Re: [心得] 皇家巨人

看板ClashRoyale作者 (奇異果汽水)時間8年前 (2016/07/08 11:18), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串7/11 (看更多)
※ 引述《popdoggy (...)》之銘言: : 這是一篇在原文論壇上看到的文章,分析有關皇家巨人在遊戲中不平衡的原因 : 供大家參考,也希望有翻譯能力強的大大幫忙翻譯讓大家能夠理解 鍵盤多益1000分來了 隨便翻,意思到了就好 : 原文開始 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- : RG can't be efficiently shut down- Uncounterable tower damage troops are : cancer. 皇巨無法被有效地制止,不能被剋的打塔單位會讓這遊戲死亡 : About me: 3080 max trophies, F2P, no legendaries. 我最高3080盃,無課無傳奇 : A game like CR should be based on skill, timing, and strategy. 一個像cr這樣的遊戲應建立於技巧,時機,和策略上 : You should react to your opponent's moves, they should react to yours, : and the winner should be based on the above attributes. 你需要對對手的行為做出反應,而他們也ㄧ樣 贏家應該要因這些能力勝出 : Basically, if you can get more work done with less elixir, : you should gain an advantage and eventually win. 基本上,如果你能用最少的聖水做最多的事 你就會取得優勢,並且取得最終勝利 : All troops in the game -- except the RG -- have efficient, reliable counters . 在這遊戲的所有兵種裡都可以被有效,穩定地剋制 除了皇巨以外 : I'm going to define a counter as something with the following attributes: : 1. Completely prevents the other card from doing its job (damaging troops : or towers) : 2. Is efficient in terms of elixir (bomber vs barbarian horde is efficient, : Pekka vs barbarians is not, even though both win) : 3. Is reliable, which means reasonably forgiving in terms of placement and : timing, and that the counter wins EVERY TIME, all other things being equal. : Note: A counter is NOT the same as being able to kill something. : I can kill a royal giant with any troop except a giant, hog, RG, or golem. : Any troop. But there are no troops or spells that COUNTER him. 我認為剋制應有以下幾個層面的意義 1. 能阻止其他卡片發揮作用 2. 聖水的cp值很好 3. 非常穩定,合理地對施放的位置和時機有容錯性,且每次都能勝出 剋制不僅只是意味著殺死。很多卡都能殺皇巨,卻沒什麼真正能剋制的 : ADDITIONALLY- he is very easy to protect because he has 2000+ life and : any supporting troops are often on the far side of the bridge, : safely out of Harm's way (I named my Valk Harm. Kidding.) 而且他還很好保護,後排可以在橋的另一頭爽 我家女武砍不到後排 : Therefore, it's very frustrating to play against one unless you have : legendary cards (which give their own advantage.) 所以跟皇巨打是非常令人挫敗的一件事 除非你有傳奇 : As an example to what I mean, almost every other troop in the game has --not : one-- but MULTIPLE counters that exist. So if you really, really hate : balloon decks, you CAN design a deck that will never lose to a balloon (I've : done so) unless your balloon-based opponent is an evil genius. 舉個例子好了 幾乎所有其他部隊都被很多卡剋 你可以設計出專剋氣球的牌組,我就幹過 除非你的對手是個邪惡的天才 : You CANNOT design a deck to counter a RG so efficiently (I've tried.) 而你無法設計ㄧ個牌組來剋制皇巨,我試過了 : No matter what you do or how you play it, the RG gives an advantage, and is 無論你怎麼做,皇巨就是能佔到便宜,所以才是個糟糕的設計 : therefore bad design and cheese. Yes, he CAN be stopped, but NOT efficiently : and THAT is the problem. 當然你能阻止皇巨,但卻沒什麼效率,這才是問題 : RG needs a rework -- longer deploy time, shorter range, less life, something . 皇巨該修了,更長的放置延遲,更短的射程,少血之類的 : The community isn't stupid and the frustration and negativity around this : card is a BAD thing. 玩家不是白痴,這張卡造成的挫敗和負面影響不會是件好事 : Strong Emotions, : Zenon -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/08 11:27, , 1F
我家女武砍不到後排 Q_Q
07/08 11:27, 1F

07/08 12:00, , 2F
07/08 12:00, 2F

07/08 16:37, , 3F
07/08 16:37, 3F

07/08 17:22, , 4F
而且他的後排爽打你 皇巨也爽打塔
07/08 17:22, 4F
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