Re: [閒聊] 包總回應觸身球事件消失

看板Baseball作者時間9年前 (2015/06/08 23:20), 9年前編輯推噓295(37378377)
留言828則, 208人參與, 最新討論串18/27 (看更多) Dallas Williams Jr. Hey Gary Chen, I know I didn't make a mistake, I would not have gotten angry if that lamigo manager would not have ran out there and pointed his finger at the pitcher. If he's pissed, point the finger at the manager (or me) since they believe that we called for the HBP,but we didn't! 如果LM總A沒有跑出來指著投手我不會那麼生氣 如果他不爽請來找我 因為他們懷疑我們下令投觸身球 但我們沒有 Dallas Williams Jr. Wayne, you are so right. You know, whenever I mention this league to baseball people, the first question they always ask is, " are they learning how to play the game any better?. That should upset the people who live the game and want to do it right. Wayne幹譙太子很幼稚 大威回:你說得沒錯 每次當我像其它棒球人提到這個聯盟時 他們總是首先問我這個問題"他們到底有沒有學習把比賽打得更好?" 這樣的事情總是會讓那些想把棒球打好的人們感到灰心 Dallas Williams Jr. I understand about the struggles of their bullpen and all but I'll continue to say that the game isn't played that way. The integrity of the game is being compromised when things like that happen. No matter what a teams situation, you HAVE to play the game the right way. For the kids watching these guys play the game it does them ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD to play the game like that. The baseball is young in this country but they have to respect the game by playing by the rules that the people who invented the game made! That's the ONLY way the CPBL will get the respect from baseball around the globe. You ever wonder why the team from Taiwan can never advance to the highest levels in tournaments like the baseball classic and other tournaments played against other countries? Well, I'll tell you. It's because the game here is only 26 years old and can't compete with the other players around the world. The next generation of ball players from Taiwan must learn the game and play the game the right way, run hard down the 1st base line, make every play like it's your last play that you'll ever make. That's the way you cut down the mistakes and play the game smarter! 我了解LM牛棚很掙扎 但我一直想說的是比賽不是這樣搞的 比賽的完整性會因為這種事而被犧牲 無論你的球隊處在什麼樣的情形 你必須用正確的方式來玩棒球比賽 對於看棒球的小孩來說 這樣的比賽絕對是不好的 台灣棒球還很年輕 但他們必須尊重比賽並遵循比賽的潛規則 CPBL想要獲得其他國家的尊重必須就要這樣玩 你也許會好奇為何台灣從來沒有在國際賽晉級? well 我告訴你 因為這個國家的棒球只有26歲而且並無法跟其他國家的球員競爭 台灣的下一個世代球員必須學習如何正確地打棒球 跑一壘時全力衝刺 把每一次play當成你最後一次來打 這樣你才能避免失誤並且把棒球玩得更聰明 Dallas Williams Jr. This will be the last comment I make on this subject. When I came here 3 years ago, they asked me to help change the way they play the game here. That's all I'm trying to do! People look on TV and some may think that I'm a bad guy and I just want to start trouble. NO, I want to help these young men and future baseball players of Taiwan know thy Theresa way you play the game. Respect it, honor it, prepare the next generation to play the game right! I can't sell out and deviate from the general ideas that I was taught from. If certain people think that I'm wrong, then that's their problem, not mine. 這是我對這個主題的最後一篇留言 當我三年前剛來時 他們要求我幫忙改變台灣打棒球的方式 這是我一直努力去做的事情 觀眾在電視看到比賽 許多人覺得我是個壞人以及我只是想製造麻煩 No 我想要幫助這些年輕球員及台灣未來的棒球兒如何打棒球 尊重棒球 榮耀棒球 並且讓下一個世代的球員play the game right 我無法背離那些我在美國被教導的一般性原則 如果一些人覺得我錯了 那是那些人的問題 不是我的問題 Dallas Williams Jr. There were some typos in my last comment. What I was trying to say is I just want to help the future generation baseball players in Taiwan that the game needs to be played a certain way. 上面那篇留言有些錯字 我只想強調我很想幫助台灣未來的棒球球員如何用正確的方式打棒球 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: OLM (, 06/08/2015 23:21:24 ※ 編輯: OLM (, 06/08/2015 23:34:12

06/08 23:22, , 1F
06/08 23:22, 1F

06/08 23:22, , 2F
師爺 給我翻譯翻譯
06/08 23:22, 2F

06/08 23:23, , 3F
06/08 23:23, 3F

06/08 23:23, , 4F
Is it good to drink?
06/08 23:23, 4F

06/08 23:23, , 5F
06/08 23:23, 5F

06/08 23:23, , 6F
06/08 23:23, 6F

06/08 23:24, , 7F
06/08 23:24, 7F

06/08 23:24, , 8F
英文不好不夠格翻譯 誰來幫翻~我不想被嗆Q.Q
06/08 23:24, 8F

06/08 23:24, , 9F
我都握緊了 妳給我看這個?!
06/08 23:24, 9F

06/08 23:24, , 10F
06/08 23:24, 10F

06/08 23:24, , 11F
06/08 23:24, 11F

06/08 23:25, , 12F
06/08 23:25, 12F

06/08 23:25, , 13F
06/08 23:25, 13F

06/08 23:25, , 14F
06/08 23:25, 14F

06/08 23:25, , 15F
06/08 23:25, 15F

06/08 23:25, , 16F
誰能百分之百正確翻出來 我送他500p
06/08 23:25, 16F

06/08 23:25, , 17F
06/08 23:25, 17F

06/08 23:25, , 18F
吱迷不要翻 除非你可以拿出相關外文證明
06/08 23:25, 18F

06/08 23:25, , 19F
right way 嗯...
06/08 23:25, 19F

06/08 23:26, , 20F
06/08 23:26, 20F

06/08 23:26, , 21F
多益沒九百分不能翻阿 但相當倚老賣老的感覺
06/08 23:26, 21F

06/08 23:26, , 22F
所以他的right way是什麼看完通篇都沒提到啊@@
06/08 23:26, 22F

06/08 23:27, , 23F
簡單說就是解釋HBP 然後認為台灣棒球應朝正確方向走
06/08 23:27, 23F

06/08 23:27, , 24F
懶得翻譯了 真是個搞不清楚狀況的老頭
06/08 23:27, 24F

06/08 23:27, , 25F
就是潛規則阿 妳們棒球歷史太短了 讓我來教妳們正確
06/08 23:27, 25F

06/08 23:27, , 26F
好奇怪 中職是發展很落後嗎?
06/08 23:27, 26F

06/08 23:27, , 27F
06/08 23:27, 27F

06/08 23:27, , 28F
06/08 23:27, 28F

06/08 23:27, , 29F
06/08 23:27, 29F

06/08 23:27, , 30F
還是覺得台灣棒球還太嫩 這樣
06/08 23:27, 30F

06/08 23:27, , 31F
啊那些都不太像right way啊...
06/08 23:27, 31F

06/08 23:27, , 32F
06/08 23:27, 32F

06/08 23:28, , 33F
06/08 23:28, 33F

06/08 23:28, , 34F
06/08 23:28, 34F

06/08 23:28, , 35F
06/08 23:28, 35F

06/08 23:28, , 36F
06/08 23:28, 36F

06/08 23:28, , 37F
中職發展相比韓國 日本是蠻落後的
06/08 23:28, 37F

06/08 23:28, , 38F
06/08 23:28, 38F

06/08 23:28, , 39F
他的觀念根深蒂固耶 他說要教導選手和下一代尊重比賽
06/08 23:28, 39F
還有 749 則推文
還有 3 段內文
06/09 02:31, , 789F
Last play 因為下一球HBP終結你生涯
06/09 02:31, 789F

06/09 02:55, , 790F
看推文才知道這篇本來是想救援?結果弄巧成拙 顆
06/09 02:55, 790F

06/09 03:31, , 791F
XDDD 原PO牛迷幹嘛拿乾柴來救火 哈哈
06/09 03:31, 791F

06/09 04:18, , 792F
尊重比賽全力以赴不對嗎? 還是要尊重你的玻璃心
06/09 04:18, 792F

06/09 05:48, , 793F
淺規則 頗呵
06/09 05:48, 793F

06/09 06:51, , 794F
06/09 06:51, 794F

06/09 07:00, , 795F
06/09 07:00, 795F

06/09 07:01, , 796F
06/09 07:01, 796F

06/09 07:03, , 797F
早安!各位犀犀R! 起床穿褲子囉!
06/09 07:03, 797F

06/09 07:05, , 798F
06/09 07:05, 798F

06/09 07:06, , 799F
06/09 07:06, 799F

06/09 07:17, , 800F
06/09 07:17, 800F

06/09 07:58, , 801F
06/09 07:58, 801F

06/09 08:26, , 802F
紅中先嗆米國壞文化 人家回嗆也是正常
06/09 08:26, 802F

06/09 08:28, , 803F
這篇風向帶到國情 種族 還嗆人老黑 真是有格調
06/09 08:28, 803F

06/09 08:29, , 804F
06/09 08:29, 804F

06/09 08:30, , 805F
06/09 08:30, 805F

06/09 08:32, , 806F
06/09 08:32, 806F

06/09 08:41, , 807F
嗆米國壞文化 難道有嗆米國WBC打不贏嗎??
06/09 08:41, 807F

06/09 08:42, , 808F
06/09 08:42, 808F

06/09 08:57, , 809F
The right way is my way.
06/09 08:57, 809F

06/09 08:58, , 810F
06/09 08:58, 810F

06/09 08:58, , 811F
06/09 08:58, 811F

06/09 09:01, , 812F
那你就該知道黑威現場做的多明顯了 讓人家當場就知道
06/09 09:01, 812F

06/09 09:03, , 813F
噁心洋教練 看一次就噓一次
06/09 09:03, 813F

06/09 09:09, , 814F
大威也不是在回應紅中說有消息來源的事啊 自己要亂
06/09 09:09, 814F

06/09 09:09, , 815F
戰 美帝心態 只有自己是right way才頗呵
06/09 09:09, 815F

06/09 09:26, , 816F
有夠自以為= =
06/09 09:26, 816F

06/09 09:29, , 817F
原來觸身球潛規則是right way喔?
06/09 09:29, 817F

06/09 09:41, , 818F
06/09 09:41, 818F

06/09 09:57, , 819F
06/09 09:57, 819F

06/09 10:54, , 820F
06/09 10:54, 820F

06/09 10:57, , 821F
06/09 10:57, 821F

06/09 11:12, , 822F
06/09 11:12, 822F

06/09 11:24, , 823F
06/09 11:24, 823F

06/09 11:55, , 824F
大威喜咧工三小 不敢直接說授意觸身怪台灣文化 頗呵
06/09 11:55, 824F

06/09 11:55, , 825F
原來這就是美國棒球喔~ 比賽就是要盡全力打到趴 懂?
06/09 11:55, 825F

06/09 18:32, , 826F
不爽就是丟!! 了解了
06/09 18:32, 826F

06/09 22:43, , 827F
06/09 22:43, 827F

06/09 22:45, , 828F
06/09 22:45, 828F
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