[新聞] Fabregas 感到心碎

看板Arsenal作者 (Bob)時間14年前 (2010/04/03 18:20), 編輯推噓9(906)
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Fabregas feels broken Published 09:01 03/04/10 By Pa Sports 鏡報足球版 http://goo.gl/DJbI Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas has admitted he felt "broken" after his season was wrecked by a broken leg but that he clings to the hope of appearing in the Champions League final. Arsenal 隊長 Cesc Fabregas 因腿傷而本季報銷後感到“心碎”,但仍緊抓著踢歐冠 決賽的希望。 The Gunners skipper suffered a break to his fibula in the 2-2 Champions League draw with Barcelona on Wednesday which has also put his World Cup participation in doubt. 週三晚在歐冠與 Barcelona 2-2平局 的賽事中,槍手隊長 的腓骨斷裂,甚可能影響參 與世界盃。 Fabregas told The Sun: "My leg is broken - and I feel broken too." Fabregas 告訴 太陽報:『我的腿斷了,而我的心也隨之碎了。』 He added: "The penalty I scored against Barcelona could be my last act as an Arsenal player this season. 他繼續說:『恐怕那記點球,就是我本季的最後一次以 Arsenal 球員身份上場了。』 "But I have to cling to the hope that we can get through at the Nou Camp, win our semi-final and I might be fit for the Champions League final. 『但我仍緊抓著希望不放並前往 Nou Camp 作戰,接著贏下四強賽,也許決賽之刻我 可以復出上場踢球!』 "That might be asking a lot but it is my dream and what I pray for." 『或許要求過份了點,但那是我的夢想,也是我心所嚮往。』 Fabregas has admitted he does not know if his leg was broken in the game before the Barcelona clash when he was tackled by Craig Gardner in the 1-1 draw at Birmingham. Fabregas 承認與 Barcelona 比賽之前,並不清楚自己的腳是否有些微斷裂,因之前 與 Birmingham 1-1 平局的一役,曾被 Craig Gardner 剷到腳。 "Some people think I may have even broken the leg against Birmingham a week earlier - and, to be honest, I just don't know. 『有人認為我帶傷上場,但老實講,我完全不知情。』 "Yes, it's exactly the same spot but I didn't go into the game against Barcelona thinking 'My leg's broken'." 『的確,事發後和事發前都在同一處腳,但在 Barcelona 一役,我上場的時候並未想 著“我的腳有骨折”。』 ************************************** 法布,我的心也碎了。 不過,你的夢想(歐冠和英超冠軍)也是我們共同的夢想。 不屈不撓! Come on u Gunners!!!! Goal! Goal! Arsenal! We r the Champions ! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/03 18:27, , 1F
為什麼踢個點球會變成這樣.........= =
04/03 18:27, 1F

04/03 18:30, , 2F
04/03 18:30, 2F

04/03 18:35, , 3F
04/03 18:35, 3F

04/03 18:35, , 4F
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04/03 18:35, , 5F
04/03 18:35, 5F

04/03 18:38, , 6F
04/03 18:38, 6F

04/03 19:14, , 7F
我只能說 你心碎我們也跟著心碎了
04/03 19:14, 7F

04/03 19:23, , 8F
就舊傷加新撞等於骨折吧... http://tinyurl.com/yd94dgf
04/03 19:23, 8F

04/03 19:24, , 9F
這裡有小法在太陽報專欄文章的全翻譯 隊長感覺還是很樂觀~
04/03 19:24, 9F

04/03 19:26, , 10F
04/03 19:26, 10F

04/03 19:30, , 11F
?應該又是搏命漢的剷球 記得法布被鏟連球權都沒給?
04/03 19:30, 11F

04/03 19:31, , 12F
04/03 19:31, 12F

04/03 19:42, , 13F
04/03 19:42, 13F

04/03 21:27, , 14F
不死心還在! Arsenal要命硬!
04/03 21:27, 14F

04/03 21:46, , 15F
04/03 21:46, 15F
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