Re: [文法]文法請教

看板Eng-Class作者 (寂寞雪山隧道)時間10年前 (2014/05/14 17:35), 10年前編輯推噓0(0033)
留言33則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
We guarantee that we will replace the defective item with the new one completely free of charge. We:主詞 guarantee:及物動詞 that we will replace the defective item with the new one completely free of charge ->整坨作為guarantee的受詞 結構為連接詞that + S + Vt + O...名詞子句 整坨當作guarantee的受詞 內部結構: we will replace the defective item with the new one completely free of charge phr.replace A with B 以/用 B (來/去)取代/替換 A the new one completely free of charge the new one ->定冠詞the+屬性adj+不定代名詞one ...整坨為名詞 符合with + 名詞 one=item (以避免重複) completely free of charge ->adv修飾free of charge of charge adj.免費的 the new one completely free of charge ->定冠詞the+限定adj+指稱代名詞one+adv+述語adj -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/14 19:41, , 2F
free of charge是副詞
05/14 19:41, 2F

05/14 19:41, , 3F
例如: We guarantee that we will replace the
05/14 19:41, 3F

05/14 19:42, , 4F
defective item free of charge. 也還是對的句子
05/14 19:42, 4F
那網頁裡也有形容詞用法 而且剛好也是作述語用法 原po這個句子 以形容詞來看比較直覺 因為直接跟在名詞後面 作副詞解應該也是可以 但就跟動詞離得比較遠

05/14 20:42, , 5F
並不是勉為其難的"也"可以做副詞解 在此它就是副詞
05/14 20:42, 5F

05/14 20:43, , 6F
05/14 20:43, 6F

05/14 20:43, , 7F
想想其他句子: replace the defective item with it
05/14 20:43, 7F

05/14 20:44, , 8F
completely free of charge 或 replace the defective
05/14 20:44, 8F

05/14 20:45, , 9F
item free of charge. 就會讓它無法以形容詞解釋
05/14 20:45, 9F
以作形容詞修飾名詞來看 中文翻譯是換一個免費的新品 語意只有一種 以作副詞修飾動詞來看 你講的是 免費地換一個新品 這樣可能就會兩種意思 第一種跟上面一樣是指換一個免費的新品 第二種是暗示可能有手續費 而只有手續費是免費的 但是該新品不知道要不要計費 所以你認為是第二種? ※ 編輯: PPmYeah (, 05/14/2014 21:17:29

05/14 21:08, , 10F
或者replace it for you completely free of charge
05/14 21:08, 10F

05/14 21:26, , 11F
05/14 21:26, 11F

05/14 21:38, , 12F
誰說解釋成"副詞修飾動詞" 就會有你說的第二種意思?
05/14 21:38, 12F

05/14 21:39, , 13F
所以像"replace the defective item free of charge"
05/14 21:39, 13F

05/14 21:39, , 14F
這裡free of charge只能當副詞解 就會出現語意的含糊??
05/14 21:39, 14F

05/14 21:40, , 15F
又或者你認為這裡free of charge還是形容詞?
05/14 21:40, 15F

05/14 21:44, , 16F
照你這樣解釋 剛剛wiktionary的例子:
05/14 21:44, 16F

05/14 21:44, , 17F
They were giving the tickets away free of charge.
05/14 21:44, 17F

05/14 21:45, , 18F
由於free of charge是副詞 所以他們免費送出票的過程
05/14 21:45, 18F

05/14 21:46, , 19F
是不用錢的 但是票本身可能還是要再收錢??
05/14 21:46, 19F

05/14 21:46, , 20F
你說的就完全違背了free of charge的定義了阿
05/14 21:46, 20F

05/14 21:46, , 21F
Without any payment being required!
05/14 21:46, 21F

05/15 00:23, , 22F
05/15 00:23, 22F

05/15 00:24, , 23F
05/15 00:24, 23F

05/15 00:24, , 24F
We guarantee that we will replace the defective item
05/15 00:24, 24F

05/15 00:24, , 25F
__free of charge__ with the new one. 這也是一個表達原
05/15 00:24, 25F

05/15 00:25, , 26F
意的說法。 前頭 B 的例子只是剛巧沒補上後頭的"with
05/15 00:25, 26F

05/15 00:25, , 27F
the new one"(他的句子也確實可以有多種解釋,比如「免費
05/15 00:25, 27F

05/15 00:26, , 28F
05/15 00:26, 28F

05/15 00:26, , 29F
part(s)"來更換(在美國)也是尋常)。不過呢,把"free of
05/15 00:26, 29F

05/15 00:26, , 30F
charge"當成adj(去形容那個"the new one"),以這角度來看
05/15 00:26, 30F

05/15 00:26, , 31F
整句反而會有這樣子的意思--> 是更換"免費的新品"喔,我可
05/15 00:26, 31F

05/15 00:27, , 32F
沒說不收你 labor charge, other fees ...但是這不是這個
05/15 00:27, 32F

05/15 00:27, , 33F
05/15 00:27, 33F
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