Re: [情報] 名探偵コナン 劇場版第13彈制作決定!

看板Conan作者 (か~み~ちゅ~~~!)時間16年前 (2008/04/20 16:48), 編輯推噓9(902)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《EIORU ()》之銘言: : 來年は○○○○の登場確定! : 來年の映畫は黑の組織登場確定!です : 黑い影がいつばい出てきて : ジンの「あいつには消えてもらう」みたいな感じのこと言ってました 隨手翻 黑之組織確定會於明年的電影版登場 (畫面上)出現了一大堆黑影(人) 琴酒還講了像是"就讓他(從這世上)消失吧"的發言 : BOSS要出現了嗎??? 請教大大翻譯一下 : 來源: BOSS漫畫沒先出來的話電影不可能出現 就看這一年接下來的發展了 ......... 話說希望電影版至少要帶給我跟蠟筆小新電影版同等的感動 會是一個不切實際的夢想嗎.......................(嘆) -- you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as god l be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods yo as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you sh gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be as gods you shall be a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ckyui 來自: (04/20 16:58)

04/20 17:52, , 1F
推~ 借轉 謝謝^^
04/20 17:52, 1F

04/20 18:40, , 2F
> < 明年= = 期待接下來發展拉
04/20 18:40, 2F

04/20 18:44, , 3F
13 果然是黑色的數字
04/20 18:44, 3F

04/20 19:15, , 4F
04/20 19:15, 4F

04/20 19:42, , 5F
推樓上XDD 第十一彈的大誤~就是甲烷有味道...
04/20 19:42, 5F

04/20 19:43, , 6F
04/20 19:43, 6F

04/20 19:43, , 7F
04/20 19:43, 7F

04/20 20:34, , 8F
樓上 XD
04/20 20:34, 8F

04/24 18:37, , 9F
給上兩樓的 有笑有推 XD
04/24 18:37, 9F

04/25 23:46, , 10F
04/25 23:46, 10F

03/09 12:37, , 11F
03/09 12:37, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #182mDS_F (Conan)
文章代碼(AID): #182mDS_F (Conan)