[分享] ESPN 列出大谷可能的下家

看板Baseball作者 (polanco)時間7月前 (2023/11/03 11:25), 7月前編輯推噓61(61028)
留言89則, 61人參與, 7月前最新討論串1/1
來源:https://es.pn/47e0R6c 節錄自報導後段,理由的部分翻得比較隨性,有錯請指正 紅襪 Ohtani, people around him say, has long been intrigued by Boston. The fact that New Balance, which signed him to a massive endorsement deal, is based there migh t help. But the biggest factor for the Red Sox might be three last-place finishe s over the past four years, and a distaste by their passionate fan base in the w ake of Betts' departure. Signing Ohtani could repair a lot of that ill will. The question is: Will the Red Sox act like a true big-market team and actually spen d this winter? 據說大谷一直對波士頓感興趣,New Balance可能會有幫助。但主因在於紅襪過去四年三度 分區墊底以及放生Betts傷透球迷的心,簽下大谷也許能修復這一切。問題在於紅襪今年是 否願意表現得像一支真正的大市場球隊大灑幣。 小熊 The Cubs, who already employ Japanese countryman Seiya Suzuki, are entering anot her contention window and could have more than $60 million come off the books wi th the departures of Cody Bellinger, Marcus Stroman and Jason Heyward. They're n ot afraid of exceeding the luxury tax, either. And they might have enough young pitching on the way to let Ohtani take his time coming back on the mound. 小熊有日本同鄉、現正處於競爭季後賽的窗口、今年季後薪資空間空出超過6000萬鎂而且不 怕付豪華稅。另外還有足夠的年輕投手讓大谷能夠好好復健以重返投手丘。 天使 The Angels famously have not won while employing Ohtani, and it's hard to imagin e how they'll do so in the near future if Mike Trout and Anthony Rendon don't fi nd a way to stay healthy and put together MVP-caliber seasons. But there's a com fort there for Ohtani, a familiarity with the organization that helped him carve out this two-way role in the first place. And they're expected to make every ef fort to bring him back. 眾所皆知天使在擁有大谷的這幾年不曾打出五成勝率的賽季,如果鱒魚跟Rendon無法保持健 康並繳出MVP水準的賽季,也難以想像他們在不久的未來能夠贏球。但大谷在這裡待得很舒 服,對這支將他打造成二刀流球星的球團上下都很熟悉。天使隊預計會盡全力將大谷帶回來 。 道奇 The Dodgers have long been considered the favorites, for obvious reasons -- they reside in Southern Calornia, boast a rich history, have proven to be the indu stry's most adept at sustained winning and have only two long-term deals on thei r books in Freeman and Betts. Before October, Dodgers ownership, sources said, w as highly motivated to land Ohtani. Another early playoff exit might only escala te that. 出於諸多原因一直被認為是大熱門:地處南加州、隊史淵遠流長、能穩定贏球、並且帳目上 只有兩張大型合約。十月時就有消息稱道奇隊的老闆非常想要大谷,又一次的季後賽一輪遊 只會加強他們的動機。 大都會 Nobody has deeper pockets than Steve Cohen, who shelled out more than $500 milli on last offseason bringing in new players and extending his current ones. When a disappointing summer prompted the Mets to deal Scherzer and Justin Verlander, a mong others, the thought was that they would reset until 2025. But make no mista ke: Cohen is going to make a huge effort to secure Ohtani. 老闆非常有錢,上賽季就花了5億鎂。今年差勁的表現促使他們交易了薛蛇跟V中等人,大多 數人覺得他們在2025年前會處於重整期,但作者覺得Cohen將付出巨大的努力網羅大谷翔平 。 洋基 The Yankees owe Giancarlo Stanton $98 million over the next four years. He is es sentially a DH at this moment. At some point soon, one would think, they'll have to keep DH open for Judge, too. Ohtani doesn't seem to make sense for the Yanke es. But it's the Yankees. Regardless of whether they actually become heavily inv olved, they can't be discounted. Not for this type of player. 坦頓的合約還有4年98M而且應該會卡著DH,也有些人覺得洋基會想把DH空著給未來的法官。 大谷看起似乎不太適合洋基的陣容,不過因為是洋基所以作者覺得不應該被低估,特別是對 大谷這個等級的球星而言。 巨人 The Giants went all out trying to sign Judge and had a deal in place with Carlo s Correa before getting scared off by his medicals. Their strong desire for a s uperstar player to build around remains -- especially now that manager Bob Melvi n has been hired away from the division-rival San Diego Padres. They'll undoubt edly be among the top bidders for Ohtani this offseason 巨人去年就有參與法官跟Correa爭奪戰,今年仍然想補進一名超級球星來,特別是從教士那 挖腳了Melvin以後,無庸置疑地會競標今年的大谷。 水手 Ohtani as a Mariner -- in a city with a heavy Japanese population and for a fran chise that employed the legendary Ichiro Suzuki -- makes a lot of sense. The que stion is whether the M's can compete at these prices. Their last big free agent signing, Robinson Cano, did not go well. Ohtani, of course, is different -- and he'd fit in perfectly with their young nucleus. 考慮到西雅圖的日本人數以及鈴木一朗,水手出手是非常合理的事。問題在於水手是否願意 去競價,他們的上一張大約Cano表現得並不理想。不過大谷是完全不同的情況,而且相當契 合水手的年輕核心。 遊騎兵 The Rangers spent $500 million on a couple of middle infielders two offseasons a go, and yep, they could spend that much on one player this offseason. In fact, s ome consider the Rangers favorites to sign Ohtani -- and that was before all the added revenue that comes from securing their first World Series title in franch ise history. Yes, their payroll is bloated. But four starting pitchers -- Max Sc herzer, Jon Gray, Nathan Eovaldi and Andrew Heaney -- will be off the books with in the next two years. And Ohtani and Jacob deGrom would be ready to step into t he rotation in 2025. 兩年前在市場上花了500M組內野中線,今年可以再來一次。事實上一直有人認為遊騎兵是競 爭大谷的大熱門,而且這還是在他們奪冠獲得隨之而來的額外收入之前的事。 沒錯,遊騎兵的薪資總額很高,但他們有四名投手的合約在未來兩年內到期,而大谷以及地 瓜預計都能在2025年重返輪值。 藍鳥 The question with the Blue Jays seems to center on whether they can splurge on O htani and continually build a sustainable winner around him. But they'll have $5 0 million or so freed up in Matt Chapman, Brandon Belt, Kevin Kiermaier and Hyun Jin Ryu. And they have enough starting pitching to wait a year while Ohtani rec overs. 藍鳥的問題在於他們能否在大谷身上砸下大錢並且圍繞著他打造出一支能穩定贏球的陣容。 不過他們今年季後清出了50M的空間而且有著足夠的先發投手深度等待大谷復原。 大概是這樣 看了一下好像各家媒體的預測跟理由都差不多 不過這大概也就是檯面上那些有錢又對大谷有興趣的球隊了……吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1698981945.A.348.html ※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/03/2023 11:27:12

11/03 11:27, 7月前 , 1F
話說New Balance最近的泡綿系列真的很好穿
11/03 11:27, 1F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/03/2023 11:27:57

11/03 11:30, 7月前 , 2F
11/03 11:30, 2F

11/03 11:30, 7月前 , 3F
11/03 11:30, 3F

11/03 11:32, 7月前 , 4F
大都會啥都沒錢最多 笑死直接這樣寫
11/03 11:32, 4F

11/03 11:34, 7月前 , 5F
11/03 11:34, 5F

11/03 11:34, 7月前 , 6F
11/03 11:34, 6F

11/03 11:34, 7月前 , 7F
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11/03 11:35, 7月前 , 8F
大都會=>沒人比他們老闆有錢啦 霸氣總裁
11/03 11:35, 8F

11/03 11:36, 7月前 , 9F
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11/03 11:36, 7月前 , 10F

11/03 11:36, 7月前 , 11F
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11/03 11:37, 7月前 , 12F
以台鋼雄鷹的財力 簽的下大谷嗎?
11/03 11:37, 12F

11/03 11:38, 7月前 , 13F
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11/03 11:39, 7月前 , 14F
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11/03 11:40, 7月前 , 15F
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11/03 11:43, 7月前 , 16F
@LOOKERS 就fresh foam系列 個人覺得比N的React A的BOOST
11/03 11:43, 16F

11/03 11:43, 7月前 , 17F
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11/03 11:44, 7月前 , 18F
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11/03 11:47, 7月前 , 23F
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11/03 11:48, 7月前 , 24F
洋基搶will smith比較實際
11/03 11:48, 24F

11/03 11:49, 7月前 , 25F
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11/03 11:50, 7月前 , 26F
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11/03 11:50, 7月前 , 27F
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11/03 11:53, 7月前 , 32F
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11/03 11:54, 7月前 , 33F
"a distaste by... Betts' departure." 指的是支持者的
11/03 11:54, 33F

11/03 11:54, 7月前 , 34F
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11/03 11:54, 7月前 , 35F
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11/03 11:55, 7月前 , 36F
Number 10/27的一篇第2頁提到兩個NY的記者閒聊說99%去躲人
11/03 11:55, 36F

11/03 11:57, 7月前 , 37F
11/03 11:57, 37F

11/03 11:57, 7月前 , 38F
躲人 條子都蠻適合的吧
11/03 11:57, 38F

11/03 12:00, 7月前 , 39F
11/03 12:00, 39F

11/03 12:03, 7月前 , 40F
11/03 12:03, 40F

11/03 12:07, 7月前 , 41F
水手去年有打進季後賽 今年也是最後被淘汰 再怎樣都是
11/03 12:07, 41F

11/03 12:07, 7月前 , 42F
美西三雄 為啥去水手就沒季後賽?
11/03 12:07, 42F

11/03 12:07, 7月前 , 43F
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11/03 12:07, 7月前 , 44F
11/03 12:07, 44F

11/03 12:08, 7月前 , 45F
水手蠻適合的 球衣好看 又一堆日本人前輩
11/03 12:08, 45F

11/03 12:10, 7月前 , 46F
11/03 12:10, 46F

11/03 12:12, 7月前 , 47F
那去年不就季後賽 要雲也先查一下資料==
11/03 12:12, 47F

11/03 12:15, 7月前 , 48F
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11/03 12:17, 7月前 , 49F
是 明年只能打擊
11/03 12:17, 49F

11/03 12:18, 7月前 , 50F
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11/03 12:20, 7月前 , 51F
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11/03 12:22, 7月前 , 52F
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11/03 12:23, 7月前 , 53F
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11/03 12:23, 7月前 , 54F
11/03 12:23, 54F

11/03 12:25, 7月前 , 55F
洋基就硬要放 笑死 今年條子奪冠很大程度不會再灑錢
11/03 12:25, 55F

11/03 12:25, 7月前 , 56F
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11/03 12:26, 7月前 , 57F
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11/03 12:28, 7月前 , 58F
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11/03 12:36, 7月前 , 65F
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11/03 12:43, 7月前 , 66F
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11/03 12:45, 7月前 , 67F
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11/03 12:47, 7月前 , 68F
道奇早就找好要買誰了 就是季後賽爆爆王山本 道奇傳
11/03 12:47, 68F

11/03 12:47, 7月前 , 69F
11/03 12:47, 69F

11/03 12:52, 7月前 , 70F
洋基寫一堆不適合理由 最後補說因為是洋基所以列入 笑了
11/03 12:52, 70F

11/03 13:09, 7月前 , 71F
11/03 13:09, 71F

11/03 13:19, 7月前 , 72F
硬塞個洋基 笑死
11/03 13:19, 72F

11/03 13:19, 7月前 , 73F
11/03 13:19, 73F

11/03 13:20, 7月前 , 74F
可以來救一下我大紅襪嗎 QQ
11/03 13:20, 74F

11/03 13:22, 7月前 , 75F
11/03 13:22, 75F

11/03 13:32, 7月前 , 76F
11/03 13:32, 76F

11/03 13:37, 7月前 , 77F
水手簽cano那張 只有一年算超值,被評為不理想ok8
11/03 13:37, 77F

11/03 13:55, 7月前 , 78F
Cano其實前四年都還行 後面就... 簽長約真的有風險
11/03 13:55, 78F

11/03 13:59, 7月前 , 79F
11/03 13:59, 79F

11/03 14:16, 7月前 , 80F
11/03 14:16, 80F

11/03 15:58, 7月前 , 81F
但到最後 歐此次而複雜而誒誒誒誒
11/03 15:58, 81F

11/03 15:58, 7月前 , 82F
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11/03 16:05, 7月前 , 83F
11/03 16:05, 83F

11/03 16:05, 7月前 , 84F
11/03 16:05, 84F

11/03 16:05, 7月前 , 85F
#沒啥競爭 打錯..
11/03 16:05, 85F

11/03 16:23, 7月前 , 86F
11/03 16:23, 86F

11/03 16:35, 7月前 , 87F
洋基 可以不用列 那個理由廢到笑
11/03 16:35, 87F

11/03 18:47, 7月前 , 88F
道奇條子水手巨人 我猜就這四隊最有機會吧
11/03 18:47, 88F

11/03 21:14, 7月前 , 89F
11/03 21:14, 89F
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