[Talk] facebook

看板EngTalk作者 (...)時間13年前 (2011/07/11 01:42), 編輯推噓2(313)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
I think facebook is a place to show off. It's quite bothersome... Somebody goes to Paris, other one has a trip to Macao, or having a Halloween Party at Carnegie Mellon, working at TSMC,etc. I can only stay in Taiwan, going to library every day, without salary, no prospect. How could i show my dull and plain life in front of you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/11 09:06, , 1F
you haven't look INTO your life deep enough
07/11 09:06, 1F

07/11 09:07, , 2F
there's amazement in EVERYTHING
07/11 09:07, 2F

07/11 23:21, , 3F
probably you are too young to feel life
07/11 23:21, 3F

07/12 23:17, , 4F
there're enough beauties around you.
07/12 23:17, 4F

07/14 21:36, , 5F
maybe you can have a working holiday and explore what
07/14 21:36, 5F

07/14 21:36, , 6F
you want.
07/14 21:36, 6F

07/28 21:08, , 7F
you can do what ebeyaya says. Good luck~
07/28 21:08, 7F
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