[計量] 三題計量

看板GRE作者 (weikk)時間13年前 (2010/09/26 01:31), 編輯推噓3(3014)
留言17則, 5人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
[CBT 2009 07] 1. the number of real roots of the equation Column A: 2(X^2) + 3/4 = 0 Column B: 2X + 3/4 = 0 ColumnA 無解~ 所以答案是 D無法判斷嗎? ----------------------------------------------------------- [CBT 2009 07] 2. Half of the toys in a bag are small size, and a quarter of the toys in the same bag are red toys. Column A: the ftaction of the toys in the bag which are both red and small. Column B: 1/8 答案給 D 自己選 C(相等) ------------------------------------------------------------- [CBT 2009 08] 3.The probability that A hits the target is 2/3, and the probability that B hits the target is 4/7. What is the probability that either of them hits the target? 答案給 1/7 -------------------------------------------------------------- 4. (還有一題 >__<" 抱歉剛剛沒算到 ) Let n donet the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both 4 and 9, and whose base-10 representation consist of only 4's and 9's, with at least one of each. What are the last four digits of n? (A) 4,444 (B) 4,494 (C) 4,944 (D) 9,444 (E) 9,944 答案給C~ 這題很不懂題目的意思,尤其是這句話[whose base-10....4's and 9's] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 上來和大家請益一下 ,感謝感謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/26 02:07, , 1F
1. 無解所以A有零個實根, B有一個, 選B
09/26 02:07, 1F

09/26 02:09, , 2F
2. both red and small 從 0 到 1/4 都有可能
09/26 02:09, 2F

09/26 02:15, , 3F
3. 1/7的答案看起來像 neither of them ...
09/26 02:15, 3F

09/26 02:16, , 4F
3. 1 - (1/3)*(3/7) = 6/7
09/26 02:16, 4F

09/26 02:23, , 5F
base-10 指十進位, 然後只由4和9組成, 至少各有一個
09/26 02:23, 5F

09/26 02:23, , 6F
然後要找最小的 n 可以被 9 和 4 整除
09/26 02:23, 6F

09/26 02:24, , 7F
被 9 整除的話各位數加起來要能被 9 整除
09/26 02:24, 7F

09/26 02:24, , 8F
09/26 02:24, 8F

09/26 02:25, , 9F
要被4整除最後兩位一定要是44, 接著又要最小所以接9
09/26 02:25, 9F

09/26 02:25, , 10F
就變成 44,444,444,944
09/26 02:25, 10F

09/26 02:27, , 11F
是4,444,444,944 不好意思多打一個4 =___=
09/26 02:27, 11F

09/26 02:32, , 12F
09/26 02:32, 12F

09/26 02:33, , 13F
09/26 02:33, 13F

09/26 02:34, , 14F
09/26 02:34, 14F

09/26 09:55, , 15F
09/26 09:55, 15F

12/02 19:19, , 16F
就變成 44,444, https://noxiv.com
12/02 19:19, 16F

04/13 23:49, 5年前 , 17F
所以答案一定可以被4和 http://yaxiv.com
04/13 23:49, 17F
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