[分享] 水原假經歷 一次報齁哩災

看板Baseball作者時間1月前 (2024/03/24 22:35), 編輯推噓54(55192)
留言148則, 59人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
https://tinyurl.com/58srsn6t For years, the Los Angeles Angels media guide lists Mizuhara as having graduated from the University of California, Riverside in 2007, and that he spent spring training in 2012 working for the New York Yankees as an interpreter for Japanese pitcher Hideki Okajima. Also, multiple news reports noted that Mizuhara served as Okajima’s interpreter in 2010 with the Boston Red Sox — where he reportedly got his first major-league opportunity. 過去幾年天使觀戰指南紀錄水原是UCR畢業 並在2012年在洋基替岡島秀樹翻譯 另外有多個新聞報導水原在2010年在紅襪替岡島秀樹翻譯 However, as first reported by NBC Los Angeles, the university disputed the notion that Mizuhara had ever attended the school, much less having graduated. “Our university records do not show a student by the name of Ippei Mizuhara having attended UC Riverside,” a school spokesman told The Athletic. UCR校方表示學校沒有一個叫水原一平的學生的就讀紀錄 Meanwhile, multiple news reports show that Okajima failed a physical on Feb. 17, 2012, before spring training, when he was released by the Yankees. Mizuhara could have worked with Okajima before the official start of camp, during the month or so when players on minor-league deals might arrive early to work out. But the Angels media guide has stated annually since 2019 that Mizuhara “served as an interpreter for Hideki Okajima during Yankees Spring Training in 2012.” 岡島當年在春訓前就被洋基釋出 然而天使觀戰指南卻紀錄水原在洋基春訓時當岡島的翻譯 Earlier this week, the Red Sox released a statement insisting that Mizuhara has never worked for the team. 稍早 紅襪也發出聲明澄清水原從沒在紅襪工作過 Mizhuara’s connection to Okajima seems to have been exaggerated over time. Multiple news reports have linked Mizuhara to Okajima over different periods. That includes a Nippon.com story from 2021 that said Mizuhara was Okajima’s interpreter during the 2010 season with the Red Sox. But in addition to the Red Sox’s denial, archives from the Boston Globe in April and May 2010 name Ryo Shinkawa as Okajima’s interpreter. The team’s media guide from 2010 lists two people as team interpreters that season, but not Mizuhara. 水原和岡島的關係似乎隨著時間過去愈來愈被誇大 多個新聞把水原和岡島在不同期間聯繫起來 包括Nippon.com報導水原在2010年當岡島在紅襪的翻譯 但除了紅襪否認以外 Boston Globe上的紀錄是當時岡島的翻譯是Ryo Shinkawa 紅襪的觀戰指南也沒把水原列為翻譯 Searches on two different news databases did not bring up results featuring Mizuhara before 2018, when Ohtani first signed with the Angels. 在兩個新聞資料庫搜尋 沒找到2018年大谷赴美前 關於水原的搜尋結果 In devising a media guide, the standard protocol requires trust between the media relations department and the rest of the employees, according to interviews with media relations staffers from other clubs, who requested anonymity to speak candidly. The media relations department does not have the time to vet the resume claims of each employee, the staffers said. A media relations staffer will often send a proposed biographic thumbnail for pre-approval to the employee, or ask the employee for biographical information in publishing the guide. 其他隊製作觀戰指南的職員則受訪表示 一般都是依賴對員工的信任 不會有時間去確認履歷紀錄真實性 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1711290923.A.DCD.html

03/24 22:38, 1月前 , 1F
03/24 22:38, 1F

03/24 22:39, 1月前 , 2F
03/24 22:39, 2F

03/24 22:39, 1月前 , 3F
早說怎麼不早說 出包了才說我們不認識這個人
03/24 22:39, 3F

03/24 22:39, 1月前 , 4F
03/24 22:39, 4F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 5F
03/24 22:40, 5F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 6F
03/24 22:40, 6F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 7F
03/24 22:40, 7F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 8F
03/24 22:40, 8F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 9F
03/24 22:40, 9F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 10F
03/24 22:40, 10F

03/24 22:40, 1月前 , 11F
03/24 22:40, 11F

03/24 22:41, 1月前 , 12F
03/24 22:41, 12F

03/24 22:41, 1月前 , 13F
現在比較好奇他在火腿時給的學經歷 不曉得有沒有日媒跑
03/24 22:41, 13F

03/24 22:41, 1月前 , 14F
03/24 22:41, 14F

03/24 22:41, 1月前 , 15F
03/24 22:41, 15F

03/24 22:41, 1月前 , 16F
03/24 22:41, 16F

03/24 22:44, 1月前 , 17F
看來岡島確實有找過水原當翻譯 只是時間可能少於一周
03/24 22:44, 17F

03/24 22:45, 1月前 , 18F
03/24 22:45, 18F

03/24 22:45, 1月前 , 19F
03/24 22:45, 19F

03/24 22:45, 1月前 , 20F
10年後可以翻拍成電影了 玄
03/24 22:45, 20F

03/24 22:46, 1月前 , 21F
03/24 22:46, 21F

03/24 22:47, 1月前 , 22F
哈哈 他就被人切割喇 樹倒猢猻散
03/24 22:47, 22F

03/24 22:48, 1月前 , 23F
工作做好不出事也沒人會發現....自找的 有問題還去作怪
03/24 22:48, 23F

03/24 22:48, 1月前 , 24F
03/24 22:48, 24F

03/24 22:48, 1月前 , 25F
落魄的時候 每個人都來踹他兩腳
03/24 22:48, 25F

03/24 22:49, 1月前 , 26F
03/24 22:49, 26F

03/24 22:49, 1月前 , 27F
不那麼好賭 大概不會有人發現
03/24 22:49, 27F

03/24 22:50, 1月前 , 28F
03/24 22:50, 28F

03/24 22:50, 1月前 , 29F
他不是老爸在日本嗎? 不去問一下?
03/24 22:50, 29F

03/24 22:51, 1月前 , 30F
天使又是你 你最爛
03/24 22:51, 30F

03/24 22:51, 1月前 , 31F
03/24 22:51, 31F

03/24 22:53, 1月前 , 32F
他老爸在美國吧 而且出事時記者就跑去採訪他 只是應該沒
03/24 22:53, 32F

03/24 22:53, 1月前 , 33F
03/24 22:53, 33F

03/24 22:54, 1月前 , 34F
不是馬後炮 身為谷迷以前也是喜歡水原 但我很早就跟我婆
03/24 22:54, 34F

03/24 22:54, 1月前 , 35F
03/24 22:54, 35F

03/24 22:54, 1月前 , 36F
說 為什麼一個正式翻譯講話會那麼含藍 真的是很奇怪
03/24 22:54, 36F

03/24 22:56, 1月前 , 37F
03/24 22:56, 37F

03/24 22:56, 1月前 , 38F
而且他有老婆 要忽然人間蒸發應該也有難度吧
03/24 22:56, 38F

03/24 23:00, 1月前 , 39F
職棒的翻譯不是商業外交場合那種 對講話清晰要求沒那麼高
03/24 23:00, 39F
還有 69 則推文
03/24 23:58, 1月前 , 109F
抽1-2% 都不知道真的假的了 新聞不知道是不是傳言
03/24 23:58, 109F

03/24 23:58, 1月前 , 110F
03/24 23:58, 110F

03/24 23:58, 1月前 , 111F
水原自己也沒出來證實 自從賭債事件後感覺新聞都要半信
03/24 23:58, 111F

03/24 23:59, 1月前 , 112F
被一平弄到了 看不來那個樣子是賭鬼
03/24 23:59, 112F

03/25 00:00, 1月前 , 113F
經濟團隊一般也才抽3-4%就算很高了 翻譯一個人要抽到
03/25 00:00, 113F

03/25 00:00, 1月前 , 114F
03/25 00:00, 114F

03/25 00:00, 1月前 , 115F
半個月前 一平和神一樣的翻譯存在 現在變都是在騙的賭鬼
03/25 00:00, 115F

03/25 00:02, 1月前 , 116F
就去年比較高吧 照這樣算 今年剩2.1M?
03/25 00:02, 116F

03/25 00:04, 1月前 , 117F
03/25 00:04, 117F

03/25 00:09, 1月前 , 118F
神鬼翻譯 水原包恩
03/25 00:09, 118F

03/25 00:15, 1月前 , 119F
03/25 00:15, 119F

03/25 00:19, 1月前 , 120F
現在唯一能信的只有金流上有大谷名字這點吧 xd 我甚至懷疑官
03/25 00:19, 120F

03/25 00:19, 1月前 , 121F
03/25 00:19, 121F

03/25 00:21, 1月前 , 122F
03/25 00:21, 122F

03/25 00:21, 1月前 , 123F
03/25 00:21, 123F

03/25 00:25, 1月前 , 124F
之前MLB罷工時有新聞說罷工時由大谷聘水原 給薪水?
03/25 00:25, 124F

03/25 00:26, 1月前 , 125F

03/25 00:30, 1月前 , 126F
03/25 00:30, 126F

03/25 00:34, 1月前 , 127F
以他的名氣跟保母的工作 這是比較合理的 8.5萬真的太低
03/25 00:34, 127F

03/25 01:02, 1月前 , 128F
03/25 01:02, 128F

03/25 01:44, 1月前 , 129F
netflix 感覺可以準備了
03/25 01:44, 129F

03/25 03:55, 1月前 , 130F
03/25 03:55, 130F

03/25 04:21, 1月前 , 131F
03/25 04:21, 131F

03/25 06:07, 1月前 , 132F

03/25 06:07, 1月前 , 133F
03/25 06:07, 133F

03/25 06:23, 1月前 , 134F
03/25 06:23, 134F

03/25 06:34, 1月前 , 135F
03/25 06:34, 135F

03/25 07:00, 1月前 , 136F
03/25 07:00, 136F

03/25 07:49, 1月前 , 137F
03/25 07:49, 137F

03/25 08:20, 1月前 , 138F
03/25 08:20, 138F

03/25 08:22, 1月前 , 139F
03/25 08:22, 139F

03/25 08:43, 1月前 , 140F
03/25 08:43, 140F

03/25 08:43, 1月前 , 141F
譯就隨便找找:「What is ohayo?」「Good morning 」
03/25 08:43, 141F

03/25 08:43, 1月前 , 142F
「What is kawaii?」「Cute」「You are hired.」
03/25 08:43, 142F

03/25 08:56, 1月前 , 143F
03/25 08:56, 143F

03/25 08:56, 1月前 , 144F
03/25 08:56, 144F

03/25 08:56, 1月前 , 145F
03/25 08:56, 145F

03/25 08:56, 1月前 , 146F
03/25 08:56, 146F

03/25 13:27, 1月前 , 147F
03/25 13:27, 147F

03/25 16:00, 1月前 , 148F
學歷假的 但能力是真的
03/25 16:00, 148F
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