[閒聊] 9GAG對於赤燭事件的報導

看板C_Chat作者 (艾倫沙特)時間5年前 (2019/02/25 19:17), 編輯推噓124(131770)
留言208則, 128人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文網址: http://tinyurl.com/y4ltu9bp Steam Horror Hit "Devotion" Gets Review Bombed For Calling Xi Jinping Winnie The Pooh In Game STEAM上的恐怖遊戲"還願"因稱呼習近平為小熊維尼而遭到負評轟炸 "Devotion", a first-person atmospheric horror game depicting the life of a family shadowed by religious belief, is twitch’s recent hottest horror game. Developed by Taiwan-based developer Red Candle, "Devotion" is set in a 1980s Taiwanese apartment complex, uses nostalgic setting to create tension in the story Inspired by East Asian folklore. 還願是最近twitch直播上最火紅的第一人稱恐怖遊戲,由赤燭遊戲所研發。 其背景位於1980年代的台灣,運用了東亞民俗傳說以及懷舊感的設定。 "Devotion" was number 1 on Steam's Top Selling Games chart for a few days and has received over 1000 Steam reviews 6 hours after its release with a 92% positive rating. 還願是這幾天STEAM上最暢銷的遊戲,發售後六個小時收到超過千則留言,具92%好評。 The game was trending on China's social media platforms. Gamers praised the game last 4 days for its storytelling and tearjerking soundtrack, calling it "national pride". 在中國的社交媒體同樣造成轟動,玩家盛讚其故事及音樂,稱其為國產的驕傲 4 days after its release, the game is being review bombed by Chinese players for a red seal on an in-game poster that said, “Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh ”. The poster was a Fulu talisman (instructions to deities, spirits, or as tools of exorcism). 然而發售四天後,因為一張符咒上寫著小熊維尼習近平, 因此還願遭到了中國玩家的負評轟炸。 Discussions related to Devotion are currently banned in major Chinese gaming forums. Recent reviews of the game have taken a drastic negative turn, the majority of them being from Chinese players. Some instantly refunded after playing for 2 hours. 現在中國的遊戲論壇大多封鎖了有關於還願的評論, 而遊戲評論也由前面的極度好評轉為負評,多數都來自於中國玩家。 也有些人在玩兩小時後就退款。 Most negative reviews on steam accused Red Candle of supporting Taiwan independence, insulting their own national leaders, and use the game to satirize the cult, Xi's party. 多數的負評都在指控赤燭支持台獨、汙辱習近平以及諷刺中共。 Popular Chinese streamers who praised the game all took a u-turn. Walkthroughs and gameplay are removed. 知名的中國直播主們也都刪了遊戲影片。 The founder of the famous pirate game site 3DM condemned the game for hurting 1.3 billion Chinese's feelings. 知名的盜版遊戲網站3DM創辦人也跳出來指責"還願"傷害了13億中國人的感情。 Steam is currently making a Chinese version and is still being judged by the board. Chinese players claim if the authorities find out about the mocking reference, entire Steam could be banned in the country. They can't just tell their government to knock that off, so their only choice is to get mad at the game developers. STEAM中國區仍在籌備中,而中國玩家聲稱如果此事件被有關當局發現, 甚至可能牽連到整個中國區steam,所以他們不得不表態譴責赤燭。 Red Candle's previous game "Detention" is being review bombed as well. The game's overwhelmingly positive rating turned to negative and the conversion is happening on a massive scale, spieltimes observed. 赤燭的前作"返校"也正遭受負評炸彈。遊戲由極度好評轉為負評。 下面附上了赤燭的道歉聲明。 -- 稍微翻譯一下下面的留言 codebracker 79 points · 1d I mean if you released a game in America that had a poster that said "Trump is Elsa" noone would care 如果你在美國說"川普4愛爾莎",根本沒人會在意。 michelemaggioni 55 points · 2d But China IS a miserable country... it demonstrated such statement by 1 not caring for the well being of the citizen with work regulations and right that challenge those of nazi work camps, and 2 with a even more sad disregard for their impact on the environment. Maybe they want to create an even bigger island of plastic in the pacific so they can claim it... and yeah let’s piss on someone’s work just for an innocent joke that was more of an Easter egg than a direct attack on Chinese politics, that’s a mature response. 不過中國真是可悲,既不管人民的權利,也無視那些仍在集中營受苦的人。 ... ...要為了這個比起對某國元首的攻擊,更像是彩蛋事件而負責的人真可憐。 majorkiler4 44 points · 1d well.......i think steam needs to separate chinese reviews with the rest of the world. or even better make them a separate version of steam with the same exact app but with a minor changes that it will only connect to the chinese mainland excluding the rest of the world. At this point its clear the chinese are way too sensitive and dangerous to internet freedoms of expression. They will block and raged war againt the minor of criticism and the big company will listen to their demand by censoring everybody else for nothing but money. My solution is the most perfect since it wont separate the company from their beloved money, everybody else from their freedom of speech, and the chinese from their not-being in a labor camp 這個好長 反正就是贊成做個特別版的steam以免大公司為了$$而聽從中國人意見 這有可能傷害言論自由。 joebloee Pro 35 points · 1d Brain-dead, brainwashed and thought-controlled slaves of China. What a shithole. Beautiful country, god-awful people 一堆腦死、被洗腦及控制的中國奴隸。可悲,美麗的國家卻有可怕的人們。 yway 21 points · 1d Good to know that the reviews where good so it's not game related I Wil take a look at it thx 很高興知道了這些負評跟遊戲無關,我會想看一下這遊戲,THX。 --- 大概是這樣 歡迎噓出口轉內銷 還有這些一定都是台灣憤青想把赤燭推成反共義士,才在9GAG上po這篇跟評論拉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1551093426.A.D6C.html

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02/25 19:19, 5年前 , 11F
知名盜版遊戲網站 XD
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02/25 19:20, 5年前 , 14F
Trump is Elsa. Frozen迷會暴怒好嗎XDD
02/25 19:20, 14F

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02/25 19:20, 5年前 , 18F
敵視尼會生氣好嗎== 怎麼可以這樣說愛爾沙
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02/25 19:21, 5年前 , 25F
川普是Elsa是這個啦 https://youtu.be/GVN17U3Vg34
02/25 19:21, 25F

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Trump is Elsa.
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02/25 19:21, 5年前 , 33F
真的應該用個特別版steam 迎合這個世界"異形"
02/25 19:21, 33F

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02/25 19:21, 5年前 , 35F
他們知道歐巴馬被改成跳跳虎嗎 XD
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02/25 19:22, 39F
還有 129 則推文
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02/25 20:06, 5年前 , 178F
反串也是看天賦的啦 要是id太好記的話 就騙不到人了XD
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02/25 20:09, 5年前 , 181F
steam 中國特別版為啥不快出啊
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02/25 20:10, 5年前 , 182F
身為Elsa粉絲 被說像川普我會很生氣的
02/25 20:10, 182F

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02/25 20:16, 5年前 , 184F
樓上這麼說 尤達也很雖毛阿
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02/25 21:20, 5年前 , 188F
幹他媽的中國人罵我們總統要不要道歉啦 智障
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02/25 21:22, 5年前 , 189F
推文川普那影片笑死 明明是安娜XDDDD
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02/25 21:28, 5年前 , 192F
trump=elsa 崩潰
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02/25 21:51, 5年前 , 195F
幹 樓上的圖 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔
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02/25 21:51, 5年前 , 196F
Elsa:幹 好歹說希拉蕊ㄅ
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02/26 10:50, 5年前 , 207F
9gag不是只會po梗圖嗎XDD 而且記得他們是港大學生創
02/26 10:50, 207F

02/26 10:50, 5年前 , 208F
立的 這樣立場不意外
02/26 10:50, 208F
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