Re: [問題] 請問太八的最後魔王是誰??

看板FinalFantasy作者 (天‧來‧變‧幻)時間18年前 (2005/12/08 00:28), 編輯推噓6(601)
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[恕刪全文/前文] 我覺得是挺有趣的想法...板友說的Rinoa = Ultimacia 假說... 所以也就來湊熱鬧...以下是我個人的看法... 因為多少跟太八的世界觀有關... 所以我想魔女傳承這點還是要回到太八可以知道的世界觀上... 太八世界中的"神話"應該是在遊戲中偷偷藏在兩個不起眼的路人對話中... 一個是在Zell家隔壁...老婆婆跟小女孩的對話... 對原文沒興趣的話...之後有小弟不才的翻譯... Grandma "Long, long ago... When this world was just made, there was a strong god named 'Hyne'." Girl "And, and..." Grandma "This god was very, very strong, but after fighting a lot of monsters, he became very tired." Grandma "So he made 'people' like you and me to do all the work, and the god went to sleep." Girl "So he took a nap?" Grandma "That's right. However, the god was very surprised when he awoke. Surprised that there were so many people." Girl "Yeah, there are so many in this world." Grandma "Hyne decided to reduce the number of people by taking away the children." Girl "You mean...the children like me?" Grandma "Uh huh. Scary, isn't it? ...Of course, everyone was scared then, too." Grandma "And so, the battle against Hyne began. Even though the people were small, they all got together, and finally cornered him." Girl "Wow!" Grandma "Hyne didn't know what to do. Out of desperation, he gave half of his body to the people and ran off with the remaining other half." Girl "He can do that?" Grandma "Well, he was a god. Anyway, it turns out Hyne tricked the people." Grandma "The half that Hyne ran away with was the half that had the stronger magic." Girl "Wow... So we still can't find the other half that ran away???" Grandma "Hmm... It might be close by. actually. It might even be watching you." [上文不是我打的...是巴哈FF精華區...一個叫Reishan的板友... 沒問過就轉載很不好意思...不過因為只有轉原文沒有轉翻譯...應該還ok吧] 大概意思是... 這個世界的神(叫Hyne) 有天打怪打到煩了...就創造了外掛...呃...不是...是創造了人類... 然後自己就跑去睡大頭覺...事情就丟給了人類去做... 當祂有天睡爽了醒過來之後發現...這世界的人多到爆... 所以就決定殺些小孩子以減少人數... 人當然不讓祂殺小孩...所以就群聚起來反抗... 人贏了...Hyne則是將自己分成兩半... 這邊提到的是Hyne自己帶走了"魔法較強的那一半"逃走了... 逃到那去...?不知道... 搞不好現在就在你身邊...XDXD 另一段對話據說是白Seed跟小朋友講的故事... [這段出現的時間點不是很清楚...我玩太八被我漏掉沒看到過...] Today, we are going to start on a new book. It's a story about a very wise man named Vascaroon. The title of the book is 'The Legend of Vascaroon.' Once upon a time, there was a person named Hyne. Hyne was the ruler of the world. He became lazy and decided to make a tool to make his life easier. Hyne made a neat tool. His tool could make more tools by itself. Soon there were a lot of tools in the world. These tools were actually people. When Hyne woke up, he was surprised because there were a lot of people. Hyne want to reduce the number of people, and used magic to burn up a lot of small people. The small people were called children. The people cherished the children very much. So the people rebelled against Hyne. Hyne used powerful magic to fight them. The people couldn't use magic, but had wisdom. Eventually, Hyne began to lose the war, because there were too many people to fight, and they were getting smarter. Therefore, he decided to make peace with the people by offering them half of his body along with his powers. Hyne cut his body in half and gave the people half as promised. Then, another war started. People began to fight over the power Hyne offered them through his body. This war lasted for decades. Finally, King Zebalga and the Zebalga tribe emerged victorious and demanded Hyne's body-half to get its powers. But the body ignore their demands. Then, Vascaroon came to the rescue. He appeared before the confused Zebalgas and revealed to them that Hyne's body-half was corrupt and possessed no real power. The body-half was actually Hyne's cast-off skin. The Zebalgas were angered by this truth, and decided to destroy Hyne. The Zebalgas never found Hyne. People began to call him "Hyne the Magician" and continued to hunt him for centuries to come. [巴哈Richleo板友...也是只轉原文] 與上頭第一段對話是大同小異的... 這段明確指出人並不會使用魔法...Hyne才會... 雖然人不會魔法但有智慧...所以打敗了Hyne... Hyne將自己分成兩半是騙人類說留下來的那一半的力量給人類... 但其實留下來的完全沒有魔力...Hyne帶著魔力逃跑了... 上頭就是至少在遊戲中可以窺見的太八世界觀... Hyne最後怎麼了...不知道... 但若人類是不會用魔法的...(主角一行人會用也是靠著有GF才能用...) 那麼...會用魔法的魔女或許就是Hyne的"另一半"... 魔女為什麼要傳承...遊戲中也沒有講... 不過至少以Edea跟Adel同時存在一個時空的情形看來... 我想或許Hyne的另一半其實是四分五裂的在不同人身上... (所以其實我的立場蠻明顯的XD...就算Rinoa真的都收下了Ultimaica傳給Edea的魔力... 我認為還是有可能在某處/某時空有另外的魔女...那個人的未來才是Ultimacia... 好啦好啦...我知道是我鐵齒啦...可是正妹變妖女實在很難接受嘛) 如果四分五裂說成立的話... 那麼...或許可以解釋為什麼Ultimacia要做時空壓縮... (時空壓縮在遊戲中也沒有解釋是為了什麼原因...) 將不同時空弄成同一個...那麼所有的碎片就會在同一個地方... 那麼拼圖就完成了...Hyne的另一半... (用來解釋大魔王的動機??) Odine在解說時空壓縮的時後也有提到...時空壓縮後Ultimacia會是唯一可以在那生存的 還蠻像Hyne被人打跑後的復仇...也完成了當出Hyne醒過來之後想殺人的計劃... 以上...個人的想法... 至於線不線性真的還是個不解之謎啊...(?) 一個問題是...為什麼創立SeeD...? (謎之聲:福田要賺錢.../踢飛~~來亂的啊) 創Seed是Edea的意思... Seed的目的是對抗魔女... 但Edea到底是為什麼要對抗魔女?? 結尾動畫之前有一段Squall跟Edea的對話 Edea: You called me Matron. Who...are you? Squall: A SeeD. A SeeD from Balamb Garden. Edea: SeeD? Garden? Squall: Both Garden and SeeD were your ideas. Garden trains SeeDs. SeeDs are trained to defeat the sorceress. Edea: What are you saying? You're...that boy from the future? Squall: ...Matron. Edea: Please return. You do not belong here. [來源是Gamefaqs] 看得出來至少在Ellone出走...Squall少年創傷形成期這段時間Edea是沒有Seed概念的.. 遊戲中的感覺還蠻像是因為這跑錯時空的Squall跟Edea講了...才有後來的Seed... 這樣其實給我一種迴圈的錯覺... 因為打敗了Ultimacia =>所以Edea才成立了Seed來對抗Ultimacia ?? 好亂啊@@" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/08 02:21, , 1F
12/08 02:21, 1F

12/08 02:21, , 2F
12/08 02:21, 2F

12/08 03:15, , 3F
12/08 03:15, 3F

12/08 09:48, , 4F
12/08 09:48, 4F

12/08 10:31, , 5F
12/08 10:31, 5F

01/04 22:08, , 6F
01/04 22:08, 6F

12/30 02:05, , 7F
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