Re: [新知] 對腦來說,大不一定好

看板Cognitive作者 (鷹之翼...飄零...深秋)時間14年前 (2009/11/23 14:51), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
第一次在版上po文,就回了跟認知神經科學無關的東西,真不好意思。 如果有違版規,再麻煩板主協助告知並刪文,謝謝。 還請大家多多指教 <(_ _)> 主要是想回關於"suggest"這個字的用法 (這個字在論文裡面應該滿常用到的) 基本上,suggest這個字主要有以下四種意思/用法 (參考朗文辭典) 1. 建議,及物動詞 to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go, etc 句型:suggest + that S + (should) +VR (原型動詞) suggest + V-ing ps. 有大大認為是"建議"的意思,主要是因為中文直接翻譯的問題。 基本上,在英文用法上,"建議"的主詞主要會是"人",而非物。 2. 指出 to make someone think that a particular thing is true [= indicate] (我認為本文的用法比較偏向這個) 句型:evidence/results/data/studies etc suggest(s) that+CL (一般子句) ex. The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers. 3. 推薦 to tell someone about someone or something that is suitable for a particular job or activity [= recommend] 句型:suggest somebody/something for something 4. 暗示 to state something in an indirect way [= imply] ex. Are you suggesting my husband's been drinking : Research suggests that bigger animals may need bigger brains simply because : there is more to control -- for example they need to move bigger muscles and : therefore need more and bigger nerves to move them. : 研究建議大型動物可能需要大一點的腦,因為需要多一點的控制。例如他們需要大一點 : 的神經去控制大一點的肌肉。 : In fact, the models suggest that counting could be achieved with only a few : hundred nerve cells and only a few thousand could be enough to generate : consciousness. Engineers hope that this kind of research will lead to smarter : computing with the ability to recognise human facial expressions and emotions. : 這個model建議上百個神經細胞就可以做運算、上千個可以產生意識。工程師希望這些研 : 究可以發展出更聰明的計算能力,如認臉與情緒。 害羞潛水ing >///< -- 等一個人多麼孤單 我一分鐘又一分鐘在忍耐 當你回來的時候我一定要跟你說 別再走開 抱著我稱讚我的勇敢 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: eaglewings 來自: (11/23 14:55)

11/23 15:14, , 1F
XD 也不算完全無關啦 的確有點離題就是了 但不會砍文
11/23 15:14, 1F

11/23 15:14, , 2F
不過我還蠻認同這篇的 xD
11/23 15:14, 2F

11/23 22:24, , 3F
11/23 22:24, 3F
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