016 00:54:36

09/30 01:16, , 47F
09/30 01:16, 47F

09/30 01:40, , 48F
09/30 01:40, 48F

09/30 01:44, , 49F
然後我是指給我buzz接受那個採訪的證據 只是文章的話誰
09/30 01:44, 49F

09/30 01:44, , 50F
09/30 01:44, 50F

09/30 01:45, , 51F
對了 俄羅斯現役ICBM速度是20馬赫 換成5馬赫的到底是……
09/30 01:45, 51F

09/30 06:39, , 52F
飛彈能算出0.5粒是有多高明= =
09/30 06:39, 52F

09/30 07:27, , 53F
這個數學是怎樣 肚子好痛
09/30 07:27, 53F

09/30 08:44, , 54F
09/30 08:44, 54F

09/30 08:44, , 55F
09/30 08:44, 55F
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