[新聞] Steam正在禁止有著太年輕角色的色情遊戲

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Steam Is Banning Sex Games With Young-Looking Characters https://tinyurl.com/ybh4zgyo These days, anything goes on Steam, but not anything anything. If games are “ illegal, or straight up trolling,” Valve says it’ll send them packing. In the past, that’s meant low-effort games with titles like Big Dick and MILF, achievement spam, and certain sex games. Now, according to some developers, Valve is going after games that feature themes of “child exploitation,” which it seems to define, at least in part, as games with sex scenes or nudity where the characters are in high school. Over the past few weeks, the company has removed the store pages of several visual novels, including cross-dressing yaoi romance Cross Love, catholic school adult visual novel Hello Goodbye, “story about the love between siblings” (yuck) Imolicious, and cat girl game MaoMao Discovery Team. The developers of these games all claim to have received similar emails stating that their games could not be released on Steam. “While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does feature themes of child exploitation,” read the email received by Top Hat Studios, makers of Cross Love. “Because of that, the app has been banned and cannot be reused.” There are a couple ties that bind the games in question: 1) Cross Love, Hello Goodbye, and Imolicious feature school settings, and 2) all four of the aforementioned games contain adult elements and center around anime-styled characters who appear young—in some cases uncomfortably so. However, their developers have taken to protesting the bans on social media, saying that their games have been misunderstood. They all claim they’ve reached out to Valve since receiving their bans, only to be met with silence. Cross Love’s developers say they’ve taken great pains to ensure that their game demonstrates, on multiple occasions, that its students are of age. This includes scenes where they peruse 18+ manga and are ID-ed before being allowed into an adult bookstore. “These scenes aren’t there to be artificially shoehorned in, and while they do exist as further proof of characters’ ages (beyond the disclaimer in the beginning that explicitly states them as being 18), the real reason they’re there is to further many of the themes in the story,” said developer Top Hat to Kotaku in a Twitter DM, pointing out that it’s tried to contact Valve with this information six separate times, to no avail. “A large chunk of the story is about accepting who you are, being comfortable with yourself, and altogether similar themes within a type of coming of age-style love story, which isn’t really seen in most yaoi games.” “While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does feature themes of child exploitation.” Other games are more questionable. Imolicious’ developer claims there aren’ t “any children” in the game, but it revolves around school girls. When I pointed out that most school girls are, by definition, children, developer Yume Creations replied in a DM: “High school students aren’t children, they are teenager[s].” Most teenagers in high school are still minors, so that rationale doesn’t really hold water. The developer also noted, however, that “in [the] case of Imolicious, I added a disclaimer that all characters [are] over 18 like you can see in most visual novels.” They’re not wrong: This is a trend among visual novels featuring adult material—and more broadly among “loli” anime, which tends to feature suspiciously young-looking women who are said to be over 18. But while some take these declarations at face value, others view them as obvious (and creepy) fig leaves. “Having a disclaimer stating that a drawing is of consensual age or not is a ridiculous thing to rely upon,” said one user in a Steam forum thread discussing MaoMao Discovery Team’s legality. “At the end of the day, it is a fictional drawing that does not have an age. If you think they look too young, then they are too young. A bit of text saying ‘this person is 20' changes nothing.” Which brings us to the heart of the matter: It’s Valve’s store, and what it says goes. If someone at Valve decides characters look too young, then they’ re too young. Top Hat, however, believes there’s a double standard at play here, not unlike the one some developers felt they’d fallen victim to before Valve officially allowed uncensored sex games on Steam. Other games that feature young-looking characters, school settings, and romantic/sexual themes, like Nekopara Extra, Sakura Sakura, A Piece Of Wish Upon The Stars, and Material Girl, are all still on Steam, Top Hat pointed out. Kotaku reached out to Valve to ask about the rationale behind banning certain games, but has yet to hear back. Imolicious developer Yume Creations says it’s given up on trying to get the game on Steam, opting instead to release an uncensored version on internet hentai capital Fakku. In a Steam post, MaoMao’s developers made it sound like they, too, are throwing in the towel. But while Top Hat has put Cross Love up on other stores like Itch.io and Nutaku, it’s still giving Steam the old hopefully-at-least-college-age try. “Steam is a major service, and we had hundreds of players looking forward to buying the game there upon release,” Top Hat said. “The game had wishlists in the thousands, and the community group had several hundred people in it. This is a very large userbase to lose out on, and it hurts us pretty bad. It’ s not world ending, but it is quite the end of the year blow.” ==== 關鍵字:Child Exploitation 兒童削剝 所以Cross Love、Hello Goodbye、MaoMao Discovery Team這些遊戲才會被刪除頁面。 兒童削剝呀!不意外就是了,這在美國是逆鱗級的議題。 -- 我的故事可不那麼讓人覺得舒服。它不是那種有著甜蜜歡樂情節的幻想小說。 我的故事充滿了混亂而又難以察覺的陰影,充滿了瘋狂和噩夢, 和那些不再自欺欺人地生活的人們一樣。 ──赫曼‧赫塞── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1544231297.A.D9C.html

12/08 09:09, 5年前 , 1F
12/08 09:09, 1F

12/08 09:09, 5年前 , 2F
12/08 09:09, 2F
沒用,原文是用 Young-looking。看起來太年輕就不行,他才不管你設定幾歲。

12/08 09:11, 5年前 , 3F
12/08 09:11, 3F

12/08 09:11, 5年前 , 4F
唉 世界末日
12/08 09:11, 4F

12/08 09:11, 5年前 , 5F
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12/08 09:11, 5年前 , 6F
12/08 09:11, 6F

12/08 09:11, 5年前 , 7F
MaoMao Discovery Team不錯 很可愛的放置小品
12/08 09:11, 7F

12/08 09:12, 5年前 , 8F
這個可以理解啦 其實
12/08 09:12, 8F

12/08 09:12, 5年前 , 9F
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12/08 09:12, 5年前 , 10F
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12/08 09:13, 5年前 , 11F
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12/08 09:13, 5年前 , 12F
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12/08 09:13, 5年前 , 13F
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12/08 09:15, 5年前 , 14F
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12/08 09:15, 5年前 , 15F
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12/08 09:16, 5年前 , 16F
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12/08 09:18, 5年前 , 17F
禁止兒童色情本來就是天經地義啊 喜歡現實幼女噁心
12/08 09:18, 17F

12/08 09:18, 5年前 , 18F
12/08 09:18, 18F

12/08 09:18, 5年前 , 19F
Cross Love 是什麼遊戲啊
12/08 09:18, 19F

12/08 09:19, 5年前 , 20F
12/08 09:19, 20F

12/08 09:19, 5年前 , 21F
生理閹割 精神閹割 然後社會案件就發生了
12/08 09:19, 21F

12/08 09:19, 5年前 , 22F
這個還好啦 以閃亂的畫風來看 的確偏幼吧 但也不是所有
12/08 09:19, 22F

12/08 09:19, 5年前 , 23F
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12/08 09:20, 5年前 , 24F
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12/08 09:23, 5年前 , 27F
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12/08 09:24, 5年前 , 29F
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12/08 09:24, 5年前 , 30F
12/08 09:24, 30F
steam開放色情遊戲但可沒說兒童色情可以...... steam敢開放這個就是準備放棄美國巿場。

12/08 09:24, 5年前 , 31F
不要說兒童剝削,兒童暴力 歐美也是禁止的
12/08 09:24, 31F

12/08 09:25, 5年前 , 32F
當初屍體派對 因為有兒童慘死畫面 都不能再twitch播
12/08 09:25, 32F

12/08 09:26, 5年前 , 33F
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12/08 09:26, 5年前 , 34F
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12/08 09:26, 5年前 , 35F
不過YT 對屍體派對就睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
12/08 09:26, 35F
還有 131 則推文
還有 1 段內文
12/08 13:03, 5年前 , 167F
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12/08 13:04, 5年前 , 168F
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12/08 13:04, 5年前 , 169F
台灣鼓勵對小孩家暴削剝的法治下 就是鬼父虐童一堆
12/08 13:04, 169F

12/08 13:10, 5年前 , 170F
推 兒童色情真的超噁心
12/08 13:10, 170F

12/08 13:11, 5年前 , 171F
笑死人 你乾脆說犯罪率高的地方都是比較會通報的地方算
12/08 13:11, 171F

12/08 13:11, 5年前 , 172F
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12/08 13:13, 5年前 , 173F
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12/08 13:16, 5年前 , 174F
畫個巨乳大性感姐姐不就沒事情了= =,硬要畫幼女幹嘛
12/08 13:16, 174F

12/08 13:17, 5年前 , 175F
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12/08 13:18, 5年前 , 176F
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12/08 13:18, 5年前 , 177F
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12/08 13:29, 5年前 , 178F
小火車開著開著也能翻車 馬的
12/08 13:29, 178F

12/08 13:30, 5年前 , 179F

12/08 13:30, 5年前 , 180F
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12/08 13:33, 5年前 , 181F
二次元圈就最好欺負的啊 宅男自己都在內鬥
12/08 13:33, 181F

12/08 13:33, 5年前 , 182F
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12/08 13:35, 5年前 , 183F
內鬥XDD 那像甲圈一樣團結好不好? 外人是啥? 非人類?
12/08 13:35, 183F

12/08 13:37, 5年前 , 184F
就非宅啊 我講得很難懂嗎 話說團結有什麼不好
12/08 13:37, 184F

12/08 13:37, 5年前 , 185F
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12/08 13:39, 5年前 , 186F
我看打藥、迷姦的也先禁一禁 以免宅男仿效==
12/08 13:39, 186F

12/08 13:45, 5年前 , 187F
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12/08 13:45, 5年前 , 188F
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12/08 14:04, 5年前 , 189F
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12/08 14:09, 5年前 , 190F
我會說你愛搞就搞 反正我是不會去支持的 廠商自然會改
12/08 14:09, 190F

12/08 14:34, 5年前 , 191F
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12/08 14:34, 5年前 , 192F
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12/08 14:45, 5年前 , 193F
美國這種嘴唸經 手摸奶的偽善行為就跟護家盟一樣
12/08 14:45, 193F

12/08 14:46, 5年前 , 194F
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12/08 14:47, 5年前 , 195F
會去東南亞嫖雛妓的不正是一堆白人嘛 笑死人
12/08 14:47, 195F

12/08 15:30, 5年前 , 196F
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12/08 16:09, 5年前 , 197F
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12/08 16:09, 5年前 , 198F
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12/08 18:19, 5年前 , 199F
拿甲圈就是因為一致對外 都不對付自家老鼠屎的 結果呢?
12/08 18:19, 199F

12/08 18:19, 5年前 , 200F
12/08 18:19, 200F

12/08 21:10, 5年前 , 201F
台灣鬼父哪比得過歐美 別太小看歐美了好嗎
12/08 21:10, 201F

12/08 21:37, 5年前 , 202F
12/08 21:37, 202F

12/09 02:50, 5年前 , 203F
推文果然有那種只用老二思考的 扯跑東南亞嫖
12/09 02:50, 203F

12/09 02:51, 5年前 , 204F
所以 北美 荷蘭 大麻開放,台灣就可以合法吸嗎?
12/09 02:51, 204F

12/09 02:51, 5年前 , 205F
用你們的腦袋想想好嗎,北美 歐洲 有他們法律
12/09 02:51, 205F

12/09 02:52, 5年前 , 206F
12/09 02:52, 206F
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