[外電] Brandon Roy is done playing with min …

看板BLAZERS作者 (立)時間13年前 (2010/12/11 19:27), 編輯推噓14(1402)
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The Trail Blazers defeated the Phoenix Suns 101-94 Friday night, winning their fourth consecutive game. Brandon Roy finished with a game-high 26 points and six assists in 41 minutes — the most he’s played in regulation this season — and showed glimpses of being the Brandon Roy of old. After the game, Roy said he’s finished playing with a 35-minute per-game restriction and acknowledged that he’s playing with an “attitude.” Here’s a transcript of the interview: 阿拓打敗太陽後,取得四連勝,Roy在41分鐘內得到26分&6助攻,這是本季上最久的一場 Roy在賽後表示:他不必再遵守,上場時間控制在35分鐘內這個條件, 而他現在打的是"attitude(態度)" Q: You played a lot of minutes. Coach Nate McMillan said you told team trainer Jay Jensen that you felt good. A: “I just wanted to play. I’m done with the whole minutes thing. I just want to play. So I told Jay let’s just open it up and start playing and no more monitoring minutes.” Q:McMillan說你告訴訓練員你覺得狀況不錯 A:我只是想打球,做好我該做的事,我只是想打球....,所以我告訴Jay讓我上場, 並且不再限制時間... Q: What do you mean? A: “No more monitoring minutes, I’m just going to play.” Q:你的意思是..? A:不再限制我的上場時間,我想打球! Q: That’s what you said? A: “Yeah.” Q: Is that because of your body or because you don’t feel like you’re getting in a rhythm or what? A: “Just bad rhythm. I’m not that kind of player. Maybe when I’m older, but right now I’m fine so I just want to play.” Q:是否是因為身體因素還是你覺得限制時間會讓你無法進入自己的節奏..? A:因為節奏,我不是那種類型的球員,或許當我更老一些,我會是,但現在我只想盡情 打球 Q: So you’re thinking you still have it health-wise? A: “Yeah.” Q:所以你覺得你仍然是健康的? A:是 Q: You seem kind of mad sometimes on the court. Your body language is different. Do you feel embattled right now? A: “No. It’s just being aggressive. I’m the type of person, I think I decide my outcomes and it’s just being more focused, more motivated. So it’ s just trying to go out and play that way.” Q:你有時在球場上看起來有些瘋狂,你是否是處於備戰狀態 A:不,我只是打出侵略性,這是我決定的結果,打得更專注,更有動力 Q: Do you feel like people are slighting you? A: “No. I think I slight myself. I’m not big on what people say. I’m the type of person that I judge myself and I haven’t been very happy with myself. So I have to motivate myself sometimes and I feel like I’m motivated now. So I just try to go out there and be aggressive and play with some attitude. Q:你認為你被人們小看嗎? A:不,我覺得我小看我自己,我不像人們說的那麼巨大,我是那種我審視自己後對自己 感到並不是非常開心的人,所以我決定要打得更有侵略性,並以態度去打球 Q: What was it that you didn’t like about yourself? A: “It’s between me. Just myself.” Q:你不喜歡自己的什麼..? (不太會翻= =) A:就只是我自己 Q: The way you look, the way you played? A: “Nah, just with my play. Just upset with my play.” Q:是你打球的方式嗎? A:就只是對我自己的表現感到沮喪... Q: What was the turning point? A: “No one moment. It just built up and I finally just said, ‘There are two ways to go. You can keep it up or you can do something about it.’ So I just decided to do something about it.” Q:轉捩點是..? A:沒有一個確定的時間點,是逐漸建立起的過程,而我最後意識到只有兩條路,保持原 樣或是做些什麼,我決定做些事情來改變 Q: Obviously your body is not allowing you to do some of the things you used to do. How are you finding that balance? A: “Not worrying about it anymore. If I’m going to be hurt, I’m going to be hurt. If I’m going to play, I’m going to play. So no more trying to balance it during games. If I’m going to play, I’m going to play. If I feel good enough, then I’m going to play.” Q:很明顯的你的身體使你無法再做到以前常用的某些動作,你如何找出平衡點? A:不需要擔心這件事情,如果我會受傷,我就會受傷,如果我能打,我就繼續打, 不需要去找到平衡點,如果我感覺狀況不錯,我就會繼續打 Q: So you feel like you’re holding yourself back? A: “Maybe a little bit. Like I said, most things that go on with me are usually myself. There are some things that were bugging me early and I think some of the treatments and things I’ve been doing has helped. So I feel like, hey, let’s go play.” Q:所以你認為你的狀況正在回復嗎? A:或許有一些,之前有些事困擾著我,然後我想了一些治療方式,我認為有效,所以我 感覺可以上場打球 Q: In a sense you’re saying you’ve decided to take a stand. A: “What do you mean by that?” Q:你說你已經決定了你的立場? A:什麼意思? Q: You seem to be putting your foot down. You’re saying you’re not going to monitor minutes, not going to let yourself decline? A: “Yeah, if that’s what you want to say, yeah. That’s pretty much it.” Q:你看起來已經不再被腳傷困擾,不再限制時間,不再讓自己沮喪? A:是的,如果這是你想表達的意思 Q: What are you saying? A: I’m saying I’m going to go out there and play and I’m not going to monitor anything. I’m going to go out there and be aggressive and just play.” Q:你指的是? A:我說的是,我已經從困擾我的腳傷這件事情走了出來,盡情的打球並不再限制時間, 並打得更有侵略性 Q: Does that mean playing through pain? A: “Yeah, of course. That’s a big part of it is playing through pain. But (also) not limiting myself. (I’m) not worried about my knee, just going to go out there and play and let what’s going to happen, happen. And I think it ’s hopefully going to be good for me.” Q:你是說你帶傷上陣? A:當然,但那不會限制到我,我並不擔心,就只是盡情的打球,會發生什麼 就會發生什麼,但我希望是件好事 Q: But it just doesn’t seem like you’re happy out there, that you’re enjoying this. A: “I enjoyed winning tonight.” Q:你看起來像享受帶傷上陣的感覺 A:我享受今晚的勝利 Q: Are you enjoying basketball? A: Yeah, I definitely enjoyed it tonight. It was good for me. Every night’s not fun in the NBA. It’s a long season.” Q:打籃球對你來說是享受嗎? A:是,我很享受今天晚上,對我來說很棒,但並非每個晚上都如此美妙,球季很長 Q: But even tonight, you didn’t seem engaged. A: (laughed) “I thought I was very engaged.” Q: 但即使今晚,你看起來並非非常愉悅 A:(大笑),我覺得我很愉悅 Q: But your body demeanor seems different, you’re not smiling as much. A: “Oh, well I’m not going to smile a lot for a while.” Q:但你的身體舉止看起來不像,你並沒有經常笑 A:我已經一陣子沒有笑的很多了 Q: But that’s who you are. That’s who I remember you being. A: “But that’s not what I’m going to do no more. I’m just more focused.” Q:但那是我之前對你的印象 A:但我現在有更需要專注的事 Q: Is that what it takes? A: “We’ll see. We’ll see if that’s where it gets us.” Q:那是什麼事需要更專注...? A:讓我們拭目以待 Q: It seems like you think people are counting you out and you’re looking to prove them wrong? A: “You guys are trying to create something here.” Q:看起像是人們已經把你排除在一線球星以外,但你要證明他們是錯的? A:你們記者總喜歡無中生有 Q: No, just trying to understand? A: “When I’m off the court, I’m going to continue to laugh and be the same person. On the court, now, I’m going to be focused. This is serious, like, yeah, I’ve got an attitude. If that’s what you want to put. Yeah, I have an attitude.” Q:不,就只是試著去了解 A:當我不在球場,我會笑,並像正常人一般,但在球場上,我必須保持專注,這是很 嚴肅的一件事,態度。 Q: But what’s your attitude about? A: “It’s with myself. There’s no story. It’s just with myself. I have an attitude.” Q:但你的態度是關於哪方面? A:關於我自己,沒有故事,就只是關於我自己, Q: Is it because you’re disappointed with yourself? A: “Nah.” Q:是因為你對自己感到失望? A:呃... Q: Just a change? Maybe you maturing or evolving? A: “I don’t know. It’s just me having an attitude.” (laughs) A:只是改變嗎? 或許是成熟或進化? A:我不知道,我只是擁有了態度(大笑) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: OPOPPOP:轉錄至看板 NBA 12/11 19:28

12/11 19:31, , 1F
12/11 19:31, 1F

12/11 19:37, , 2F
其實我一開始真的以為是done for ....唉唉 希望他能健康
12/11 19:37, 2F

12/11 19:51, , 3F
12/11 19:51, 3F

12/11 19:57, , 4F
12/11 19:57, 4F

12/11 20:04, , 5F
加油加油 一定要健康!
12/11 20:04, 5F
※ 編輯: OPOPPOP 來自: (12/11 22:44)

12/11 23:02, , 6F
幹 誰能勸勸他阿
12/11 23:02, 6F

12/12 00:16, , 7F
能夠親眼見證最欣賞的球星凋零 身為球迷 我甚感榮幸
12/12 00:16, 7F

12/12 00:57, , 8F
12/12 00:57, 8F

12/12 01:15, , 9F
現在看他打球~都很怕跳個一下 就準備往休息室走 好抖
12/12 01:15, 9F

12/12 02:59, , 10F
Roy Q________Q
12/12 02:59, 10F

12/12 03:07, , 11F
12/12 03:07, 11F

12/12 11:36, , 12F
12/12 11:36, 12F

12/12 23:42, , 13F
好心疼喔 然後記者好像有點白木
12/12 23:42, 13F

12/13 02:29, , 14F
12/13 02:29, 14F

12/13 09:51, , 15F
12/13 09:51, 15F

12/13 21:12, , 16F
12/13 21:12, 16F
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