Re: [心得]大絕排行榜

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另有要事,下次回文應該蠻久的。 事實上,almah(指童女,有時包含處女)與betulah(指處女,有時包含童女)兩字的涵義是 重疊的,有時會混用,依照上下文判斷即可知道文意。 更確切地說,這兩者中沒有一個字是必然不會指涉處女,也沒有一個字的上下文必然 跟必然是處女。 創 24:16 出現的`almah,跟24:43出現的betulah都是指同一個未婚的年輕處女。 歌 1:3 與 歌 6:8  都提到皇宮裡的宮女`almah, 王上 1:2 ,斯 2:2 ,斯 2:3 ,斯 2:17 都提到皇宮裡的處女betulah, 都是皇宮裡面的處女。 更多場合中,描述災難中的年輕女子,`almah與betulah交互使用, 文意中並不強調是不是處女。 ※ 引述《abc (張震嶽-很難)》之銘言: : Freeman Posted - 2006/1/7 下午 06:49:22 : 「童女生子」傳說的謬誤 : 《馬太福音》1: 23 引用了希臘七十士譯本的《以賽亞書》7:14 的「必有童女懷孕生子 : 」去引證耶穌是彌賽亞的說法,當中「童女懷孕生子」的神蹟更意味著耶穌本是有著先天 : 的神性。可是《以賽亞書》7:14的希伯來文是"hinei ha'almah harah veyoledet ben"﹣ : 「看(hineih),這年輕的女人(ha'almah)懷孕了(harah),會生(ve-和 yoledet-將 : 生育)一個兒子(ben)」。把這句話翻譯成「必有童女懷孕生子」他們在這裡犯了兩個錯 : 誤:把"ha"翻譯成「一個」而不是「這個」,把"almah”翻譯成「童女」(處女),而希 : 伯來文中「處女」這個詞是"betulah"。就是引證的翻譯錯了,在不能推翻原有權威(希 : 臘七十士譯本和馬太福音)的情況下,教會唯一辦法就是延續「童女懷孕」之說,並去燒 這裡指出兩點"翻譯錯誤",其實反映了這個文章作者的錯誤。 1. almah與betulah兩個字的字義重疊 2. ha'almah被翻譯成`η παρθενοs。這個字最常應用於處女,也可少數應用於   未結婚的非處女。"引證的翻譯錯了"舉證並不確切。    3. 希伯來文以賽亞書,希臘文七十士譯本以賽亞書與馬太福音,   文中的童女/處女"almah/παρθενοs"都有加冠詞。   希臘文本成形時就已經用來建立教義,中文或英文翻譯本作為普遍的使用用途,   在神學領域還是使用原文來建立教義。 《以賽亞書》7:14的七十士譯本 δια τουτο δωσει κυριοs αυτοs `υμιν σημειον ιδου `η παρθενοs εν γαστρι εξει και τεξεται `υιον και καλεσειs το ονομα αυτου εμμανουηλ 《馬太福音》1: 23 ιδου `η παρθενοs εν γαστρι εξει και τεξεται `υιον και καλεσουσιν το ονομα αυτου εμμανουηλ `ο εστιν μεθερμηνευομενον μεθ `ημων `ο θεοs 4. 馬太福音引用涵義範圍較寬的經節,加上"以馬內利/神與我們同在" 來指涉耶穌因處女感孕出生之說,並不足以被稱為基於"錯誤翻譯"的推論 %20Testament%20Prophecy%20of%20the%20Vrigin%20Birth%20of%20the%20Messiah.htm IN DEFENSE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY OF THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel (which means, God with us). Matthew 1:23 [NRSV] In the biblical passage quoted above, Saint Matthew is quoting from the Old Testament Book of the prophet Isaiah. It is a quote from the “sign” Isaiah gave to King Ahaz in Isaiah 7:14. The Greek Septuagint translation, in use during Jesus’ lifetime, translates the Hebrew words ha almah into the Greek as “the virgin,” using the Greek word parthenos. Since the Christian era Jewish scholars have maintained that the Hebrew word almah does not mean “ virgin” but instead refers to a young woman recently married. The Septuagint translation of this Hebrew word as “virgin,” however, is an important witness to an early Jewish interpretation of this word as “virgin” , a translation accepted by Saint Matthew and applied to the virgin birth of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Saint Matthew, who was a Levite and therefore, because of his Temple education understood how to both read and write Hebrew, clearly understood that the interpretation of the prophetic words “ha almah” in Isaiah 7:14 to refer to “the virgin” since he links that prophetic utterance to Mary of Nazareth and Jesus’ virgin birth in Matthew 1:23. In the book Queen Mother: A Biblical Theology of Mary’s Queenship, author Edward Sri notes on page 140 that the Hebrew word almah is used 9 times in the Old Testament, however, he does not list those passages. I could only find 7 references to almah: 1). Genesis 24:43; 2). Exodus 2:8; 3). Isaiah 7:14; 4). Song of Songs 1:3; 5). 6:8; 6). Psalms 68:25; and 7). Proverbs 30:19. In each case the Hebrew word almah explicitly means “virgin” or implies it; in each case almah always refers to an unmarried woman of good reputation. It is never used to refer to a married woman in Scripture. In Genesis 24:43 the word is used for Rebekah, Isaac’s future bride. The passage also records that she had never been with a man [24:16]. In Exodus 2:8 almah describes the infant Moses’ older sister Miriam. In Psalms 68:25 almah describes maidens being courted, in Proverbs 30:19 almah is used to suggest the mystery of marriage and procreation—a virgin giving herself to a man; and in Song of Songs 1:3 and 6:8 the Hebrew word almah is applied to virgins of the royal court as opposed to women who are sexually experienced. The Jews maintain that the word bethula is the Hebrew word for “virgin.” It is true that this word is also used for a girl or young woman, and in the passage about the young Rebekah, both bethula and almah are used [see Genesis 24:16 = bethula; 24:43 = almah]. However, while bethula may refer to a virgin, it is also used in the Old Testament Scriptures to refer to a young married or sexually active woman as it is in Joel 1:8 [bethula is found at least 50 times in Scripture]. Some translations in English render this passage “as a virgin bride in sackcloth mourns for the bridegroom of her youth,” accepting the revised Jewish rendering of the word bethula, but bridegrooms have brides and brides are no longer virgins. If this passage was referring to a betrothed young woman and not a young woman whose marriage is already consummated, the Hebrew would have been bethula meorasah [The Book of Isaiah, Edward Young, volume I, page 288]. Also, in later Aramaic translations of Scripture the Aramaic equivalent to bethula refers to a married woman. Isaiah did not use the word bethula because he did not want to confuse his readers—his prophetic statement clearly intends us to understand that “the virgin” with child is the force of the sign—the use of the words ha almah are deliberate [for more information on the use of bethula and almah see The Book of Isaiah, Edward Young, volume I, Edermans Publishing, 1996, pages 286-288]. In defense of Isaiah 7:14 being applied by St. Matthew to Mary and Jesus in Matthew 1:23, the Protestant leader Martin Luther pledged to a pay a hundred pieces of gold [gulden] to the scholar who could show any passage where almah referred to a married woman in the Old Testament. So far, to my knowledge, no one has collected on the pledge [The Book of Isaiah, Edward Young, volume I, page 287, note 35]. Michal Hunt, copyright 2006    : 毀其他對此說構成威脅的文獻。當中有《腓力福音》和兩位使徒的教導。 : 大量早期基督教文獻指出初期教會在聖靈的教導上是沿用著希伯來文"Ruach ha Kodesh" : 的女性位格。在腓力福音中就有這樣的一句質疑「聖靈感孕」之說:「有些人說,馬利亞 : 是聖靈感孕,他們是錯的,他們不知道自己在說什麼,女子怎能使另一女子懷孕呢?」 希伯來文的"靈"是陰性,但是不代表"靈"是人,"是女子"之說也不正確。 : 《多馬福音》和《多馬行傳》則為兩本廣為早期教會、敘利亞教會、東正教會及同期其他 : 宗教(摩尼教)沿用的文獻,可見其書在當年的可靠性,卻被日後的羅馬教廷定為異端刊 Hippolytus of Rome (c. 222-235) 與Origen of Alexandria (c. 233)都認為此書 是假造的異端文件,根本不被公認為可靠,以上描述是錯誤的。 使徒約翰的學生Polycarp與其後人在西元二世紀初就開始努力反對諾斯底傾向的 教派,"敘利亞教會、東正教會"如果不接受這些書籍其實諾斯底派教會了, "東正教會"從未接受這本書。 《腓力福音》也是諾斯底派著作,收藏在Nag Hammadi圖書館, 是一本諾斯底言論集與儀式集,此書寫於西元150-300年, 腓力死於80年。 : 物。《多馬福音》和《多馬行傳》兩書中曾清楚指出使徒多馬是耶穌的雙生兄弟,既是「 : 童女懷孕」,又豈能同時懷有一個先天擁有著神性的兒子而另一個兒子卻沒有神性呢?而 : 多馬是從何方法而生? 多馬福音福音認為物質界是邪惡的,靈界才良善的,標準的諾斯底說法。 以下也是類似論述,不理了 : 自由人兄: : 一、其實早就有人理解到在依撒意亞先知書中,希伯來版的「女人」和希臘版的「童貞女 : 」的分別。七十賢士希臘譯本並不是教會制定的,它在公元前成型,本身也是一種猶太釋 : 經傳統。我們認為瑪竇在福音中採用「童貞女」一詞,是表示他接納了七十賢士譯本的表 : 達,反映著舊約神學思想的真正發展。 沒錯,整個新約引用舊約都是依照此種方式 : 二、「非處女」懷孕生子,可在何種意義下,被理解為一個「徵兆」? 指出'almah理解為「非處女」的困難 : 三、「聖神(聖靈)感孕」是指因天主奇蹟行為的干預,而使一位女性在「沒有男性參與 : 」和「沒有精子」的情況下成孕。文中所引「腓力」的問題「女子怎能使另一女子懷孕」 : ,和路加福音中瑪利亞問「此事怎能成就,因我不認識男人?」的性質相似──兩者均以 : 自然層面去作出提問。 : 天使對瑪利亞說:「聖神要臨於妳….」,在這過程中,聖神是「天主」而不是「男人」 : 。同理,若以舊約的語法,則按人性言,耶穌是「女人的後裔〔種子〕」(見創三15)而 : 非任何「男人」的後裔。 : 四、據小弟所知,早期重要基督教文獻,均為希臘文。哪裡可以查證「大量早期基督教文 : 獻」,指出「初期教會在聖靈的教導上是沿用著希伯來文『Ruach ha Kodesh』的女性位 : 格」是一件事實?希望閣下不會說「它們很多已被羅馬教廷毀滅了」! : 五、「四部正典福音」在公元最初幾個世紀,就已被教父們(如St. Justin、St. : Iraenius等)所廣泛引用和注解。如何可以證明《Gospel of Thomas》、《Acts of : Thomas》和《Gospel of Philip》,在初期教會內,得到相同的待遇? : 六、上述眾多的新約偽經,其實很多都是受「真知派」(Gnostics)的思想影響。事實上 : ,它們在初期教會內既被排斥,與在較後期的教會亦被排斥,只證明教會態度立場的一貫 : 而矣。 大推 -- 魚防水,無法呼吸啊...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (02/19 02:00)

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