Fw: [新聞] 爛番茄為保護"彼得潘與溫蒂"隱藏爆米花指

看板C_Chat作者 (お元気ですか?私元気です)時間11月前 (2023/05/13 13:41), 編輯推噓17(19216)
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1aNo4uFF ] 作者: KingKingCold (お元気ですか?私元気です) 看板: movie 標題: [新聞] 爛番茄為保護"彼得潘與溫蒂"隱藏爆米花指 時間: Sat May 13 13:33:37 2023 https://reurl.cc/vkVoDN Peter Pan & Wendy Review-Bombing Causes Rotten Tomatoes to Remove Low Score By Russ Milheim Posted: May 12, 2023 The extremely low audience rating for Disney+ exclusive Peter Pan & Wendy is no longer visible on Rotten Tomatoes. When the project first landed last month, it didn't get the warmest of receptions—though it did land plenty of average reactions. It didn't take long for the movie to become the target of review-bombing, with some audiences claiming that the movie was being "politically correct." Others took aim at the casting, dialogue, and more. Now, it seems that those 5,000+ audience score ratings, which previously sat at 13%, are no more. Peter Pan and Wendy Loses Audience Rating https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/peterpm.jpg
Rotten Tomatoes officially removed the audience rating score of Peter Pan & Wendy on Friday, May 12. Formerly, the audience rating sat at 13%, which was the lowest of all of Disney's live-action remake films. The movie's critic score is currently sitting at 62%. The project was previously a victim of intense review bombing from general viewers. An Unprecedented Move by Rotten Tomatoes Completely removing the audience score from a project is an unprecedented move by Rotten Tomatoes. The closest thing to it was when the site excised a majority of Captain Marvel's view ratings, with its reasoning being that it "identified a bug in the post-release functionality." There has still been no official reason given for the removal. It's important to note that this almost certainly wasn't done because of low numbers. Rather, the choice was almost certainly more linked to the review-bombing and an intense number of bad-faith, inaccurate posts. Review-bombing has always been a tricky problem to deal with, and despite previous efforts to contain them (such as not allowing audience reviews before a movie is released), childish behavior still permeates the industry more often than it should. Maybe Rotten Tomatoes is making steps toward some bigger fix that it intends to announce sooner rather than later. Peter Pan & Wendy is now streaming on Disney+. =========================================================================== 簡單說明一下, 5月12日,爛番茄移除了迪士尼串流平台電影"彼得潘與溫蒂"的觀眾評分欄位, 也就是俗稱的"爆米花指數"。 在移除爆米花指數之前,130名影評給的新鮮指數位於62%,屬於新鮮, 然後超過5000名的認證觀眾給予的評價在13%,相當慘烈。 然而在5月12日,爛番茄移除了代表認證觀眾評價的爆米花指數, 直至目前爛番茄官方並沒有給予合理的解釋與理由。 這是圖: https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/peterpm.jpg
這不是爛番茄第一次為迪士尼護航了, 2019年的MCU電影"驚奇隊長"上映時,有海量觀眾給予相當低的評價, 讓當時以影評與影迷皆享有高評價跟高容忍為名的MCU電影, 在觀眾爆米花指數創下33%的MCU最低紀錄,(共35000+觀眾評分) 導致爛番茄以"有BUG"、"技術因素"關閉評分一段時間。 自此之後,爛番茄對後續電影皆修改成認證觀眾才能評分的爆米花認證制度, 雖然此舉無法拯救驚奇隊長(目前100000+評分,45%,沒有認證制度), 但後續導致MCU的P4電影認證觀眾評價都維持得不錯, 起到了護航的作用。 同樣地,網飛備受爭議的非洲女王:埃及豔后也被保護起來了, 也是看不到觀眾評分, 看來爛番茄不只保護老鼠,還為了N,全部成為F 不過值得說的是,雖然評分被移除了,觀眾評論的內容則是還留著, 點選進去依然是看得到各則臭這部串流片臭得要死的評論。 ============================================================================ 這是北美的情況, 很多網友,包括我上網站查證之後,反映目前這個移除爆米花指數的措施, 只有IP在美國國內才會生效, 也就是說,我們在台灣其實是看得到數字的。 例如現在彼得潘與溫蒂,爆米花指數降到了12%, https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/peter_pan_and_wendy 而非洲女王埃及豔后的爆米花指數: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/queen_cleopatra 2% XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 可能"技術問題"很快會獲得解決,讓被移除的數字在美國恢復, 然後又會有"更認證"、"更高級"、"更進步"、"更精英"、"更純粹"的高階認證觀眾, 來評分論過,讓數字更好看更和諧,更符合"現代思想", 呵呵~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1683956024.A.3CF.html

05/13 13:35, 11月前 , 1F
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: KingKingCold ( 臺灣), 05/13/2023 13:41:46

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05/13 13:43, 11月前 , 11F
等等埃及艷後就變80%了 怕
05/13 13:43, 11F

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05/13 15:13, 11月前 , 33F
爛番茄真的爛到不可思議了 本來我以為IMDb一樣爛 果然
05/13 15:13, 33F

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05/13 15:32, 11月前 , 36F
笑死 很棒喔
05/13 15:32, 36F

05/13 15:34, 11月前 , 37F
還七龍珠一個公道 全面退化...很好看對吧XD
05/13 15:34, 37F

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05/15 01:30, 11月前 , 43F
我在美國 兩部電影的爆米花分數都看得到啊?
05/15 01:30, 43F

05/15 15:59, 11月前 , 44F
4/28 已經公開了啊,搞錯
05/15 15:59, 44F
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