Re: [心得] focusrite錄音介面的mic前級怎麼會這麼弱?

看板DigitalMusic作者 (英倫時光)時間13年前 (2011/08/22 02:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《ntuguy (ya)》之銘言: : : 雖然說現在的錄音介面也堪用,但如果沒有重大問題 : 我是很願意購買的 : 但很奇怪的,有兩點真的讓我無法接受 : (1)當我把電容mic插到Saffire PRO 14號稱獲獎的麥克風前級 : 居然推不動,我把錄音介面的gain調到80% : 錄進cubase都還只有一點點訊號而已 : 如果我把gain調到90%以上,似乎又有些雜訊了 : 意味者我錄音時必須費力唱很大聲才能錄到足夠清楚的聲音 : (2)他是用phone-jack接頭接到監聽喇叭 : 送出的訊號比我現在用RCA接頭的弱了不少 : 意味著我播音樂時要把volume的旋鈕開很大 : 才可以有足夠大的播放效果。 : 恩,新出產的機器,不是應該錄音放音更敏銳有power嗎? : 為什麼這台Saffire PRO 14使用起來會有上述的嚴重缺點呢? 第二點我沒試過,但他的耳擴是不太夠力的如果你要推高阻抗耳機(數百歐姆) 而且IMO,低頻有點太多 不過我的pro 24好像有同軸輸出,應該可以用這接speaker 同軸跟一般的phone jack的測試之後我有錢買監聽喇叭時會再測試看看 第一點的mic pre,我爬一些國外的review後發現 他的mic pre只有大概+55db左右 不過這樣的設計還是有處理方法 摘錄其中一段我覺得寫的很有道理的 The thing is with digital recording, the level recorded to track doesn't really matter. In digital, boosting the level in the box, only boosts the level of what's been recorded, there's no tape hiss it's boosting as well, which was why it was so important to get a hot signal on tape. So the solution for me? Boost the gain to get the source signal as high as you can before you the self noise of the pres becomes significant. If you have to boost the headphone level, or boost the level via DAW, do it. Personally, I would prefer to be able to record a -3db signal, but if it means recording a noticeable level of noise. There's no technical reason why it would be bad to record with your signal peaking at -15 or -10, because you can just boost it in the DAW with no added noise. If you can keep your gain setting below 7 or so, the noise floor is much lower than anything else I have ever used in the same price range, and the quality of the audio is much more pleasing as well. 當然如果mic pre可以gain一點的話是更好啦... 不過這樣的設計應該也還在OK的範圍就是 另外這是Focusrite官網回應: The Saffire microphone preamps provide between +10dB and +55dB of gain to the input signal before the converters. The gain required to obtain an acceptable signal level will depend on several factors including the input source and the type of microphone. For example, signals with a high SPL like those from acoustic drums and guitar amplifiers aren't likely to require much amplification so it's normal to set the gain on the lower range. This is particularly true if a sensitive condenser microphone is utilised. Quiet signals such as vocals will requires more amplification, particularly if used with a dynamic microphone. The gain change by the potentiometer isn't linear and it's not unusual to require setting the gain towards the high extreme to get a reasonable signal level. The Saffire preamps are designed to sound good at both extremes of the gain scale as well as everywhere in between so setting the gain on its highest setting is not anything to be concerned about. -- "Dave wants girl, Dave can't have girl, Dave kills people!" (Mustaine, 1998) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: haiaku 來自: (08/22 02:03) ※ 編輯: haiaku 來自: (08/22 06:52)
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