Re: [震驚] Riquelme 宣佈退出代表隊!

看板Argentina作者 (坎比亞索的鬥志)時間18年前 (2006/09/14 10:19), 編輯推噓11(1101)
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※ 引述《macefindu (飛什麼飛?)》之銘言: : 因為媽媽今年身體很差,所以 Roman 才做此決定. : 哦,看一下網路新聞,原來是因為他媽看了電視對 : 他兒子的批評受不了而進了兩次醫院. 羅米以母親健康原因,宣布結束國腳生涯 路透布宜諾斯艾利斯9月13日電---28歲的阿根廷中場組織者裡克爾梅(列基美)週三以家 庭原因為由,宣布正式退出國家隊。 球風優雅的中場球員裡克爾梅稱,由於母親受健康問題困擾而做出這一決定。他曾代表 阿根廷出戰37場。 「在世界杯後我母親已兩度入院,我有責任照顧她,」他表示。 「這是一個很容易做出的決定。我的家庭優先於足球,」裡克爾梅稱,他在阿根廷本月 0-3輸給巴西的友誼賽中擔任隊長職務,這也是新帥巴西萊(Alfio Basile)接掌阿根廷帥 印後的首場比賽。 「不能再身穿阿根廷球衣令我非常傷心,但我媽媽的健康是第一位的,」裡克爾梅表示 ,在多數球員處於顛峰的年齡,他選擇了退出。 裡克爾梅表示,他擔心自己在國家隊的表現如果受到批評,會加重母親的病情。 「一直以來有很多不利的言論,我不希望讓她難過。我的媽媽就是我的媽媽,我無法把 她和阿根廷國家隊球衣、或者其他的一切進行比較,」裡克爾梅表示說。 風暴上的翻譯 接受電視13頻道的採訪時: 在談到母親時,羅米表示:對我來說,她是世界上最偉大的母親,我為她感到驕 傲。世界杯後一些紛紛擾擾的議論一直在我的家人耳邊縈繞,這對我來說影響不大,因為 我離祖國很遠。但是我的家人無法避開這些流言蜚語,她們是直接受到傷害與騷擾的人, 面對流言,面對騷擾,同樣熱愛足球與疼愛兒子的母親選擇了默默承受,她甚至不願意讓 家人把她住院的消息告訴我,因為她不想讓我擔心。但是姐姐偷偷地把母親住院的消息告 訴了我,這讓我十分難過。 當姐姐告訴我母親再次入院的消息時,我知道是時候做出抉擇了:能穿上藍白戰 袍為祖國征戰對於我來說是無上的榮光,2006更讓我經歷了一屆意義非凡的世界杯,在德 國經歷的一切至今仍歷歷在目,讓我受益匪淺,永生難忘。但對我而言,家庭永遠是第一 位的,親人的健康與安寧勝於一切,因此,是時候向藍白聖衣說再見了,... 羅米在與老椰子見面時曾透露過這一想法。他感謝了老椰子對他的賞識,能在新一 屆國家隊的首演中再次為國征戰將是一次美妙的經歷。與此同時,羅米也表達了自己內心 的感受,因為他感到了疲倦,他渴望安寧(羅米也是人,不是神,把所有的壓力與希望都 承載在他的身上,是否太過分了呢?誰都會累的...)。巴西萊在聆聽了羅米的想法後, 表示了他的理解.... 關於阿根廷足球:阿根廷有著許多優秀的球員,個個身懷絕技,但要揉合成一個整 體才能爆發出最強的力量,才能更上一層樓。這是一件非常非常困難的事情,需要大家的 努力,可惜很多人並不能意識到這一點。 Riquelme To Retire From National Team The Villarreal playmaker is to annouced his decision on Argentine television earlier tonight. He mentioned that he was retiring because of his ailing mother and his obligation towards her. Riquelme became the shining start of a generation of players coached by Jose' Pekerman when the Albiceleste won the South American U-20 and also the World U-20 title back in 1997. His debut with the big team came on November 16th, 1997 against Colombia at La Bombonera when the national team was coached by Daniel Passarella. Then prior to the World Cup in 2002, Marcelo Bielsa gave the nod to Juan Sebastia'n Vero'n , who became the scapegoat for Argentina early exit then. Prior to the World Cup, the outcry became a nationwide consensus to have a player like Riquelme on the pitch. He did end up earning 37 caps for the national team and scoring eight goals in the process. At Boca Juniors, he is an idol. Playing in the 2000 and 2001 Copa Libertadores winners only to make way to a Barcelona squad where he was immediately out of favor with coach Louis Van Gaal. During this time his adaptation to the European game was being criticized as he was looked at as too slow. Soon he would be shipped off in favor some Brazilian player from Paris-St. Germain that happened to grab headlines worldwide on ocassion. He eventually arrived at Villarreal where his stock simply skyrocketed and made him one of the hottest starts in the world game. he helped lead the Yellow Submarine to the semifinals of the Champions League, and his missed penalty kick against Jens Lehmann seemed to be the foreshadowing of things to come. His downfall came in this recent World Cup as his performance left much to be desired out of an Argentina squad that came out of the gates flying and went home kicking ans screaming- literally. Doubts surged involving Riquelme's leadership and his style of play, as many individuals compared it to a "sports car driving with its emergency brake on". He was also criticized harshly for not fulfilling his role in the appropriate manner, practically the same criticisms that Vero'n received. What a difference four yeras make. The Brazil match in London was just the final nail in the coffin. This match brought up questions as to his condition and his viability as the team's conductor as people said that he tended to slow down much to the detriment of players with the pace of Lio Messi, Carlos Tevez, and Javier Saviola. A departure of this magnitude leaves the door wide open for Zaragoza's Pablo Aimar to shine, after being shunned on various occasions or possibly Lionel Messi; who has filled in that role a few times prior to the World Cup. Hopefully his karma does not extend over to these players as well. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: driftwood 來自: (09/14 10:27)

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