Re: [分享] GTAIV PC 版 11 月發售

看板GTA作者 (我只是代PO而已)時間16年前 (2008/08/07 19:24), 編輯推噓8(803)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Rockstar Games have announced that GTA IV will be arriving on the PC on November 18th and 21st in North America and Europe, respectively. Hurrah! Rockstar Games 宣佈 GTA IV 將會在 11月18號 和 11月21號,分別在 北美 和 歐洲 發行PC版本。 "We are very excited to be releasing the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "The whole team is dedicated to bringing an amazing gaming experience to the PC. The game looks and plays beautifully on PC and we can't wait for people to play it." Rockstar 公司的創立者 Sam Houser 如此說,"我們非常興奮地公佈 GTA IV 的PC版本" "整個團隊致力於要在PC上帶來全新的遊戲體驗,這遊戲在PC上看起來、玩起來都相當 漂亮,我們迫不急待要讓大家來玩。" Developed by series creator Rockstar North and set in Liberty City, the latest installment in the enormously successful Grand Theft Auto series features a painstakingly detailed and life-like city for players to explore; a rich, immersive narrative experience; an original soundtrack highlighting the cultural eclecticism of Liberty City; and newly expanded multiplayer just for the PC. 由 Rockstar 公司製作發行,GTA 系列有史以來最成功的版本,全新建立一個相當具有 特色且貼近真實生活的 Liberty City 等待大家去發掘;一個豐富令人沈迷的故事體驗 原創的音樂襯透出Liberty City的文化特色,當然..還有全新的PC版多人連線模式。 原文出處: --------------------------------------------------------------- 真是令人期待阿,台灣會有代理商嗎?英寶格會代理嗎? 當然最重要的是,要多少配備才跑得動 GTA IV 我剛好換新電腦,正在等非公版的4850,真希望他推的動阿! -- My Blogger -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/07 19:58, , 1F
解析度要開多少? 24"推不動喔 :p
08/07 19:58, 1F

08/07 20:05, , 2F
舊螢幕只有19吋啦,沒錢買螢幕了 呵呵
08/07 20:05, 2F

08/07 23:03, , 3F
08/07 23:03, 3F

08/08 05:02, , 4F
有人在用4系列了 我還在7300GT QQ
08/08 05:02, 4F

08/08 10:45, , 5F
08/08 10:45, 5F

08/08 15:02, , 6F
我只有3870..解析度可能開不高吧 720P希望跑的動
08/08 15:02, 6F

08/08 15:21, , 7F
08/08 15:21, 7F

08/08 18:20, , 8F
澳洲EB GAMES 確定11月21日會進貨 我去問店員了
08/08 18:20, 8F

08/08 20:51, , 9F
08/08 20:51, 9F

08/10 09:22, , 10F
我還在用 ATI X800XT 應該跑得動吧 囧rz
08/10 09:22, 10F

08/15 10:35, , 11F
別亂嚇人啦 等實際出了再來看 我覺得沒那麼恐怖
08/15 10:35, 11F
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