[情報] 03/18 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/03/17 23:43), 編輯推噓12(1202)
留言14則, 13人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
https://goo.gl/SZd9Mr Astrology.com When it comes to making up your mind about something, you usually go with your gut, and it never takes you long to hear the sound of its voice. At the moment, however, you've spent a good amount of time mulling something over -- trying to decide whether to zig or to zag. Well, maybe it's about time to call in a little backup. Sit down and talk this over with the one person you trust most in the world. 通常需要作決策時,你都是相信直覺,而且通常很快就能確定自己是正確的。 不過此刻,你正花上一些時間在思考著某件事 - 在想著要如何改變行動與計劃。 偉鵝,你可能需要討一下救兵了;找那位全世界你最相信的人,坐下來聊聊吧。 https://goo.gl/WUtu7j Astrocenter.com A change in your working circumstances could make a positive difference to you, Aries. Perhaps you've moved to another desk, room, floor, or building. Whichever it is, you will be less stressed out. Being near difficult people or sitting near a window where you can see out can recharge your batteries and make you more productive. 工作上的轉換讓羊兒有正向的轉變呢!不管你是換座位、辦公室、樓層或辦公大樓; 這些都會讓你減少一些工作壓力。 與不易相處的工作對象或者是坐在窗邊有景觀的位置,能讓你充電、提升工作效率。 *覺得「difficult people」感覺不太順,應該是「different people」… https://goo.gl/MvX4Sm Claire's For a while there, you lost your clear vision of what you wanted out of life. However, from today it’s back. This could mean bad news for those who have been taking advantage of you. Ring now and I’ll tell you a secret. 好一陣子的時間以來,你似乎失去了看見生命目標的視野; 不過,今天(03/18)開始,一切的感覺又回來了 - 而這個當然對那些一直佔你便宜的人們來說是個壞消息嘍。 -- 覺得有準,因為今天剛離開前一份爛工作XDDDD -- 職場撇步/管理技巧/品牌經營 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1489765390.A.567.html

03/17 23:45, , 1F
03/17 23:45, 1F

03/18 00:09, , 2F
推 感謝翻譯分享
03/18 00:09, 2F

03/18 00:12, , 3F
03/18 00:12, 3F

03/18 00:31, , 4F
03/18 00:31, 4F

03/18 01:49, , 5F
最近覺得失去方向+1 希望可以趕快找回來
03/18 01:49, 5F

03/18 03:47, , 6F
失去方向+1 突然好無力
03/18 03:47, 6F

03/18 04:02, , 7F
03/18 04:02, 7F

03/18 08:19, , 8F
03/18 08:19, 8F

03/18 08:59, , 9F
03/18 08:59, 9F

03/18 09:03, , 10F
03/18 09:03, 10F

03/18 12:26, , 11F
03/18 12:26, 11F

03/18 12:28, , 12F
03/18 12:28, 12F

03/18 17:43, , 13F
well真的好難翻XDDDD 偉鵝好像是以前看過作家張妙如寫過
03/18 17:43, 13F

03/18 17:43, , 14F
03/18 17:43, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1Op0GELd (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1Op0GELd (Aries)