Re: [Coin] ETN分叉後遇到大麻煩,算力不足導致雍塞

看板DigiCurrency作者 (qxxrbull)時間6年前 (2018/06/03 01:24), 6年前編輯推噓9(9016)
留言25則, 12人參與, 6年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
官方在分叉後裡所當然的發現問題 所以也進行修正 Mining Pool Owners & GPU Miners - We need YOUR help! Earn extra ETN reward over the next 26 blocks! The Electroneum blockchain forked at block 307500 today. As you are aware, the time it takes to mine blocks should be approximately every 2 minutes. Due to the extremely high difficulty caused by previously having ASICs on the network, blocks are taking substantially longer than usual (hours rather than minutes) while the network adjusts. Firstly, we want to thank the community, our miners and the mining pools in continuing to support the network while we get through these difficult blocks. However, we are not happy with the low returns our miners are receiving right now, so as a gesture to thank everyone who continues to support us, we will be supplementing the next 26 block rewards by with an ETN bonus (see below). This offer will run for blocks 307501 - 307527. Mined under an hour 200,000 ETN bonus 1 - 2 hours 150,000 ETN bonus 2 - 3 hours 100,000 ETN bonus 3 - 4 hours 50,000 ETN bonus So how will this work? After each block is mined, the pool which successfully receives the block reward should contact the team by opening a support ticket ( with subject "BLOCK REWARD". They MUST include the public key (ETN wallet address) and view key of the address which successfully mined the block so that we can verify they are indeed the owners. We will check the block time of each mined block and send out the appropriate amount to the public key provided. Can you please contact your users to let them know it's well worth their while getting back online, and let your users know how to change the algorithm on their software to mine with MoneroV7 or Cryptonight_V7 Again, we wish to thank everyone for continuing to support the ETN network Have a great day! Richard. PS We've had over 40MH/s running on Nanopool for the last couple of hours so we must be extremely close to mining block 307501. PPS - Please be patient with ETN transactions at this time - once we get past these difficult blocks our blockchain will be considerably more efficient. 大致上的翻譯就是 307501-307527這些區塊 官方會給予額外的獎勵 1-2小時150,000 etn 2-3小時100,000 etn 3-4小時50,000 etn (我發文時 現在出到307512 2018-06-02 22:56:04) 以希望藉此維持住足夠的算力 避免網路壅塞 聽起來很棒對不對? Electroneum wallet is rejecting new mined block with high probability after hardfork. We are investigating the issue. Most probably it's related to this issue: … We've installed a patch from ETN developers that should fix the block rejecting issue. Please, check the extra-reward proposal for ETN mining: … Extra rewards earned by the pool will be distributed among the miners #ETN Unfortunately ETN patch did not resolve the block rejecting issue, so we are mining empty ETN blocks for now to decrease network difficulty. We are working together with ETN developers to resolve the issue completely. #ETN 大致上看了資料 簡單來說 ETN不只改算法(應該說只改算法算力不夠 就如同我上一篇所說的) 還改了區塊 然後mixin>0(就是有被手動指定)的交易 有bug 網路無法處理 會被reject 所以大礦池之一 nanopool 現在只能繼續挖空塊 看來ETN真的莓救了 -- 1.你不管後半輩子再怎麼努力,都比不上你投胎那一次的努力 @qxxrbull 2.努力用功一輩子,不如你爸媽給你一棟北市精華區的房子 3.你工作一年連100萬都賺不到,人家買個1200張中華票券擺一年就有100萬 4.要從沒錢變有錢很困難,要從有錢變更有錢很簡單 5.法律規定不能教唆他人自殺,因為當所有窮人都自殺了,有錢人也沒辦法一直有錢了 6.自殺前記得用盡你的能力貸款,在選擇權結算日前全梭一邊,這是你死前翻身的機會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: qxxrbull (, 06/03/2018 01:27:51

06/03 03:00, 6年前 , 1F
一整個就是技術力不足 亂搞啊 開發者怎麼不撒錢請人修呢
06/03 03:00, 1F

06/03 04:22, 6年前 , 2F
06/03 04:22, 2F

06/03 04:24, 6年前 , 3F
主事者大概以為技術靠copy, 專心行銷宣傳就能成功
06/03 04:24, 3F

06/03 04:26, 6年前 , 4F
06/03 04:26, 4F

06/03 06:37, 6年前 , 5F
悲劇 比人家晚改算法就算了 改了還落賽XD
06/03 06:37, 5F

06/03 07:46, 6年前 , 6F
06/03 07:46, 6F

06/03 07:46, 6年前 , 7F
06/03 07:46, 7F

06/03 11:15, 6年前 , 8F
06/03 11:15, 8F

06/03 11:21, 6年前 , 9F
06/03 11:21, 9F

06/03 11:21, 6年前 , 10F
06/03 11:21, 10F

06/03 11:24, 6年前 , 11F
危機就是轉機 凸了moon
06/03 11:24, 11F

06/03 21:12, 6年前 , 12F
06/03 21:12, 12F

06/03 21:12, 6年前 , 13F
06/03 21:12, 13F

06/03 21:34, 6年前 , 14F
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06/03 21:37, 6年前 , 15F
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06/03 21:50, 17F

06/03 21:51, 6年前 , 18F
06/03 21:51, 18F

06/03 21:52, 6年前 , 19F
其實就是變相airdrop 但是透過需要開著app讓用戶有參與
06/03 21:52, 19F

06/03 21:52, 6年前 , 20F
挖礦過程的感覺 這樣用戶就會比較珍惜看重這些看起來是
06/03 21:52, 20F

06/03 21:52, 6年前 , 21F
06/03 21:52, 21F

06/03 21:54, 6年前 , 22F
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06/05 00:02, 6年前 , 23F
06/05 00:02, 23F

06/05 00:30, 6年前 , 24F
06/05 00:30, 24F

06/05 16:43, 6年前 , 25F
06/05 16:43, 25F
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