Fw: [情報] Rangers On Verge Of Acquiring Gallardo

看板Brewers作者 (阿破)時間9年前 (2015/01/19 22:26), 9年前編輯推噓8(801)
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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1KlGpNZN ] 作者: jardon (綜合水果汁武士) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] Rangers On Verge Of Acquiring Gallardo 時間: Mon Jan 19 21:55:27 2015 也是一個all star pitcher 去年成績192.1IP ERA3.51 SO/9 6.8 BB/9 2.5 FIP3.94 「很接近」交易了 請問他原來的評價應該是ACE吧?雖然歷年成績不錯,但就是哪裡差了一點 9:23pm: The Rangers have offered shortstop Luis Sardinas in several potential trades this winter, and it’s possible he could be in the Gallardo deal, Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports tweets. Sardinas, 21, struggled in a 2014 season split between Double-A, Triple-A and the Majors (posting a .281 average in the minors, but with a .302 OBP and .364 OBP), but he was young for all three levels and still rates as one of the Rangers’ better young players. http://ppt.cc/zSWp --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 有可能拿Gallardo換的20歲內野手新秀 Luis Sardinas 今年有上大聯盟 打擊3圍是 .261/.303/.616 小聯盟成績 http://www.baseball-reference.com/minors/player.cgi?id=sardin001lui 很瘦小,才150磅 雖說...把阿GA交易出去是意料得到, 感覺不是很好.., 本以為會換到能守3壘的農場小鋼炮,可以在今年或明年取代A.Ramirez 若只是為了清薪資空間去搶神盾,卻忽略補強中心打線,可就不太好囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1421675735.A.8D7.html

01/19 21:59, , 1F
ACE? 他連續兩年的FIP-都超過100 三號工作馬吧?
01/19 21:59, 1F

01/19 21:59, , 2F
可能講的不是很清楚 原來的評價
01/19 21:59, 2F

01/19 22:03, , 3F
不過xFIP-都低於一百 至少也是三號 但真的不是ACE
01/19 22:03, 3F
※ 編輯: jardon (, 01/19/2015 22:05:06 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: burnitzlin (, 01/19/2015 22:26:03 ※ 編輯: burnitzlin (, 01/19/2015 22:42:37

01/19 22:32, , 4F
真的假的 噢不
01/19 22:32, 4F

01/19 22:42, , 5F
01/19 22:42, 5F

01/19 22:53, , 6F
01/19 22:53, 6F

01/19 23:17, , 7F
01/19 23:17, 7F

01/20 01:08, , 8F
01/20 01:08, 8F

01/20 05:10, , 9F
Ryan Rua感覺也還不錯
01/20 05:10, 9F

01/20 05:11, , 10F
01/20 05:11, 10F

01/20 09:13, , 11F
Q_Q 阿GA.....
01/20 09:13, 11F

01/20 15:13, , 12F
01/20 15:13, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1KlHFzLc (Brewers)
文章代碼(AID): #1KlHFzLc (Brewers)