[外電] Milton 吞敗,道奇難題未解

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文章標題標題: SEATTLE 5, DODGERS 1 Eric Milton isn't the answer for Dodgers 水手 5 比 1 擊敗道奇 Milton 吞敗,道奇難題未解 全文: Go ahead, please take the fifth. The Dodgers would love for someone, anyone, to step up and become a reliable fifth starter. 去吧!把第五個先發輪值位子拿下。道奇歡迎任何可託付的人拿下第五號先發。 It has been the most glaring weakness for the team with the best record in baseball. 對於這個史上最佳紀錄的球隊而言,第五號先發是最大的缺點。 James McDonald opened the season at the back end of the rotation and lasted four wobbly starts before being demoted to the minor leagues. Jeff Weaver averaged only five innings over four starts. 開季的第五號先發 McDonald 只投了 4 場就被下放小聯盟, 接手的 Weaver 投 4 場,平均每場只投 5 局。 Eric Milton? He was gone after five innings Saturday night at Dodger Stadium during the Dodgers' 5-1 loss to the Seattle Mariners. 而 Milton ?他週六只投 5 局就下場,最後道奇 5:1 輸給水手。 In his first start since missing three weeks because of a strained lower back, Milton gave up seven hits and four runs. His early departure forced the Dodgers to squeeze four more innings out of three relievers. Milton 本季前三週因下背部拉傷而缺賽,本季第一次出賽被打 7 安打失 4 分, 因為他早早退場,迫使道奇必需在接下來的 4 局榨乾 3 位救援投手。 Milton has averaged less than five innings in five starts, burdening a bullpen that has done more than its share of pitching in to compensate for the fifth starters. 本季 5 場先發,Milton 平均每場投不到 5 局,為了投完他下場後的比賽, 使得牛棚壓力更大。 "It's something that could be a concern, there's no question about it," Dodgers Manager Joe Torre said. Torre 說:「這個部分值得關注,但目前沒有問題。」 Milton (2-1) was in trouble from the second pitch, which Ichiro Suzuki ripped past first baseman James Loney for a double down the right-field line. He got out of that bind but couldn't escape a second inning in which Franklin Gutierrez's double gave the Mariners a 1-0 lead. Milton 本場比賽,自從第二球被 Ichiro 打出右外野邊線飛越一壘手 Loney 的二壘安打後,就開始有問題。第一局他得以脫身,但是第二局被 Gutierrez 打出二壘安打讓水手以 1:0 領先。 The Mariners increased their advantage an inning later when Russell Branyan hit a run-scoring triple and scored on Ken Griffey Jr.'s two-run homer over the right-field wall. 第三局,Branyan 擊出 1 分打點三壘安打,隨後小葛揮出右外野兩分全壘打, 水手擴大領先優勢。 "I think I could have gone longer," said Milton, who struck out seven and walked none. "I settled down. I had a 1-2-3 fourth and fifth. It's just a matter of, in the National League, you have to get some runs." Milton 說:「我想我應該可以投久一點。」這場比賽 Milton 投出 7 次三振, 沒有投出任何四死球。他表示:「我穩下來了,四、五兩局讓他們三上三下。 問題在於,在國聯投球,你仍然要丟些分數。」 The Dodgers lucked their way into a run against Seattle ace Felix Hernandez (8-3) in the third. Rafael Furcal hit a two-out infield single and advanced to third on Orlando Hudson's hit-and-run single past shortstop Ronny Cedeno, who would have been in position to field the ball had he not moved over to cover second base. 道奇第三局幸運在 Hernandez 手中搶下 1 分。兩人出局後 Furcal 首先 揮出內野安打。之後,由於道奇下了打跑戰術,水手隊游擊手 Cedeno 必 須移防二壘,才錯失了打者 Hudson 擊向游擊手守備位置的一球,此時 一、三壘有人。 Then something truly unusual happened. Suzuki, the eight-time Gold Glove winner, fell to his knees in right field while charging in on Casey Blake's sinking liner and the ball ricocheted off his body for an error that allowed Furcal to score. 隨後發生令人意外的事,曾獲 8 次金手套獎的一朗發生失誤。 跪地接球的一朗漏接,讓球彈過他的身體,Furcal 因此得分。 Hernandez handcuffed the Dodgers from there, completing eight superb innings in which he gave up four hits and one run while striking out nine. Unlike many of the Dodgers' starters, Hernandez has been a model of efficiency, averaging nearly eight innings over his last seven starts. 但是此後 Hernandez 牢牢困住道奇,投出完美的 8 局,只被打出 4 支安打、 失 1 分,三振 9 次。Hernandez 是效率的代言人,過去 7 次出賽每次平均投球 局數接近 8 局。 Milton, 33, limited to six games in 2007 and '08 after elbow ligament replacement surgery, sounded pleased just to be able to pitch at all. Milton 因為接受手肘軔帶替換手術,過去兩年只出賽 6 場, 這種傷痛史聽起來好像只要他能投球就該開心了。 "I know it's cliche, but I'm happy to be here," he said. "There was a question whether I would ever throw a pitch again, much less a pitch in a major league game. But I made it back. I feel like I'm where I belong, where I want to be." Milton 說:「我知道接下來這句話是陳腔濫調,但我很開心現在在這投球。 以前甚至曾經有過疑問,懷疑我還能不能投球,更不用說在大聯盟投球。 但我成功回來了。我喜歡我的球隊,這就是我希望去的球隊。」 Torre said the Dodgers probably would have to carry an extra pitcher at some point to offset the starters' continued inability to pitch deep into games. Torre 說,道奇可能要多拉一個投手上來, 以便在某些時機點代替先發投手繼續投下去。 They could target another starter in a trade, but the solution probably won't come from the Mariners. Dodgers General Manager Ned Colletti said Saturday the team was not interested in Seattle left-hander Jarrod Washburn. 道奇可以交易其他隊伍的先發投手,但可能不會是水手隊的 Washburn, 道奇總經理 Colletti 週六表示對 Washburn 沒有企圖。 But there are plenty of other options that would constitute an improvement over what the Dodgers have received from their fifth starters. And the Dodgers probably would be happy to take any of them. 但是還有許多選項可以改善他們的第五號先發,道奇可能會欣然選擇其一。 -------------- 原文文章連結(請縮網址): http://0rz.tw/10YwA 原網址: http://www.latimes.com/sports/ la-sp-dodgers-mariners28-2009jun28,0,4338185.story -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Uzaki 來自: (06/29 04:33)

06/29 04:56, , 1F
最近先發沒一個穩 如果今天再輸水手就真的是亮警訊了
06/29 04:56, 1F

06/29 04:56, , 2F
拜託要贏啊 好久沒在跨聯盟勝率大於 .500了
06/29 04:56, 2F

06/29 05:00, , 3F
黑田要炸了 對美聯果然就是很難贏 希望起床能看到逆轉勝
06/29 05:00, 3F

06/29 05:01, , 4F
能被水手打爆真不簡單 sh*t
06/29 05:01, 4F

06/29 05:26, , 5F
水手今年 先發很殺阿
06/29 05:26, 5F

06/29 07:34, , 6F
06/29 07:34, 6F

06/29 07:34, , 7F
下一場一定會贏吧 考慮去要不要去看比賽!! XDD
06/29 07:34, 7F

06/29 07:59, , 8F
問題在於,在國聯投球,你仍然要丟些分數 啥意思@@
06/29 07:59, 8F

06/29 08:01, , 9F
06/29 08:01, 9F

06/29 10:19, , 10F
06/29 10:19, 10F

06/29 11:33, , 11F
06/29 11:33, 11F

06/29 21:13, , 12F
06/29 21:13, 12F
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