[官網] 教授賽後談吉魯、哇靠與阿沙

看板Arsenal作者 (Tulpenmanie)時間11年前 (2012/09/27 05:57), 編輯推噓21(21017)
留言38則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/9z4osqo on the performance… 先談談這場對考文垂的表現…… I think we did our job. In the first half we were tested, defensively mainly. In the second half our offensive potential made the difference when they tired a little bit. From then on of course you had Arshavin, Walcott, Chamberlain and Giroud, who were always a threat. That made the difference, the difference of quality made a big impact on the result in the end. 前半場我們受到考驗,防守為主;後半場他們累了,我們開始狂攻。 擁有沙皇、老虎、標王、擠乳這群人,光聽名字就會讓他們聞風喪膽啦。 But you have to respect Coventry because they gave a lot, they never gave up and they did fight for every single ball from the first to the last minute. When they got tired it became easier for us. It was a classical tie when you need to be serious, and we were serious. 但我們還是要respect考文垂,他們永不放棄。 on Giroud's first goal… 關於吉魯的破處進球…… It was in everybody's mind that the sooner he gets it the better. Certainly in his mind much more than in others' minds. That is positive of course. It was a good finisher and he is a good finisher, Olivier. At the moment I believe he is looking for confidence again and that goal will help him. I expect him to take that confidence into the Premier League. 大家都希望他越早破越好,他自己當然也是這麼想滴。破了就好。 那球很棒,他是個很好的終結者。相信他會找到信心的啦! 接下來請在聯賽衝衝衝吧!!! on Walcott playing up front… 哇靠到底能不能踢前鋒…… I am not against it, not at all. We will try. At the moment we have a big competition up front, we have a different formula and the team is doing well. His time will come for that and at the moment we have to be a bit patient. He is a great finisher now, Walcott, in front of goal he is absolutely amazing. 我並沒有不准他踢前鋒,我們將會試試看。只是現在前鋒位置競爭很激烈。 小老虎您何必這麼著急呢?耐心、耐心。 不過他現在終結能力很不錯喔。 on contract talks… 合約談得如何啦? We all want him to stay. I always said exactly the same. I always said let's hope that we can sign up and extend [his contract]. I speak to Theo of course. To his agents? We are always in touch with them and you have to give us some time to sort that out. 我們都希望他留下。我也跟他還有他的經紀人在談。給我一點時間來把他擺平吧! on Arshavin's central role… 關於阿沙踢中路…… Arshavin's best position looks to be behind the striker now because that's where his vision, the creative side of his game, can be very efficient. When he has to work on the flank it is sometimes working against him because he has to work too hard up and down. But when he's central he always had an influence on the game. 看來最適合阿沙的位置是影子前鋒的樣紙。(教授!你不會現在才發現吧???〒△〒) 他在那個位置,視野跟創造力都可以有很棒的發揮;踢邊鋒卻會累死他。 總之踢中路時他就會登基成沙皇啦!!!(求你讓他踢<馬景濤式猛搖教授肩膀>) -- 「假裝足球是一時的喜好,或是我們會挑選比賽來看, 這樣繼續假裝下去是沒有用的。」        --尼克.宏比《足球熱》                    -- Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: trilvie 來自: (09/27 06:13)

09/27 05:58, , 1F
09/27 05:58, 1F

09/27 08:25, , 2F
09/27 08:25, 2F

09/27 09:45, , 3F
馬景濤式猛搖教授肩膀 <----很有畫面XDDDDDDDDDDD
09/27 09:45, 3F

09/27 11:08, , 4F
09/27 11:08, 4F

09/27 12:00, , 5F
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09/27 12:50, , 6F
給沙皇踢中間!! (幫搖肩)
09/27 12:50, 6F

09/27 13:11, , 7F
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09/27 13:54, , 8F
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09/27 13:56, , 9F
可以考慮4-2-2-2 啦,普天之下莫非中線(喂
09/27 13:56, 9F

09/27 15:01, , 10F
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09/27 20:51, , 22F
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09/27 20:52, , 23F
水管上很多歷年的season review,還有上次奪冠的全場..精彩
09/27 20:52, 23F

09/27 20:56, , 24F
09/27 20:56, 24F

09/27 22:09, , 25F
也推薦一支影片 http://youtu.be/VY1JNGJ_PIg
09/27 22:09, 25F

09/27 22:10, , 26F
0:23 超好笑 XDDDDD
09/27 22:10, 26F

09/27 22:25, , 27F
這首歌剛好就叫We Bring An Arsenal 歌詞也很適合耶...
09/27 22:25, 27F

09/27 23:06, , 28F
John Terry 禁賽... (不知道來不來得及上訴
09/27 23:06, 28F

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09/28 02:44, , 37F
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09/28 02:50, , 38F
沙皇比那手勢應該是說:「"Four" what?」
09/28 02:50, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1GOtfbTh (Arsenal)