[外電] Cashman: One more in minors for Wang

看板CMWang作者 (come every now and then)時間15年前 (2009/05/13 11:03), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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來自 亞伯拉罕 部落格 Cashman: One more in minors for Wang Via Chad Jennings, here is what Brian Cashman had to say about Chien-Ming Wang after watching him pitch: 來自Chad Jennings的消息,以下是Cashman看完王建民比賽的心得: “The urgency is to make sure we get Wang to where he needs to be, so this whole episode becomes a distant memory and he can be taking the ball every five days in New York and doing what he does best, which is running out 200-plus innings and 18 wins a year. The urgency is that we do right by him, and if we do that, then he’ll do right by us.” 重要的是,確定王建民回復到正常,而這整個復健期是短暫的回憶, 然後他可以在大聯盟每隔五天先發一次,然後把他的最好一面表現出來, 那就是:一年投200局以上外加18勝以上的佳績。 重要的是,我們對他有好的照顧與措施,只要我們這麼做,到後來他也會回報我們。 “A lot of times you don’t see veterans getting much out of that to a certain extent. Hitters are swinging at everything, so it’s a little difficult to get a read off of all that stuff. The adrenaline’s not there, so getting him up in an environment like this where you’re playing in a stadium at Triple-A and getting to face significantly better hitters. The hitters will tell you how he’s doing and I don’t think anyone hit him all that hard outside of that one off the ankle, so those are all good signs.” 「很多時候,你不會看到老將那麼久才會回復正常(這句不太會翻,請網友指正), (延長春訓的)打者什麼都揮,所以那些資訊不具參考價值。你並沒有讓腎上腺素上升, 所以讓他到三A來投球,面對相對(延長春訓的打者)還強的打者。而這些打者將會 告訴你他投的怎麼樣,而我認為除了那個打到他腳踝的那個之外,其他人沒有打得很強, 是個好現象。」 Cashman說。 “I think everybody should assume that we’ll keep going down here unless we decide otherwise, so if you want to look for an assumption, that’s the way to go.” 「我想每個人都在假設我們將把他留在這裡,除非我們做其他的決定, 那假如你們朝那個假設去想,那就那麼做吧。」 “He’s definitely heading in the right direction. He’s much better. He had great mound presence, showed some great tempo. Threw strikes. I thought his slider was terrific. He did a great job. I was concerned when he got hit by that line drive on the meat of the calf. I know he took a pretty good shot there, but I was able to talk to our staff in game. I came out of the stands and we just watched him inning-by-inning after that. As long as his mechanics were good and it wasn’t going to affect him we were going to keep going with him. He got his work in, which was great. Today was a good day.” 「他肯定是朝好的方向前進。他投的比較好,他在投手丘上的表現更好(這個翻得有點怪) ,投球節奏也很好,他投好球。我想他的滑球好極了。他表現得不錯。 當他被打到calf時,我挺擔心的,因為我知道那個打得挺紮實的,但是我可以在比 賽中跟我們的工作人員談話。我離開座位,然後我們在那之後,一局一局的觀察他, 只要他的投球機制沒跑掉而他也沒有任何異狀,我們就讓他繼續,他有投到我們要的, 那是好的,今天他表現不錯。」 以下是亞伯拉罕自己寫的 Wang was hit by a line drive in the fourth inning but struck out to complete his work. 另外,王賽後的說法,一樣來自亞伯拉罕 部落格 那時候決定尚未做成, “I felt very good today,” Wang said. “Mostly I can keep my sinkers down. I can feel the difference. Stronger, better balance. Of course I want to get back as soon as possible. But it’s really not my call. If they as me to pitch one more time here, that’s all I can do.” 「我今天感覺不錯,大部分的時間,我可以壓低我的伸卡球。我可以感覺到不同, 更強壯,平衡感更好了。當然我希望可以早日歸隊,但是這真的不是我可以決定的, 如果他們要我在這裡在投一場,那我也只能照做了。」王建民說。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yyhong68 來自: (05/13 11:27)

05/13 11:11, , 1F
05/13 11:11, 1F

05/13 11:14, , 2F
That's right ~That's all you can do~GO~Tiger~
05/13 11:14, 2F

05/13 11:19, , 3F
05/13 11:19, 3F

05/13 11:32, , 4F
現金人要多練一場是求保險吧! 狀況如果更好 準備回來開殺
05/13 11:32, 4F

05/13 11:33, , 5F
順便等打線再熱一點 XD
05/13 11:33, 5F

05/13 11:59, , 6F
都沒人感謝原PO翻譯的辛苦嗎XDD 辛苦啦 原PO 翻的還不錯
05/13 11:59, 6F

05/13 12:03, , 7F
翻譯辛苦了 推!
05/13 12:03, 7F

05/13 12:06, , 8F
那句:平時我們不容易看到老手輕易出棒 (much out)
05/13 12:06, 8F

05/13 12:06, , 9F
我猜是指把棒子揮出去的動作 比較通順 有錯請指正
05/13 12:06, 9F

05/13 12:32, , 10F
下面那篇是對的 :)
05/13 12:32, 10F

05/13 12:35, , 11F
A lot那句就是你不常看到有資歷的球員參加延長春訓這麼多
05/13 12:35, 11F

05/13 12:47, , 12F
本來也是預估5月底才回MLB 不急啦
05/13 12:47, 12F

05/13 14:46, , 13F
05/13 14:46, 13F

05/13 15:08, , 14F
05/13 15:08, 14F

05/13 15:50, , 15F
05/13 15:50, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1A2ZYHBM (CMWang)
文章代碼(AID): #1A2ZYHBM (CMWang)