[劇情] CSI: LV 1105 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/10/22 12:40), 編輯推噓14(14016)
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企鵝太太的一集風格果然有像企鵝 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 人啊, 活著與生存本身其實就是一件很困難的事吧? 片頭, 兩名員警本週第三次因為鄰居抱怨的環境髒亂而前往一處民宅... 員警A: All because of the cats... 員警B: Wait. That doesn't smell like cat... 員警A: (敲門) LVPD! (發現情況不對打電話回警局尋求CSI支援) Your turn! 員警B: (撞門卻撞不開) 員警A: What, you getting soft, man? 員警B再撞了一次, 結果門板整個掉下來! 門後是堆積滿滿的垃圾雜物! 於是囧尼和莎拉來到現場...... 囧尼: I don't think we can get in this way. 莎拉: The neighbors said we can go from the back door. 囧尼: So the neighbors went in before? 莎拉: Eyeballs only. According to them, our victim might be the house owner Marta Santiago. 兩人來到後門, 一樣是滿滿的東西. 囧尼: Wow, how bad a cat could be? (聞聞空氣中的腐屍味+看看四周) So how do you want to do this? 莎拉: Well, I'd say "hung the walls" if I can see them. 兩人開始掙扎的在雜物堆中前進... 囧尼: Aww! (被絆到) 莎拉: Are you okay? 囧尼: How could someone live like this. 莎拉: Well, it smells like someone died like this. 囧尼: (繼續拿著手電筒查看) Son of a bitch! 莎拉: What's that? 囧尼: I just saw a rat wearing a saddle. 莎拉: That sounds not good. 囧尼往後退, 一腳採進不明體液中... 囧尼: I think I just become an evidence. (看著腳底的爛肉) 莎拉: Looks like you just found Mrs. Santiago. (拿起相機拍照存證) Nick, Smile. 小葛來到現場. 小葛: Hey! Nick, I've heard that you stepped directly in it? 囧尼: Yeah. 小葛: I spoke to the atterny and they said they just send an order a few weeks ago to ask the owner cleaning up a road. 囧尼: Well, good luck for them. Sarah is in there, you can just go inside. Hope you brought another pair of shoes! 小葛進門發出的聲響嚇到莎拉... 小葛: It's just me! Where are you? 莎拉: Well, in the right side of the sewing mechine... 小葛: Where is the hell mechine? 莎拉: (那手電筒照著天花板) Un, just follow the Northern star. 忽然, 以為早成腐屍的屋主從某個神奇角落出聲了!!! Marta: What are you doing in my house? Dr. Prescott? Is that you? Don't make me call the police. 小葛: (愣住的看著莎拉) Madam, we're the police! You have a decomposing body here. 莎拉: Mrs. Santiago? Would you mind step out? I have a few questions. 一陣拼拼乓乓的聲音傳來~~ 莎拉: Hold on, why don't you stay there. I'll go for you. 莎拉順著聲響看到了坐在雜物堆中的Marta Santiago 莎拉: Madam, do you live here alone? Marta: My whole life is in this house. 莎拉: I mean, is someone living here with you? Marta: (雙眼圓睜悄聲說) Ghost. 莎拉: (不忍) Mrs. Santiago. I have something to show you... Marta: If I see it, could you promise you'll leave? 莎拉: I can't promise that. Please come with me. It's important. 兩人接近小葛所在的位置, Marta看到地板上腐壞腫脹的屍體 Marta: That's Diana! That's my daughter, my baby! Oh...... 莎拉: Madam... Marta: (瞪著採證中的囧尼小葛) Don't touch that! You need to stop right now! Put that down!!! (不斷尖叫, 囧尼手足無措) 莎拉: (對囧尼用口型說: Just put that down.) Madam, let's step outside, okay? 莎拉跟Marta離開後, 大衛出現在門口~~ 大衛: Hey, can you guys pass me the body? 囧尼: Excuse me? You're super David! 法醫室裡, 羅賓爺爺跟烤魚檢查屍體~~ 羅賓爺爺: She appears to be in her early 20s. 烤魚: How long she's dead? 羅賓爺爺: I would say from 5 to 7 days. 烤魚: So what you think causes her death? 羅賓爺爺解釋死者頭部有遭受到重擊的痕跡, 一條一條的痕跡! 烤魚: Have you ever seen a weapon like this? 羅賓爺爺: No. 烤魚: Whatever it is, if it's in the house, she probably didn't through it out yet. 囧尼小葛跟莎拉還在垃圾屋中搜尋著~~ 囧尼: We have to find out what's the thing she used to kill her. 莎拉: I'm not sure about the idea. 囧尼: Come'on, look all around. No matter it is she hitted her or she kicked something, the house killed her. 莎拉: (不理囧尼低頭搜查) I've got blood drops. 囧尼: What? 莎拉: Right here. I lost the trail... 囧尼: Did you buy Dr. Robbin's guessing that a single blow of the head? 莎拉: It's a simple reaction. 兩人順著血印痕跡前進, 來到一處比較"空曠"的地方. 莎拉: Someone is trying to clean up. 囧尼: Maybe it's Diana. Maybe Mrs. Santiago's kids learned the court order. Diana came over to help. But Mrs. Santiago was pissed off and fight with her. 莎拉: You gotta a little ahead out of evidence now. (此時兩人聽到外面院子裡傳來的吵鬧聲) I'll check it out. 院子裡, Mrs. Santiago的兒子Julian跟看守的員警爭吵著. Julian: You cannot be here. This is my mother's house! 莎拉: Sir, are you Mrs. Santiago's son? Julian: I'm Julian Santiago. You can't ask my mom to leave! 莎拉: We're investigating a homicide. Julian: My mother is died? (大驚) 莎拉: We believed it is your sister Diana. Julian: Oh! (大受打擊開始哭) 莎拉: (不忍) I'm sorry for your lost. Julian: (力持鎮定) What happened? 莎拉: That's what we're trying to find out. When was the last time you speak to her? Julian: Last week. She called me to talk about the force movement of my mom. She asked if I could help out... I should call her back... 莎拉: Did you? Julian: No...(哭) 莎拉: Mr. Santiago. I know you have another sister? Julian: Allisa. We haven't spoke for a long time. 莎拉: Why is it? Julian: She's not the easy type to communicate. I mean, you've seen inside the house. Allisa has a hard time to grow up with it. 警局裡, 烤魚跟這些年來一直嘗試幫助Marta的Dr. Prescott談話. Dr. Prescott: Based on my understanding of Marta. She's not your killer. She's a hoarder, not a killer. 烤魚: What causes the hoarding? Dr. Prescott: It's hard to say. OCD, impossible control needs... The nature of hoarding is keeping things are important to her; memories to her family. Family is everything. 烤魚: How come she can live with the body so many days without realize that? Dr. Prescott: We called it clutter blindness. Hoarders focused on what they keeping at different levels. And that keeps them from what happening around. 烤魚: What level is her? Dr. Prescott: Level 5. The most extreme. 烤魚: You're saying her awarness to the environment is indifinate? Dr. Prescott: Unfortunately, yes. 兩人進入訊問室與Marta談話. Marta: When can I go home? Dr. Prescott: Soon. soon. We just need to understand what happened to Diana. Marta: My memory is pretty bad. (注意到Dr. Prescott準備丟掉一直沒水的筆) You gonna throw it away? Dr. Prescott: It's out of ink. Marta: But that's the pan you handed to Diana. She used it to write, sign and ... And it's the day you told me that I have time till 5:00 pm on Novermber 5 to clean up! 烤魚: Seems like your memory is not that bad... Mrs. Santiago, can you tell me what is this? Marta: (看著照片) It's a family heirloom. From my husband's father. Before WW2. 烤魚: And who's blood is on that? Marta: It's Diana's. 鏡頭轉往蒐證三人組... 莎拉: This must be where she was hit. 小葛: (看著一疊綑綁整齊的書報雜誌, 血染紅的痕跡) I find our bar code. 鏡頭回到局裡. Marta: Diana was throwing things away. She then said she found something. 烤魚: What was that? Marta: It was an accident... I didn't want to see. I just want her to stop! (回想畫面, Marta拿起那疊書報雜誌打Diana) She said she was okay. She left. Never come back. 烤魚跟Dr. Prescott對看了一眼. Marta: May I please go home? 小葛發現挪開的書報雜誌下有不明物體... 小葛: (打開手電筒) Hey, guys. Over here. 囧尼: Whoa! (看著從雜物中浮現的白骨) Look like you stepped in this time. 三人開始查已成白骨的屍體. 囧尼: Ooh! Scorpin and her babies. 莎拉: You're kidding me. 囧尼: No, I'm not. xxx is almost a heart shape. 莎拉: Definitely male, then. 小葛: Looks like he's tied by red ribbon... 囧尼: Anything about Mr. Santiago? 莎拉: Records showed he left the family and also said something about him passing away about 10 years ago. It must be some kind of trauma... 囧尼: Maybe. But a lot of people going through trauma don't end up like this. There's no excuse of this. The house looks like a pretty cover of a killer to me. 莎拉: (微怒) Okay... apparently we need someone to talk with Mrs. Santiago about all there. So... I guess I'll do that. You guys can finish the house. (走人) 囧尼: What's with her? 小葛: (聳肩) 囧尼: I have a feeling this is not the last body we found in this house. 莎拉回到局裡. 莎拉: Mrs. Santiago. I bring you some clean clothes. I need you to pull your clothes now to this bag here... Marta: Why? What's happening? 莎拉: We've found another body in your hose. Let me... Marta: (激動, 情緒不穩起來) No! I want to go home!!! 莎拉: (嘆氣) I understand. Really. Well... I really need you to do something for me right now. Came you give my your hands? Marta: (稍微冷靜了點, 伸出手, 莎拉微笑著牢牢握住引領她去按押指紋) 莎拉: We're just going to step through it now...... 亨利跟烤魚報告死屍No.2的檢查結果, 死者是因為高劑量的arsentic中毒而死的~~ 莎拉回到現場跟小葛一起繼續搜查. 小葛: What's happened between you and Nick? 莎拉: I just think he didn't get this. She's not a monster. Something caused it. 小葛: Maybe the death of her husband. 莎拉: Being left alone with all three kids? 小葛: It inspired out of control. 烤魚帶著Dr. Prescott到現場協助~~ 囧尼再次發表了他認為Marta Santiago是個兇手的假設. Dr. Prescott: I'm sorry, but Marta is incapable of murder. I don't think you'll find more bodies in this house. 囧尼: I'm not as sure as you. Dr. Prescott: Hoarders like Marta, they arrange things visually and spatially by stacking. 囧尼: So we're trash whispering now? 烤魚: Yes. 囧尼: How could this help us? (嘀咕嘀咕, 烤魚不理他跟在Dr. Prescott後面移動) Dr. Prescott: Oh... 烤魚: What? Dr. Prescott: I don't know. Marta is shifting her things from one side to another. 囧尼: (翻白眼) Because the city told her to clean! Dr. Prescott: Time capsules. She is making time capsules... An event must induce this. (對著烤魚說) However, the intention is to deal with those things later. (看著一箱一箱疊在一起的東西) All of those belong to Allisa. 烤魚: (看著整理箱砌成的"走道"盡頭的門) Is this her room? (開門進去) (Allisa的房間居然空蕩蕩的!) Doctor, why is this room clean? Dr. Prescott: I don't know... 囧尼: I do. I bet we'll find her body somewhere inside the house. 莎拉: (從外頭敲著窗戶) Hey guys, you have to look at this. 結果, 莎拉跟小葛在院子裡又發現了兩具白骨... 莎拉: In front bounded with red ribbons. 烤魚: Three more boys. 囧尼: Whatever comes in this house, doesn't seem to black it out. 三具白骨的身分經由DNA鑑識查出來了: Matthew, Ryan跟Derrick. 莎拉: They are all from halfway house. Guess who is the director of the house? 那人, 是Julian Santiago. 布拔跟莎拉訊問他. 布拔: Matthew's father said he contacted with you after his son's missing, and you said his son run away. He also said that his son kept talking about a girl: Allisa Santiago. Julian: I told you Allisa had a bad time. I tried to help her away. Help myself as well by helping other poor people! 布拔: You know, my guess is Allisa falling in love with those boys. Love is a beautiful thing... 莎拉: Love also involves a lot of bad things, like control, or violence. 布拔: You can't stand your sister messing with all those boys then? 莎拉: You know, we all think your mother did those. 布拔: Why you used a sick woman to hide your crime? Julian: You guys are crazy! 莎拉: Where is Allisa? She's six months behind her rent. Julian: I want a lawyer. 烤魚和囧尼在Allisa空蕩蕩的房間裡搜查~~ 囧尼: No blood, no flood, nothing. 烤魚: Well, there swabs are negative. (看著空空的房間) Dr. Prescorr said this is triggered by an event. She also said family is everything to Marta Santiago. 囧尼: If Julian killed his sister, she'll want to prtect him. 烤魚: Why don't check things in those time capsules? (開始一個一個的打開箱子) Graduation hat from college... A prom dress... 囧尼: What is that? 烤魚: A quiceanera dress... She's putting her back into the womb. 兩人來到另一個房間, 依然是層層的時空膠囊箱子~~ 烤魚開始搬下箱子... 烤魚: Nick. (在箱子牆的後面, 是一個嬰兒搖床, Allisa被練在上面, 還活著) 囧尼來到醫院. 囧尼: Allisa? I'm Nick Stokes. You remember me? You feel like answering a couple of questions? Allisa: Where is my mom? 囧尼: She's in custody. Allisa: Why? 囧尼: I'll tell you later. Let's talk abbout you first. Allisa: You don't know that. 囧尼: I can protect you but I need to know the truth first. Are you afraid of your brother? I know you're scared, but you can speak out now. Is he did this to you? Allisa: My mother did this to me. 小葛,烤魚跟莎拉在檢查證物. 小葛: This is too much. Is hoarding people kind of hoarding? 烤魚: Diana seems have the will to run out. Allisa and the boy... that's another story. According to the plates we found, she was cared behind the wall of time capsule. 小葛: Yeah, chaining a daughter to "care." 莎拉: But where is the cuff from? Something doesn't add up. 莎拉去查手銬來源... 莎拉: Julian Santiago. He purchased the cudd. 囧尼: All the hard evidence points to Mrs. Santiago. 烤魚: The prints inside the room belong to Mrs. Satiago and Allisa. So that puts Mrs. Santiago inside the room only. 莎拉: Maybe Mrs. Santiago is forced to do so by her son? 囧尼: (很尖銳的說) What in this woman that has you so blind? 莎拉: (被惹到不爽) And what in this case that has you acting suck an ass? 囧尼: What? I'm an ass now? 莎拉: There is a possibility that Julian Santiago killed those boys to keep tham away from his sister. He's the link to those boys! 烤魚: (看著劍拔弩張的兩人) You're absolutely right. There is that possibility. So that's go back to look if there's evidence linking Mrs. Santiago with those kids. Can we try that? 囧尼: (瞪著莎拉) Okay. 莎拉: (瞪著囧尼) Fine. 囧尼: I'll go talk to Mrs. Santiago this time. (離開) 莎拉: Yeah, good luck. (諷刺的說, 聽到烤魚咳嗽) What? 烤魚: I've been in the situation you've been now before, Sarah. And    sometimes I think it is best to take a deep breathe and ...    (看著拂袖離開的莎拉) walk away. 囧尼找到布拔... 囧尼: Where is Mrs. Santiago? 布拔: Her son got her lawyer. They burried those boys. Now that lawyer is trying to bury us. 烤魚跟囧尼討論. 囧尼: You didn't find the source of arsentic, did you? 烤魚: One stand linking to anoter... When did the fisrt victim disappear? 結果通報失蹤的時間分別是3, 6, 9個星期前~~ 烤魚: The killer use this same roll of red ribbon. We need to find that    roll of ribbon. 小葛跟莎拉回到垃圾屋搜查... 小葛: You guys got a picture? 烤魚: (跟Dr. Prescott在局內監控) Got it. 小葛: ... This could take till Christmas. Dr. Prescott: Look for a real ribbon box. Marta has the tendency to keep things in their original package. 莎拉: ... There's a box of rat poison in it. (打開, 裡面還有一捲紅色緞帶)    Arsentic in the original package. Ribbons? Not so much. 從緞帶上跟毒藥罐上找到了指紋... 烤魚: We have your print. You killed them. We know what happened inside the house. Your mother caught you drag the body across the floor to the yard, right? We know how you lured them, seduced them, killed them. Allisa. Allisa: She drove my father to his death. She drove my brother away. She drove me into this. It is all her fault! 烤魚: No. You're sick. You're responsible for your own behavior. You made sure of that. Allisa: I hate her. 烤魚: But she loved you. Very so much. Allisa: By chaining me lika an animal? 烤魚: She's just trying to protect you... from yourself. And protecting those people you killed. Allisa: ...I want to go home. 烤魚: That's not going to happen. Allisa: You 100% sure? You said it yourself: I. Am. Sick. 在外邊房間觀看的Julian跟莎拉...... Julian: I got out of the house as soon as I got the chance. But not Allisa. She has to live there with my mother and her insanity... 莎拉: But what she did goes beyond the damage your mother can cause. She is a predator. Your mother is sick and she cannot help herself.    (看著還是在掙扎的Julian)    My mother was getting schizophrenia. She got a knife from the drawer one night. And while my father is sleeping, she stabbed him. Again and again. Saying my childhood is messed up is quite an    understatement. But I survived then, just like you.    Sometimes when untolerantable bad things happened, we tried to explain why. We want answers. But sometimes there just no answers. Julian: (哭) Sarah: I spoke to the atterny. They won't pressure the moving now at least. What happened after that, it lays to you and your mother. 囧尼跟烤魚...... 囧尼: I still don't get it. 烤魚: What? The clutter blindness part? You know, theory sayd obsession is all about having and being. Hoarders focuses on experiences while normal people deal with the world in another way. And apparantly society now make situation worse... There was no such storage in variations. 囧尼: So society is to blame? (笑) 烤魚: I'll say it's devoid for meaning. 莎拉去送別Marta Santiago. Marta: (接過自己的東西) Thank you. Will you taking me home now? 莎拉: Actually, you'll go with your son. Marta: I guess it is for the best. 莎拉: (微笑點頭) Marta: I tried to be a good mother. 莎拉: I know. 莎拉靜靜的看著擁抱的母子...... 最後, 莎拉去找囧尼, 囧尼正在整理辦公室. 莎拉: Hey. 囧尼: Hey. 莎拉: I was heading out and saw the light is still one... 囧尼: The case reminds me to clean out the desk once in a while. And I almost throw out what Grissom gave me... (抬高手) Blue marble! What to know what he said at that time? 莎拉: Something profound, I guess. 囧尼: He said: "Nicky, if something tough and you cannout really stop happens" 莎拉: (打斷囧尼) "Roll with it." (囧尼愣住) He gave me the same marble. 兩人相視而笑~~ 本集心得: 1) 囧尼熊熊變得同理心下降? 阿編你人格分裂啦?      2) 莎拉抱抱~~ Okay啦, 現在有企鵝疼應該很幸福了吧? (拍)      3) 女王跟小哈本集不見蹤影~~      4) 劇情讓我想到一本書叫"玻璃城堡"... Dysfunction family當然很多時候        可以拖著人溺斃, 但是能奮力像上游的人還是有的... 為那些勇氣拍手! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/22 22:30, , 1F
10/22 22:30, 1F

10/22 22:30, , 2F
10/22 22:30, 2F

10/23 00:34, , 3F
10/23 00:34, 3F

10/23 07:08, , 4F
看了這集才知道Sara家中的狀況 之前有說過嗎
10/23 07:08, 4F

10/23 21:20, , 5F
記得之前有提過~ 我也覺得囧尼同理心下降是編劇亂搞
10/23 21:20, 5F

10/23 23:27, , 6F
Nick的表現只是編劇做球給Sara啦 XD
10/23 23:27, 6F

10/23 23:28, , 7F
本以為這集會很無趣的 沒想到意外地好看
10/23 23:28, 7F

10/24 03:10, , 8F
10/24 03:10, 8F

10/24 04:53, , 9F
莎拉某集因為家暴案件爆走, 企鵝在案件結束後去探望她時,
10/24 04:53, 9F

10/24 04:54, , 10F
10/24 04:54, 10F

10/24 06:34, , 11F
10/24 06:34, 11F

10/24 07:43, , 12F
10/24 07:43, 12F

10/24 07:43, , 13F
極端厭惡感而產生的 因為他一開始就踩到了屍體
10/24 07:43, 13F

10/24 07:44, , 14F
10/24 07:44, 14F

10/24 07:45, , 15F
10/24 07:45, 15F

10/24 07:46, , 16F
以人性的觀點來看 以此集的內容來看編劇還算合理
10/24 07:46, 16F

10/24 08:00, , 17F
然後再加上Sara的童年遭遇 整劇算很合理
10/24 08:00, 17F

10/24 09:52, , 18F
看完後真的有種"啊... Sara回來了"的感覺,這集好看!
10/24 09:52, 18F

10/24 09:52, , 19F
另外 pisa大提的是 513 那集,裡面GS對談時有提到她的童年
10/24 09:52, 19F

10/24 13:08, , 20F
10/24 13:08, 20F

10/24 13:13, , 21F
Renee Walker! 我沒看錯吧? XD
10/24 13:13, 21F

10/24 14:32, , 22F
10/24 14:32, 22F

10/24 19:16, , 23F
10/24 19:16, 23F

10/25 00:33, , 24F
10/25 00:33, 24F

10/25 00:34, , 25F
10/25 00:34, 25F

10/25 01:21, , 26F
推Renee Walker!
10/25 01:21, 26F

10/25 01:56, , 27F
Renee Walker是那位兇手Alisa嗎?我只覺得她好像阿湯嫂
10/25 01:56, 27F

10/25 01:56, , 28F
Katie Holmes!
10/25 01:56, 28F

10/25 10:43, , 29F
推Renee Walker!
10/25 10:43, 29F

11/15 00:36, , 30F
Renee walker他是那位社工人員!他是24小時反恐的演員
11/15 00:36, 30F
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文章代碼(AID): #1CmHMmCJ (CSI)