[劇情] CSI: NY 710 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/12/05 07:41), 編輯推噓8(805)
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又要進入放假停播新一季的痛苦時期了... 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 為什麼我想到廖添丁... Orz 害我瞬間覺得自己好老... 囧" 片頭, Jo在街頭走著, 紐約已經下過雪了, 張燈結綵的街頭充滿過節的氣息~~ 包子大: I told you I hate shopping. Jo: (回頭) Aren't you coming? Mac, come'on. The point is not the shopping, but the windows! 兩人擠到了百貨公司的櫥窗前,Jo開心的看著人潮, 包子大就是好死不死的可以馬上注意到一名年輕扒手... 包子大: Jo. (示意給Jo看) Jo: Now? Really? 包子大前進去接近那名年輕人, Jo很無奈的打電話. 百貨公司負責人: All right shoppers, the moment you're waiting is coming! Now behave yourselves... 在負責人的背景聲音中, 年輕扒手發現了接近的包子大, 於是加快了逃逸的速度, 但是過不久就被從另一邊包夾的Jo給攔住了. 包子大: Where is the bag? 扒手: (嘆氣) Jo: (銬人) Let's go. I mean with us. 百貨公司負責人: ... our winter windows this year! 3- 2- 1! 百貨公司的櫥窗大亮, 緩緩旋轉. Jo: (開心) Wow, isn't it amazing? 扒手: It's pretty impressive. Jo: (瞪) I wasn't talking to you. 但是, 轉過來的櫥窗背面裡頭, 光彩的假人模特兒旁邊站了一名滿臉血的男子, 在眾人驚呼中倒地! 扒手: Whoa...(轉頭不敢看) 包子大: You see why I hate shopping? 霍克葛格跟丹尼來到現場幫忙調查, 丹尼在探照燈裡發現藍色的玻璃狀物質, Jo則在櫥窗裡的"雪地"上發現半截隨身碟. 弗帥: It turns out our victim is the department manager, Richard Grossman. According to what I heard, the employees called him other names. 丹尼: Why? 弗帥: Well, he's always hovering around. Especially during this season now. Jo: Which means bossing is pretty good. 丹尼: I won't go that far. 包子大: Yeah, you hear that. (大家都笑了) 霍克葛格說根據死者體溫他推斷死者死亡時間不會大於兩小時 弗帥: You want go shooping around? 包子大: If we need to go wider and close the door, I will let you know. 弗帥: Okay. (離開) 霍克葛格給包子大看死者頭上撞擊的奇怪形狀, Jo則問包子大他們說死者上半身有沒有穿刺傷, 因為櫥窗內某太陽狀的擺飾的鋒芒上有血, 但是包子大他們沒看到類似傷口. Jo: Maybe the blood come from our attacker... (看向丹尼) Ready to go shopping? 丹尼: For what? Jo: (微笑) The killer. 兩人循著鞋印走入店裡, 丹尼: Found any trace? Jo: No. Someone wipped it up. 丹尼: (開始噴灑化學物質) Got some blood response here... Jo: That looks like secondary transfer. The print doesn't match the one on stage. But this one... (噴噴噴) looks promising. 兩人邊噴邊走, 其他小警察跟著拉大犯罪現場線+放證物牌+拍照. 兩人最後來到一個香水櫃檯前. Jo: Hi. 女子: I'll be with you right a second. 丹尼: Actually, we'll need to talk with you right now. (出示警徽) 女子: (跟顧客說聲抱歉後走過來) If you're here to ask me about Mr. Grossman, I have no idea. Jo: Did you see any one who is suspicious at your count this morning? 丹尼: In a hurry? Or maybe hurt? 女子: Are you kidding? Everyone is in a hurry at this time of the year. As for hurt? Mr. Grossman could be died in front of me and I even wouldn't notice. 丹尼: Why is that? 女子: You ever heard our Body Mission? 丹尼: Body waxing? 女子: (笑, 出示一包商品) For moisture and protection. We send those samples out every year. Jo: For free? 女子: Yes. So we're mobbed this morning basically. 丹尼: So all your customers are women? 女子: No, there're men too. Everone loves to get some free things. Jo: (看看名牌) Tracey. Would you mind I get a quick look at your shoes? Tracey: These? (結果她穿的是高跟鞋) Jo: They're so cute! Did you get these here? Tracey: Oh no. I got them discounted at the next building. (笑) Jo: All right, we had better let you go back to work. If you think about anything, please give us a call. (遞名片) Tracey: Yeah, no problem. And you can get this if you want. (遞免費商品包) Jo: (開心) Oh... 丹尼: (迅速攔截) Thank you. (Jo瞪丹尼) It's good. And it's free. Take this to my girls! Jo: (注意到櫃檯提供化妝棉的小盒子上有血跡) Danny! Those little bottles contained about 90% alchols. Our killer might come here directly for some reason. If he is hurt, he'll need some kit to deal with the wound... Let's go check the restroom. 果然, 某間廁所門把上有血跡... Jo: Family restroom usually has a more privacy. 丹尼: (伸手去掏洗手台旁邊的垃圾, 找到樣品包跟滿是血的棉花球) Boom. 蒙大拿開始化驗"針葉", 棉花球跟外套上的血跡. 結果扒手的外套的血跡的DNA與其他兩處都符合. 弗帥跟包子大訊問扒手 弗帥: Looking at your records... you need a lawyer? 扒手: I know it enough. No evidence, no witness. I committed a crime. So what? 包子大: Well, that's where you get wrong. I saw you steal the woman's wallet. 弗帥: And that still doesn't help you with the murder thing. 扒手: You mean the guy died inside the window? Come'on, you cannot put that on me. 弗帥: Oh yeah? You think so? Then can you explain how the potential killer's blood appearing on your jacket? (包子大出示證物) 扒手: What? I have no idea! 包子大: Anyone who committe a crime that's asscociated with a murder? Can be charged to the murder. 扒手: Look, look, I just bump in someone, okay? 弗帥: When, and where? 扒手: I bumped into this woman just out side of the restroom! That's it. I'm a pickpot. I'm not a murder! 丹尼跟Jo於是調閱百貨公司內的錄像紀錄... 丹尼: I can't tell if she's bleeding. Jo: Freeze. Zoom in on her face. (細看) I've seen her! 那名女子就是Jo在前往百貨公司途中經過一處積雪的公園時, 看到她躺在雪堆裡做雪天使的女子, 於是Jo回到那個現場找人. Jo: (看到雙目緊閉坐在秋千上的女子) Oh my God. (伸手探鼻息,女子張眼) Are you okay? 兩人回到局裡... Jo: Look, I know you probably aren't happy out of the cold. But you haven't say a word ever since we brought you in. Pharmoncists checked your body, and they noticed the strangle bruise on your neck, and there are other bruises as well. (女子不說話) So what I like to do is to collect some samples under your nails, okay? Elleina. That's what the department record said about your name. Right? (一邊採證一邊看著女子點點頭) Did you kill Richard Grossman. Elleina? (Elleina不應聲, Jo嘆氣) Why? Tell me what happened, Elleina. 弗帥: (出現在房間外, 對Jo示意) Two weeks ago, she bought a flight ticket to Cuba. And the departure date? Is tomorrow. Jo: So if she really killed Grossman, it's probably pre-motivated. 亞當跟霍克葛格確認了殺害Richard Grossman得凶器, 是一截櫥窗擺設中的鹿角, 在兇手使用完後被隨意丟棄到地上了. 丹尼在查他的藍色玻璃片,從上面刮下了上皮組織, DNA屬於Pescal Denton. 丹尼去找包子大報告, 弗帥也隨後出現了. 包子大: Let me guess. She confessed everything and case closed? 弗帥: No. She still refuses to say any word. And we have no evidence to link her to the case yet. 丹尼: The human tissue I found inside the light? It belongs to a Pescal Denton. He was the designer of those windows. 包子大: Was? 丹尼: He got failed later. 包子大: Okay, that still didn't put Elleina in. 弗帥: She and Pescal got engaged six months ago. 包子大: So all the times we thought she was alone, she's probably with her fiancee. Where is he now? 丹尼跟弗帥去那倉庫找人... 弗帥: Get out there. NYPD! (無人回應) 兩人於是分別在兩條走道中前進, 忽然一個人影推過一架物件擋住弗帥的退路後往外衝! 弗帥: Danny! He's running out!!! 聽到弗帥大叫的丹尼從自己的走道往回跑, 推倒走道盡頭的假人擋住落跑的Pescal. 丹尼: Stay down. Don't move! 弗帥: You got him? Pescal: I didn't do anything! 弗帥: (笑) Two point five. (對Pescal說) We had a bet. Thanks to you, two point five bucks. So why're you running if you didn't do anything? How about murdering of Richard Grossman. Pescal: Grossman? He's dead? 弗帥: Yeah, that's right, pretend you know nothing. 丹尼: How did your burn skin ended up on the windows. Pescal: ... look, we had an argument. (回想畫面, Richard Grossman對於Pescal的設計不滿, 就直接把人炒魷魚了) 弗帥: Then why your girfriend got hurt inside the window? Pescal: Elleina? I had no idea... I haven't spoke to her for six months. Everything just suddenly changed. One day she just gave my ring back and said not speak with her anymore... 包子大跟Jo在Richard Grossman的屍體旁邊討論案情. 席德大叔: I cannot answer your question. But I can tell you: our victim is an attacker himself. 包子大: How? 席德大叔: He got a scratch on his face here. A bite mark on the hand here. And apparantly defensive traces agaist his between-legs part. All those with Elleina's defensive wounds? No need for me to tell you what it looks like. 包子大: He had xxx pounds on him. So maybe she had no choice. Jo: And maybe Elleina broke up with her boyfriend with the guilty that not defend herself enough... Jo再次造訪還被押在局裡的Elleina. Jo: You know, Elleina, we always said to respect the death. But it could be hard for someone like Richard Grossman... We now know him attack you, too. (看著不發一語但是快要哭出來的Elleina) You've been through too much. (伸出手, Elleina猶豫了一下握住) You've canceled your wedding six months ago. Now you're dealing this alone? Tell me what's going on, Elleina. Talk to me. I really can feel your pain. I just wish I can make your mind. (Elleina把手抽開) 在外頭觀看的弗帥跟包子大~~ 弗帥: You know, she still killed the guy. 包子大: Yes, but I talked to the DA. With all those hints from our evidences so far, he's unwilling to press the charges. 弗帥: Are you kidding me? Mac, what is we correct this puzzle but she is already in Cuba? 包子大: ...(聳肩) CSI小組聚集~~ 包子大: Did we find on Elleina on the reporting sheet aganist Richard Grossman yet? 蒙大拿: No, but we do figure out all those reporting sheets and where they come from. And the most recent case is from Tracey Barker. 丹尼: That's count girl we spoke to before! 蒙大拿: The department choose to ignore the complains though, and she took back her reporting after that. 丹尼: Store manager one, employees zero. Jo: Elleina might be pissed off by that as well. 包子大: Go talk to the girl again. She might know more than she told you. Jo去找Tracey. Jo: I understand you taking back the charge against Richard Grossman? Tracey: I can't loose this job. I'm a single mom with two children, what do you expect me to do? Jo: I'm not judging you, Tracey. I believe what the man did is irresponsible. Tracey: No. I was judging myself. I should be stronger. I should stand for myself. But I didn't. I was too embarrased for what happened. Jo: Until Elliena comes to you. Tracey: She overheard what happened. Said she would stand by me. She would make sure that he got what he deserved. Jo: Is it all just what the words means? Tracey: No, you don't understand. She doesn't want he died. She wants to see him get punished, that's all. Jo: Then maybe when the department refused to punish him, she found another way to fulfill that. Tracey: No. No. That's not the type of person of Elliena. Jo: What type of person she is? Tracey: Elliena let me get out early every night so that I can pick up my children. She would even keep my count open and do the rest works for me. I am 100% sure if Elleina killed Richard, she was absolutely had to do that. 亞當告訴包子大說Jo在現場發現的半截隨身碟是屬於錄像機的. 包子大: So if the camera belong to him, there might be something inside Elleina doesn't want anyone to see. 亞當: The problem is we don't know where it is. Maybe she detched that to someone out of the door. 包子大: Let me see that camera. (亞當找到的資料顯示的機種就是扒手先生當晚用的...) (包子大回想起看到扒手把包包藏到下水道孔蓋中) I know where it is. 包子大跟弗帥去找那個包包, 迅速的找到了. 包子大: That guy left the bag here. 弗帥: Son of a bitch. 包子大: I think he stole the camera when he bumped into Elleina. And then he dumped the bag here just before we got him. 被雪水弄得濕搭搭的錄像機交由亞當搶救~~ Jo: Hey, Adam. 亞當: Hey! Just in time! I use XXX absorbing as much moisture as possible. And now... here comes the truth. 結果, 影像內容卻是站在不同櫃檯前的Elleina悄悄把小額金錢藏進自己口袋的紀錄! Jo: This wasn't about revenge. This is about money. Jo告知包子大最新進展. 包子大: So how come the store didn't notice that? Jo: Well, because is the amount of money lossing of each count each time is small, they basically just wipped off. By doing so, she would steal a great amount of fortune from the store. She killed the manager to keep the secret. 包子大: I want all available forces to check where she is and where does she go! 蒙大拿: (從實驗室走出來) She's not going to get very far. We found high level of glucocide in her blood. She's been diagnosed with stage three lukeimia. 包子大: She's dying. Jo回到那個公園與Elleina見面. Jo: Elleina. Thank you for meeting me here. Elleina: I'm glad we can finally talk. Jo: We know about your lukeimia. How long you have left? Elleina: Doctor gave me three months. I was too busy preparing for the wedding to notice my pain. Jo: Isn't there... any options? Elleina: Sure, surgeory, rediation, and the combination of chemotherapies. All those only provide one year survival rate with 15%. Jo: I always think I would choose to live as long as possible first. Elleina: That's what I thought first. But in the end, for me, is the quality of life. Jo:... We also know about your cheating to the store. No one knows that. No one expect Richard Grossman. What did he ask for to keep your secret? Elleina嘆氣, 回想起Richard Grossman出示她錄影機時提出的交易... Elleina: I thought one time would be sufficient to satisfy him... Jo: That surely is an enough motivation. Honestly I thought it would be enough for anyone. Elleina: I am loosing my life day by day. And he was rubbing my humanity? That was enough. I knew I was hurt. I just need to pull myself enough to keep going on. I'm in the middle of dying. It wasn't my problem I was worried about. When I learned my diagnosis, I decided to reassigned my job, but... 回想畫面, Elleina走進上級辦公室要討論請辭, 卻聽到上級開開心心的恭喜她說她將留任, 並要求她將公司準備節後準備裁員的秘密加以保密... Elleina: No reason, no bonuses, no salary, and no time to find a new job. I stopped feeling sorry for myself after that. I decided to stay on my job and help someone in some way. (抬頭看著天空降雪) Snow place doesn't have a long life, but it left such a long impression. When you realize your life is going to end, part of you wants to make sure there's some reasonable things you left. 下一幕, 一名男孩在百貨公司裡遞著牛皮紙袋信封給那些第一線的工作人員們, 大家莫名所以的打開紙袋後都吃了一驚, 守夜的警衛先生還哭了出來... 紙袋裡面, 是Elleina偷出來給大家的年終驚喜... Jo去找包子大... Jo: I turned in the case as a robbury ending. (把玩著包子大桌上的雪花球) Oh, this remind me why I love shopping. She stole the money, which was wrong. She helped the people, which was right. You don't have to buy all the things you saw though the window. Sometime you just need to stop, and look. Try to find something remind us, and move on. 包子大: (微笑) I'll buy that. 本集心得: 1) 這是個很多事情都好剛剛好的一集... 2) 於是說還是搞不懂開頭為啥包子大跟Jo姐姐逛街去了~~ 3) 話說感情充沛的某人在看到警衛先生又驚又泣時還是亂感動了一下 /ˇ\ 4) 丹尼啊禮物還是要自己掏錢買才有意義啦! 還是說你們夫婦倆在努力存Lucy的教育基金中? XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/05 20:33, , 1F
推~ 丹尼搶試用包XD
12/05 20:33, 1F

12/05 22:15, , 2F
12/05 22:15, 2F

12/05 22:17, , 3F
12/05 22:17, 3F

12/05 22:18, , 4F
12/05 22:18, 4F

12/05 23:37, , 5F
12/05 23:37, 5F

12/06 01:12, , 6F
12/06 01:12, 6F

12/09 02:16, , 7F
12/09 02:16, 7F

12/10 01:56, , 8F
推好文^^ 我覺得女生好漂亮又很有愛心...
12/10 01:56, 8F

12/10 01:56, , 9F
12/10 01:56, 9F

12/10 01:57, , 10F
12/10 01:57, 10F

12/10 12:59, , 11F
不知道是我太不認真還是怎樣~ 聽到丹尼好久沒出現的 Boom
12/10 12:59, 11F

12/10 12:59, , 12F
我就又笑了~ (是我錯覺嗎?這季好像很久沒在講boom了~)
12/10 12:59, 12F

12/29 02:28, , 13F
12/29 02:28, 13F
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