[情報] 遠道而來的朋友消失

看板C_Chat作者時間7年前 (2017/01/23 18:16), 7年前編輯推噓-3(582)
留言15則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
遠道而來的朋友們 平等 因人而異 與眾不同 ◎假裝堅強,其實是渴望憐憫,我們不會奢求,幻想著自己是亂世中被威脅的英雄 ◎宗教信仰是我的價值,我們喜歡聽各方的八卦,和別人分享,分享八卦榮譽 ◎天馬行空的想像是因為我不想被現在的價值拘束,因為我的憤世嫉俗,請對我冷淡一點 ,不明白,請多講幾次 ◎如果我做錯了,就問問自己,用心理解,勇於認錯,反而能贏得眾人的肯定 ◎讓我好好吃,好好睡,情緒化的言語只是希望你們的肯定 ◎我很煩嗎?我所說的,我們堅信,別人會看懂我們的誠懇的,所以堅信別人也會尊重隱 藏起來的我們 ◎聽我講,不要曲解我的意思,反對你的意見是我們抒發、關懷的方式,獨處是我們在想 如何和你們相處 ◎為什麼每個人都誤解我,我不是質疑你們,我在思考的不是傷害你們,這是我的自律, 但是真心的讚美就大方的接受 ◎請理解我們,天真善良是人類的本性,傾聽我們發自內心的牢騷和看法 ◎很隨和的,我們要公平,真誠的擁抱,但是這些都不是我 ◎世界最孤獨的我,不要壓抑他的罪惡,勇敢的和正途在一起,且有天知道 ◎尊重我們,我們須要自己的空間,敷衍、疏離,甚至不理睬,在被需要的時刻 ◎雖然我們看似無關緊要,但其實我們需要無盡的愛;雖然我們看似知識淵博,但是需要 適時的當頭棒喝 尋求正途的片段,雖然歷史的傷痕無法抹滅,讓所有的遺失一起共創更美好的未來 Those who come from a long way Fairness, different people, different views ◎We pretend to be strong. In fact, we are eager to be pitied. We won’t ask t oo much. Sometimes, we imagine we are heroes being threatened in troubled time s. ◎Religious beliefs are our inner values. We like listening to gossip everywhe re. Therefore, share, share gossips with other is our honor. ◎The unrestrained imagination is that I don’t want to be restricted by the s ocial values. Being cynical. Please treat me coldly. So, if I don’t understan d what you talk, say it more times, please. ◎If you do something wrong, ask yourself the reason. Be not afraid to admit t he mistakes. However, you can earn people’s recognition. ◎Eat well and sleep well. Talking emotionally is that we want your recognitio n and confirmation. ◎Am I annoying? I believe that people can understand what I say and what I tr ust. I believe that other people can respect the hidden me. ◎Listen. Don’t misinterpret the meaning of my words. The way to express feel ing and caring is to strongly oppose your point of view. Being alone can help me to consider how to get along with you. ◎Why I am always misunderstood, I do not question you. What I think do not hu rt you. That’s my self-discipline. Accept sincere praises generously. ◎To understand us, please. Innocence and kind-heartedness are the nature of h uman being. Therefore, listen carefully to the complaints and opinions from ou r inner heart. ◎We are easy to get along with. What we want is fairness and sincere embrace. But all of those are not me. ◎The loneliest I in the worlds, don’t depress his sin. Go right path bravely and god knows and being with me. ◎We need respect. We want our own space. Only brushing off, alienating, and i gnoring will we know the time to be needed. ◎Although everything seems insignificant, what we need is endless love. Altho ugh it seems that we are knowledgeable, we need sharp blow on time when we mak e decisions. Finding the fragments of the right path. Even if the wounds of history cannot disappear, let’s make the lost to have a wonderful future. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1485166611.A.82C.html

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分享八卦榮譽 > 可是這裡是希洽
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01/23 18:42, , 11F
幫你補一條 ◎姆咪?姆咪姆咪姆咪!姆~咪!
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01/23 19:18, , 12F
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01/23 19:21, , 13F
和平 奮鬥 救中國!!!!
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※ 編輯: poilwei (, 01/23/2017 19:22:58

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文章代碼(AID): #1OXTWJWi (C_Chat)