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看板Aries作者 (Lady Bhaalspawn)時間14年前 (2010/07/18 22:00), 編輯推噓40(4004)
留言44則, 43人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20100719 Quickie Right now, you are reaping what you sewed. Enjoy the spoils of your hard labor. Overview An uncomfortable situation arises pretty early today, and you might have to deal with people who are quite riled up over issues you couldn't care less about. Be as diplomatic as you can! 你正在收割過去耕耘的成果,盡情享受努力得來的戰利品吧! 今天早上會有個令人不悅的狀況發生,使你得要安撫那些為小事(對你而言)發火的人。 請展現圓融。 http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Don't even try to understand what's happening today, Aries, because you won't be able to fathom it. Collective currents of concern are imposing upon your life and you're powerless to stop them. Some soul searching may help. True, at the moment you do feel like you're just a grain of sand in a vast universe, but is that really so bad? 對今天所發生的事情你毫無頭緒也不需試圖了解,因為它們已經超出你能理解的範圍了。 生活正被集體關懷侵襲,而你無力抵抗。做些自省的工夫或許有幫助。 沒錯,你感到自己只是宇宙洪流中的一粒小沙,不過情況真的有這麼不好嗎? http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/july-daily-horoscopes-monday-19th ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) There is a lot of work that can be done at this time, although nothing comes without a few complications. Make sure you finish what you have started before you think about fresh projects. 即使途中略有波折,事實上你今天能完成的事情很多! 只要確定你先把未完的工作結清,再開始新的計畫。 ********************************************** Dear All: 我是新來的翻譯,請多指教XD… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/18 22:03, , 1F
謝謝翻譯 :)
07/18 22:03, 1F

07/18 22:05, , 2F
07/18 22:05, 2F

07/18 22:07, , 3F
謝謝翻譯 :)
07/18 22:07, 3F

07/18 22:08, , 4F
有看有推 多謝翻譯 歡迎歡迎~
07/18 22:08, 4F

07/18 22:13, , 5F
07/18 22:13, 5F

07/18 22:13, , 6F
謝謝翻譯! 以後請多多指教^^
07/18 22:13, 6F

07/18 22:17, , 7F
謝謝翻譯 :)
07/18 22:17, 7F

07/18 22:17, , 8F
明天知道指考成績~~ 謝謝翻譯
07/18 22:17, 8F

07/18 22:30, , 9F
好準!明天一樣要知道成績了(攤)好緊張|| 謝謝翻譯:)
07/18 22:30, 9F

07/18 22:35, , 10F
謝謝翻譯 ^^/
07/18 22:35, 10F

07/18 22:42, , 11F
感謝翻譯 對於第一則所說之事...已經大概心理有譜
07/18 22:42, 11F

07/18 23:02, , 12F
07/18 23:02, 12F

07/18 23:04, , 13F
07/18 23:04, 13F

07/18 23:04, , 14F
07/18 23:04, 14F

07/18 23:10, , 15F
07/18 23:10, 15F

07/18 23:19, , 16F
謝謝翻譯~^^ 唉 明天要面對了..
07/18 23:19, 16F

07/18 23:48, , 17F
07/18 23:48, 17F

07/18 23:54, , 18F
07/18 23:54, 18F

07/18 23:57, , 19F
07/18 23:57, 19F

07/19 00:11, , 20F
07/19 00:11, 20F

07/19 00:18, , 21F
07/19 00:18, 21F

07/19 00:25, , 22F
07/19 00:25, 22F

07/19 00:33, , 23F
你好:) 謝謝你的翻譯喔
07/19 00:33, 23F

07/19 00:35, , 24F
你好 ! 謝謝翻譯:P
07/19 00:35, 24F

07/19 00:43, , 25F
07/19 00:43, 25F

07/19 00:50, , 26F
謝謝 :) 你好棒!!
07/19 00:50, 26F

07/19 00:55, , 27F
你好>W<+ 加油加油!!!
07/19 00:55, 27F

07/19 01:04, , 28F
07/19 01:04, 28F

07/19 01:19, , 29F
07/19 01:19, 29F

07/19 01:19, , 30F
07/19 01:19, 30F

07/19 01:20, , 31F
你好~~~謝謝你的翻譯!!^^ 第一則心裡有譜+1 =_=
07/19 01:20, 31F

07/19 01:37, , 32F
07/19 01:37, 32F

07/19 01:43, , 33F
07/19 01:43, 33F

07/19 01:56, , 34F
感謝翻譯 辛苦了 ^^
07/19 01:56, 34F

07/19 02:56, , 35F
謝謝翻譯 ^^ 大家都只是宇宙洪流中的一粒小沙......
07/19 02:56, 35F

07/19 07:49, , 36F
07/19 07:49, 36F

07/19 09:12, , 37F
今天早上騎腳踏車輾到黃金 果然有令人不悅的狀況發生~
07/19 09:12, 37F

07/19 09:51, , 38F
辛苦囉~感謝你的翻譯^^ 今天才發現我們牡羊版 每天都有
07/19 09:51, 38F

07/19 09:51, , 39F
每天都有運勢分析可以看,別的星座版 有些都沒呢~~真幸福
07/19 09:51, 39F

07/19 09:53, , 40F
謝謝翻譯~辛苦了 ^^
07/19 09:53, 40F

07/19 10:01, , 41F
07/19 10:01, 41F

07/19 11:35, , 42F
07/19 11:35, 42F

07/19 12:59, , 43F
07/19 12:59, 43F

07/19 21:20, , 44F
07/19 21:20, 44F
文章代碼(AID): #1CGmaMSc (Aries)