Re: [新聞] PETA指責《1,2,Switch》擠牛奶太殘忍已回收

看板C_Chat作者 (Forrest)時間7年前 (2017/04/03 16:23), 編輯推噓4(8413)
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※ 引述《wizardfizban (瘋法師)》之銘言: : 搞事情?動物組織指責《1,2,Switch》擠牛奶太殘忍 : :   還記得那個熱衷於聲討遊戲的善待動物保護組織PETA嗎?近日他們又將目光瞄向了任 : 天堂,這次受到他們指責的遊戲是《1,2,Switch》裏面那個擠牛奶的小遊戲。 :   PETA表示在農場中因為要被擠牛奶而被剝削的母牛們是非常痛苦的,在《1,2,Switch : 》里為了要擠牛奶,應該要在遊戲中對整個養殖的過程都進行完整的重現,他們很樂意像 : 任天堂展示真正的乳牛養殖的現場,讓任天堂能夠更新在遊戲中,向玩家真切的感受到乳 : 品業的殘酷。 :   PETA建議任天堂可以從他們的調查中汲取靈感,例如在某個藍多湖乳業的供應商那裡 : ,一些牛正在緩慢而痛苦地死去。 :   他們還強調每次人們在消費牛奶的時候,都是在支持這個行業,小牛犢子通常出生幾 : 個小時后就被從媽媽身邊帶走,這些母牛們被強迫生產牛奶直到被榨乾,吃那些不含奶製 : 品的牛奶、乳酪和冰淇淋吧,吃素吧。 : ====== : 我開始認真覺得PETA是化形妖修組成的組織.... 外語至少要會一個,否則被帶風向洗腦剛好而已, 這裡用的字詞叫做「指責」,「指責」,「指責」, 動物組織「指責」《1,2,Switch》擠牛奶太殘忍。 我們來看看PETA官網上面寫什麼東東 -------------------------------------------- PETA Encourages Nintendo to Put the Cruelty Back in Dairy Written by Zachary Toliver | March 30, 2017 -------------------------------------------- Nintendo has accepted a “milk off” challenge from a farm and museum in Vermont, after the historians declared that a new game based around milking a cow (yes, really) was far too easy. Grabbing and squeezing the udder of an unsuspecting cow may bring its challenges, but the gameplay is far from reality. 任天堂因為 Switch主機推出一款擠牛奶的遊戲,而接受 Billings Farm & Museum (酪農業博物館)的邀約,要比一場真正的擠牛奶比賽。 作者哭哭對一頭純真的牛牛擠牛奶,遊戲並沒有完全真實呈現原貌。 --------------------------------------------- PETA staffers and activists recently played the cow-milking game featured in Nintendo’s 1-2-Switch and realized that the company had taken all the cruelty out of the process. We have over 35 years of experience investigating dairy farms where cows are exploited for their milk, and it’s never that pleasant for the animals. PETA的人最近用Switch 玩了一款擠牛奶的遊戲,發現遊戲拿掉所有殘忍的過 程,PETA 擁有35年以上的酪農業調查經驗,擠牛奶對牛並不是一件愉快的事。 --------------------------------------------- To simulate cow milking accurately, the game would need to show all aspects of dairy farming. To help gamers experience the horrific reality of the dairy industry, we’d be happy to provide Nintendo with footage of the filthy conditions that cows are kept in so that it can update the game’s visuals. The company’s developers could draw inspiration from our eyewitness investigations, such as our work at a then Land O’Lakes supplier, where we revealed cows dying slowly without access to food or water and languishing in pools of their own excrement. 為了模擬擠牛奶的真正過程,遊戲應該呈現酪農業的所有觀點 要讓玩家體驗酪農業真正恐怖的實際情況,PETA 「樂意」提供任天堂有關於 牛在髒亂的環境下擠牛奶的影片blablabla --------------------------------------------- Looks a bit different from what’s shown in Nintendo’s game, huh? We agree. The company should just skip the cruel industry entirely and switch to something else, such as an almond-“milking” game. While Nintendo Switch users are free to have fun whenever and wherever, virtually no cow used for milk is permitted to fulfill her instincts as a mother. Every time we consume milk, we’re supporting an industry that routinely tears baby cows away from their mothers just hours after being born and forces cows to produce milk until their bodies are exhausted. After all this, they’re sent to the slaughterhouse. Stopping this cruelty is as easy as switching to healthy, delicious dairy-free milk, cheese, and ice cream. Go vegan today. 任天堂呈現的(擠牛奶)有一點不同,PETA 同意應該完全跳過殘酷的商業事實, 把擠牛奶變成擠「杏仁奶」遊戲才對。(類似豆漿,但是是用杏仁做的) 任天堂玩家們可以隨時隨地享受著樂趣,但現實上沒有一隻小牛被允許喝母奶 。每當我們喝牛奶時,我們就是支持,把剛出生的小牛帶離牠們的母牛身邊, 然後blablabla,大家吃素吧 (倒 ======================================= 回到原題,來個小考 1) PETA 指責任天堂Switch 推出的擠牛奶遊戲很殘忍 因為PETA 是國際組織,老外厭惡任天堂Switch 所以大家不要玩Switch 的遊戲 2) PETA 指責任天堂Switch 推出的擠牛奶遊戲很殘忍 因為Switch 是任天堂的主機 所以大家不要玩任天堂的遊戲 3) PETA 指責任天堂Switch 推出的擠牛奶遊戲很殘忍 因為任天堂是日本遊戲公司 所以大家不要玩日本遊戲 總分87分,作答時間87分鐘。 ======================================= 如果有任何人可以在原文找出 PETA 指責任天堂遊戲很殘忍,請指教。 ======================================= 唬爛你又怎麼樣?你分得出來嗎?你在意嗎? 如果我沒有跳出來,你是不是也覺得任天堂很邪惡? 再加上回文不引文,馬上就被蓋台了, 資訊不正確,就會潛移默化影響你 連結點下去之前麻煩想一想,想想來源來自哪裡 黑資訊到處流竄,自願把腦袋打開給別人洗 我又不是吃飽沒事幹,期待下一個勇者來吐槽 慢慢等吧,我只不過中二小小的爆發一下 救不了這麼多人啦 ======================================= save yourself -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/03 16:25, , 1F
04/03 16:25, 1F

04/03 16:27, , 2F
不準喝牛奶也真奇怪 不過牛奶好貴我都不買
04/03 16:27, 2F

04/03 16:30, , 3F
這不過是其中一件事情而已 大家應該日後會有所警覺吧
04/03 16:30, 3F

04/03 16:35, , 4F
我記得板上有酪農業的大大 分享一下親身"擠牛奶"經驗
04/03 16:35, 4F

04/03 16:35, , 5F
04/03 16:35, 5F

04/03 16:59, , 6F
04/03 16:59, 6F

04/03 17:00, , 7F
04/03 17:00, 7F

04/03 17:01, , 8F
04/03 17:01, 8F

04/03 17:02, , 9F
04/03 17:02, 9F

04/03 17:07, , 10F
想太多 原文章中的推文也沒人認為任天堂很殘忍
04/03 17:07, 10F

04/03 17:48, , 11F
為什麼會跳到任天堂很邪惡去了 這跳真遠
04/03 17:48, 11F

04/03 17:50, , 12F
04/03 17:50, 12F

04/03 17:51, , 13F
04/03 17:51, 13F

04/03 17:51, , 14F
為什麼突然變成任天堂很邪惡 你要暴走也看清楚呀
04/03 17:51, 14F

04/03 17:57, , 15F
覺得任天堂邪惡(X) 覺得PETA腦殘(O)
04/03 17:57, 15F

04/03 17:58, , 16F
04/03 17:58, 16F

04/03 18:00, , 17F
04/03 18:00, 17F

04/03 18:00, , 18F
所以才會莫名其妙暴走 ?
04/03 18:00, 18F

04/03 18:13, , 19F
4. PETA是別人虐待動物不行 自己濫殺是愛動物的邪教
04/03 18:13, 19F

04/03 20:16, , 20F
04/03 20:16, 20F

04/03 20:39, , 21F
基本上對牛來講漲奶好像更難過 牠們可是會自動到擠奶室報
04/03 20:39, 21F

04/03 20:39, , 22F
04/03 20:39, 22F

04/04 01:20, , 23F
04/04 01:20, 23F

04/04 01:20, , 24F
04/04 01:20, 24F

04/04 21:48, , 25F
04/04 21:48, 25F
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